My stacker has room and signals for 2 1-1 trains in a line. Signals are placed as close together to the trains as can be, so 2 trains end up being even nearer than the space between 2 elements of one train. At that point everything is working normally.
However, when i copy it (through blueprint of shift ctrl c+v), the result is one [1-1]-[1-1] train (ie the 2 small trains are fused together). Not quite sure whether the problem is at copy or paste step ?
The behaviour is the same with. horizontal/vertical/diagonal rails.
Reproduce : use following blueprint to setup the situation
Code: Select all
Give some fuel to the 2 red trains, switch them to auto, they'll stack themselves together. Copy or blueprint the resulting close together trains and you get a 1-1-1-1 train when pasting it somewhere.
Might not be considered a bug since it's the normal game behavour if i tried to build the trains that close to each other in the first place ?