The ingame mod manager changelog windows seems to sort them by version numberPi-C wrote: Fri Mar 08, 2019 1:58 pm
[*]Order of changelog entries
I think in all of the changelogs I've seen, new entries have been added to the top of the file. However, the in-game changelog viewer shows the oldest changelog entry at the top and the latest at the bottom. I therefore believe that order doesn't really matter. Insert new entries at the top of the file if you feel like it, or add them at the bottom if that is more to your taste. I guess you could even put them in arbitrary order if you really are into stuff like that! It should make no difference as far as the game's parser is concerned, but it could drive you and/or your mod's users into insanity.
However, the mod portal changelog tab either sorts them by highest number
or simply shows the changelog.txt file, as my file is "upside down", always latest first
I´d really love to have it that way, as people generally (myself included) are lazy and a majority wont scroll down to the latest changes, but might be familiar with older ones
Should be possible, since it can also identify fields and is actually sorting already
Also, imho the order of field names should be reworked
I just added an "Other" category for
That tab order now is "Features" , "Bugfixes" , "All" and "Other".
Where i think "All" should be on either side, not somewhere in the middle
I´d prefer the left