This is a modular(1kspm the module or cell), botless production,calculator free mega base ("Mechanical Throughput Magic (circuit-free)" like they say). I reached to get 6k spm and more than 24.000 rocket sent. The save is entirely vanilla, map settings are personnalized to make the mega base without having to many slow down : i was lookin for a automation oriented "save", bitter are pacifist and there's no pollution. This is the result of a long series of compact belt design i tried to achieve to make this kind of mega base
A video clip to show all interesting/specific detail for the mega base will be published soon, the thread is here to make a fast show of the save for now, and i probably need some hints for things i have missed (it my 6th or 7th game, i'm a noob after all) or ups issue (42 fps, around 22k u/tick with my computer, you'll see it on the following screen shots) before making the full edition of my clip. Thank you to let me some times before making video about the module or the save.
1) The 1 kspm Central Quarter :
The main base has been made in order to make 1 ksp/min : only space science is produced at 970,2/min because only one silo is built, its a 3% difference from the other ones, so if first i send some rocket for 1 hour, it lets me more than 30hours with a 1kspm consumption because only space science use buffer chest for the output. This is my "limitation" for the first part of my base and for each other "module or cell" after that.
In addition to be able to produce (lets say for now) 1kspm, i have made additionnal factory/furnaces able to feed the mall, the module and bot production to allow me to expand even if i'm under 1kspm research.
A : map view of the main base before the mega base expansion
2) The 1kspm botless, calculator free module.
The module or "silo cell" is like the main base, able to produce 1 kspm but the space at 970 . So when i set up the cell, first i let some rocket go for 30min/1 hour time to fix the electricity or other issue, then i start research at 1k consumption for a long time. With a compact 8 beacon surround general design and belt makin energy free distribution, each module need around 5g of power to produce all science together (military include), and that is low to me, what I aim. There is a basic roboport coverage to let drone entirely build it from the "player station", near from the oil station.
Input : stone ore, coal, copper ore, iron ore, crude oil, water and electricity
output : consumed science pack
With those input, it lets me just the train network to do with mining fields : more than 95% of my train are just raw mats.
Side note on the design : everything behind the silo can assure 1k space science pack per minute, so an another silo can be added to have 1k space sp on average but its not fondamentaly necessary, i'm trying to ask for balancing on the animation time lenght, because the animation is slow to my pov viewtopic.php?f=16&t=68841
20,5 sec of construction 41 sec animation = 1/3 construction 2/3 animation to resume.
A : Map view
E : setup instruction
3) The nuke plant :
I use landfill to cover a lake, i got actually a 124 reactor nuke plant (a fuel eater), with in addition 10 times 8 reactor nuke plants(those ones got steam tank to control fuel input) are just enought to provide my electrical needs : 30,5 gw. So my entire electricity is provide by nuclear reactor from the start.
I was about to make solar panel when a thought come into my mind solar panel are more item to display, lets give the nuke a shot, so there is some solar panel left.
Edit : Nuclear power is a very bad idea for my mega base in addition to the fact that i dont know how to make a good use for so much power, if you lookin for "easy" ups friendly solution, use as much solar as possible to finally destroy all reactor if you lookin for ups
A : sky view of the nuke plant
Edit : Don't use that thing, 2n reactor dont seems to be a good solution for energy (need discussion about this)
4) Bot mining field :
A bot mining field with one slot chest allow me to pull ore from more different location in the mining field compare to belt , and it handle the mining productivity research as well (145 at the moment). Thanks to the one slot chest, each train pull ore from a large area in the mining field, combined to the research, i got a good way to use for a long time one ore field and make some kind of rentability of the research.
A : sky view
5) THE MEGA BASE : 6 kspm
The result is some kind of a grid base coverage by a 4 way rail network. Each cell have their own peripheric 4 way railroad all around the cell, that's why i never stick 2 module. This way allows me zero congestion, train stuck or something slow on the railroad network.
A : Map view
Save 6kspm : ...
The first thing i ll need to do later if i go bigger is a "only a silo" cell in order to make more space science pack, and distribute them via the player station on each cell, near from labs. What i want now is to be able to produce 20k with 20 module but ups on my computer will not follow(I'll need my own server soon?). In addition, the fact that a module can be dismantle to be rebuild in a more "ore friendly" zone give a very long range to those kind of modular mega base and its for me a good solution to avoid deadlocks or congestion on my rail network. Feel free to let what you think.
In conclusion, i think it's possible to make a lot of upgrades to make have more ups efficiency, but the "module" will take more space because of lot of 12 beacon surround, more direct insertions, a better railroad network (like furnaces near from the ore patch to carry plates instead of ore with train, with a stack size of 100, i can divide train traffic by 1,5 )or no rail road network at all, solar panel to reduce nuclear power.. lot of things can be done with others ways keeping the "modular" concept.
all related post :
-This is missing in the game, we cant make a good use of a large logistic area without new tools, viewtopic.php?f=6&t=67650 it is important to me (and all other player i guess) to have a complete logistic system without erratic behaviour from bots.
-trying to reach 1k spm with one silo viewtopic.php?f=16&t=68841
-the mall viewtopic.php?f=8&t=66732
-all individual BP viewtopic.php?f=202&t=68139
- the uranium process viewtopic.php?f=202&t=68156
Some thanks : Poober, KoS: they help me to have a better perception of the game, Kitsh and Nilaus with some tuto, some discord user: Mernom,Mike C, forum user who helped me to achieve some design for production lines : Serenity etc.. and ppl that i don't know who let me just an upgrade to do for some furnaces lines for example.
Factorio is Awesome, Thanks to the staff