I'm working on creating high-quality Tutorials about Factorio.
Currently I'm mostly releasing new tutorials under the Complete Tutorial Series. The goal of this series is to teach you the basic concepts, not how to exactly build your Factory.
I rather want to teach the basics so you can then learn yourself based on that, as I think a big part of Factorio's fun is trying things yourself.
Playlist Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... CgYD9rocpg
Single Episodes:
- #01 Overview: https://youtu.be/3I4hvsPx7yc
- #02 World generator settings: https://youtu.be/wPmLJOfIDPk
- #03 Hotkeys and Controls: https://youtu.be/hBknIrc5jU4
- #04 Science and research: https://youtu.be/qX_XnqDa-B0
- #05 Multiplayer: https://youtu.be/CBbd_rmjgNY
- #06 Console, Commands, Rich Text: https://youtu.be/h4A-4Ib2yKE
- #07 Blueprinting: https://youtu.be/hHkvLiqmdtA
- #08 Mods: https://youtu.be/f_jFYk451d8
- #09 Transport Belts: https://youtu.be/YMu5sPexzrA
- #10 Fluid handling: https://youtu.be/RmoaEI1tIao
- #11 Flying robots: https://youtu.be/P2FPBVRJ7gc
- #12 Trains: https://youtu.be/fLlaEaIKugc
Old Playlist for 0.16: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... D91xQDc0pS
I also made a six part series dedicated to trains:
Playlist Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... VPmWXkoDz0
Single Episodes:
- #00 Train related changes in 0.17: https://youtu.be/7jucXR-Cu1A
- #01 Connecting an ore outpost via train: https://youtu.be/MjT0Xgfwwiw
- #02 Intersections: https://youtu.be/bRPtvNkGLSk
- #03 Signals: https://youtu.be/Q6xCGExnens
- #04 Mainline: https://youtu.be/2HQigdSRDvA
- #05 Circuit Network + Trains: https://youtu.be/yYejpeDP9Xo
How to setup a headless server on windows and linux: https://youtu.be/EfG2Y6mayDY
0.17 Update overview: https://youtu.be/-5rfZ1M8rEw
How to make a Timelapse: https://youtu.be/2lRucnyO7CU
Thanks for reading and (hopefully) watching!

If you have feedback, then do not hesitate to leave a comment below the videos, a reply right here or even send me an E-Mail: community@thetxt.club
Feedback is always very appreciated!
I'm also open to tutorial suggestions

I hope I could teach you something new!
Have a great day,