What happened to other sorts of dead trees?

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Burner Inserter
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What happened to other sorts of dead trees?

Post by ipvgbm1095 »

Is it just me, or did dead tree lose its variance in free play from 0.17?

Like, whenever I play free play the only variance of dead tree I can see is 'dead grey trunk'.

I know I could find all other sorts of dead trees or even dry tree before 0.16, and yet in current version 'dead dry hairy tree' is totally not available, and 'dead tree - desert' and 'dry hairy tree' is apparently only available in campaign.

And also in the meantime, I don't know how those dead trees are created. Like, just emitting overwhelming amount of pollution doesn't seem to do a trick except ripping leaves of trees off...
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Re: What happened to other sorts of dead trees?

Post by Koub »

The dead trees you're refering to spawn dead on map generation, and give only 2 wood (on the opposite of the trees that spawn alive, and always give 4, even when killed by pollution).

[Edit] But I see your point : I only seem to find 2 kinds of dead grey trunks (standing and lying on the ground).
2019-04-22 21_42_14-Window.jpg
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Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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