I'm not sure this is actually a bug or intended but when playing 2nd mision of Beta campaign the number of crepers that attack raises exponentially.
I fugerd this out after game become practically imposible after about 1hour and 40 minutes of gameplay (been losing even upto 5 gun turets out of 12 nearby placed turets per attack).
So I went to check "conrol.lua" file to see how the number of crepers per attack is being calculated.
This is the relevant code:
Code: Select all
glob.attackcount = glob.attackcount + glob.attackcountaddingspeed
if game.getdifficulty() == defines.difficulty.easy then
glob.attackcountaddingspeed = glob.attackcountaddingspeed + 0.5
elseif game.getdifficulty() == defines.difficulty.normal then
glob.attackcountaddingspeed = glob.attackcountaddingspeed + 1
glob.attackcountaddingspeed = glob.attackcountaddingspeed + 1.5
But when looking at next lines it seems that they were ment to controll the adding speed by defining the games diciculty settings. But the odd thing is that they are also increasing the current attackcontaddingspeed after every attack.
So when theese two aproaches are used together you get exponantial increase of number of attacking crepers.
Here is the graph that represents the increasing numbers of attacking creapers for first 50 attacks:
So as you see after 50 attacks the number of creapers in an attack would already exceede 700. After 100 attacks the number of attacking crepers would already be way over 2000.
So I asume that the unles exponential inreasing rate of attacking crepers is intendet the code should look like this:
Code: Select all
glob.attackcount = glob.attackcount + glob.attackcountaddingspeed
if game.getdifficulty() == defines.difficulty.easy then
glob.attackcountaddingspeed = 0.5
elseif game.getdifficulty() == defines.difficulty.normal then
glob.attackcountaddingspeed = 1
glob.attackcountaddingspeed = 1.5