[Twinsen][0.17.32] "Not enough rails" message after successful track placement

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[Twinsen][0.17.32] "Not enough rails" message after successful track placement

Post by newllama »

If you place rail tracks down using the non-ghost planner and part of the track overlaps an existing section, you might get the "Not enough rails" error message even though the rail was successfully placed.

You can reproduce this by placing a straight run of tracks of any length. Now that the straight track has been placed make sure that there are no more tracks in your inventory. Next "mine" 2-3 pieces of track from the middle of the straight track already placed. Finally, attempt to reconnect the hole in the straight track you made earlier, and drag the planned track length longer than necessary, highlighting an overlapping area in blue. The "Not enough rails" error message will appear even though there were no errors.

I made a quick video which is probably easier to understand than the textual explanation: https://gfycat.com/rapidcaninejackal
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Re: [Twinsen][0.17.32] "Not enough rails" message after successful track placement

Post by Twinsen »

Fixed in Version: 0.17.34
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