3 way bench update
Based on aaargha's 4 way intersection tests, I have developed a special testing system for 3 way, T-junction style intersectionsI'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of crazy stuff people have built in the name of throughput, so submit your stuff!
The save with the test setup will be available shortly (until then just submit your design for testing)
Throughput testing
For throughput testing aaargha wrote a mod to spawn in trains as needed to ensure a good enough saturation of all input lanes (about 24 trains per minute for each input lane, which has been vastly more than enough for most intersections, for the designs that can handle more than the system can reliably supply the numbers are given with a '+' after, ex. 91+). The trains have a randomized destination to make them go straight or turn left/right, the probability of each direction is dependent on which test is running:Set 1:
Each direction has the same amount of inbound traffic, equally spit between the output lanes
Set 2
trains from east mostly go west, trains from west mostly go east. trains from south are equally split
Intended to simulate a main bus with 1 branch off to the side
Set 3
trains from east mostly go south, trains from west mostly go south. trains from south are equally split
Intended to simulate the end of a main bus with 2 branches off to the sides
the tests are run on 3 different types of train to to identify how the intersection handles train length/acceleration
- 2L-4C The standard train used in the 4 way tests
- 4L-8C Double the length but the same acceleration
- 2L-4F Same length but half the acceleration (due to double the weight)
If there is a design you want me to test that is not already covered just give me a blueprint string of your intersection. I'm always looking for
Thought of a good test to add, let me know and I'll see if I can make it work.
Are you the creator of any of the designs here? Most of these are intersections I've tested for various threads so just shoot me a link to the original post and I'll add some credits.
This message is sponsored by Creative mode, /u/RattlemBones train counter(0.15 blueprint string), aaargha's Screenshot camera and, Automatic train deployment
Some good resources on signalling and deadlocks.
Savefile with the test setup can be found [url=https://?]here (soon [tm])[/url].