we just released 0.3.1, it fixes bugs caused by the changes in 0.3.0.
- Compatibility with older windows systems fix (Vista and older).
- Fix of the character projectile creation position.
- Fixed of the not working flame thrower.
- German tralsnation fix.
- Fix of the script crash when player dies in beta scenario mission 1
- Fixed the stucked assembling machines. (It affected saves where assembling machines have items inside, the order of items was changed.)
- Fixed the building of walls in map editor.
- Fixed the bug of autoclosing character screen when the player is in vehicle.
- Fixed the splitter bug.
- Fixed bug in loading lua packages in modules data.lua
- Fixed the crash in the beta campaign level 02 (as well chaning the core to show script error (instead of freezing) message when different object is given)
- Map size settings didn't affect freeplay.