Liquid fuel VS Enriched fuel block

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

Moderator: bobingabout

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Liquid fuel VS Enriched fuel block

Post by EBhero »

For whoever in the future that needs answer

If I want to generate power using Liquid Fuel, which is more efficient?

Directly burn the liquid fuel in Oil Burning Generators
Transform the liquid fuel into Enriched Fuel Block, burn it boilers, make steam and use a steam engine/turbine
Burning the liquid fuel in an Oil Burning Boiler, make steam and use a Steam Engine/Turbine

I've create the 3 above setups, hooked them to accumulators and got those conclusions:

With 100 Liquid Fuel, the Oil Burning Generators generate a total amount of 230 MJ
With 100 Liquid Fuel, the Oil Burning Boilers generate enough steam to amount a total of 230 MJ
When transforming the 100 Liquid Fuel into 5 Enriched Fuel Block, burning it in a boiler, make steam and use a Steam Engine/Turbine, the amount generated reaches 249 MJ

My conclusion:
Transforming the Liquid Fuel into Enriched Fuel Blocks is more efficient.
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