The isometric perspective kind of forces this kind of thing sometimes, especially when pipes are involved. Because of the way the perspective stretches things, something that looks square on the screen is actually 1.41 (β2) times as long in the Y axis - and the tile grid is squared, and pipe connections have to be aligned to that grid. This causes tricky design problems for things that have to rotate, especially if those things are themselves made up of recognisable units (e.g. pipes, tanks) that would look really odd when stretched. I've tried to make new sprites for pipe-connected machines and pulled a lot of hair out. It can actually be less work to make something completely different for a different view than to try and design something that doesn't look terrible when rotated. It's a pain, but it's unavoidable, it's just the maths of isometric perspective.Koekjesfabriek wrote: Sat May 18, 2019 9:31 am Looks great!
I was looking at the four rotations, and rotating it in my head, thinking "Wait a minute. Somethings wrong here..."
Should have finished reading first, I guess.
It seems like a lot of work, you basically had to design four distinct factories. Did you consider making just two, one horizontal and one vertical? Is it meant to give the player the illusion of control? (I rotate what I want!) I feel a little disillusioned right now, but I'm pretty sure it'll pass. And I'll try not to look scrutinously at other object rotations...
Just for god's sake don't try and look closely at assemblers and then work out what shape they are in the real world. They are like a three-dimensional slice of a four-dimensional demon's protrusion into our realm from whatever dark nightmare abyss they dwell in.