I try to define the laser-working.sound new, got this snippet from some user here in the forum:
My testmod local is named "DoppelEben" and its version is 0.0.1 - so its "DoppelEben_0.0.1"
Code: Select all
local laser = data.raw.beam["laser-beam"]
laser.working_sound = { filename = "sounds/Laser_Turret2.ogg", volume = 1.0 }
I get the this error:
Failed to load mods: Loading sound "Factorio/mods/DoppelEben_0.0.1/sounds/Laser_Turret2.ogg" failed with error: Path not matching the resource path pattern: _ _ source _ _ /path
What does it mean, the path pattern?
if I use f.E. "__base__" before, I get following error:
Code: Select all
Failed to load mods: Missing sound when loading sound library _ _ base _ _/sounds/Laser_Turret2.ogg
Is there a good tutorial to get used to the most common functions, without powerreading the API-documentation without practical use?