Pumping out enough rails to Production science actually was an issue...
As it is now it kind of has to be made on site due to stack size limits on stone and rails...

/old dude

I agree on your new dream additions.Mmmmmmorten wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:52 pm Yes... deaming, and posting about them here.
Landfill is a good point.
Thankfully not as big an issue this time as I had really bad dreams about landfill from 0.16, and now use the beautiful_bridge_railway mod to run my trains over waters. Only landfill I do now is when there is water where I'm building - and that is more manageable.
But, when we are on dreams - lot's of stuff that could have their stack sizes increased a bit (belts - express as a minimum, robots (both types), all inserters and finally roboports and beacons).
/old dude
It does seem strange and unbalanced. On the other hand... I might be wrong but ores feel more abundant (or at least less scattered) in 0.17. That makes up for a lot, unless you are counting pollution.MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:00 pm The rail stack size is fine... what is ridiculous is the amount of rails required for the productivity science pack recipe.
It would be fine if it was only like 10 Rails per pack (or something else entirely), but 30 rails per pack is total overkill. It outdoes everything else the science packs need multiple times over. A true logistics nightmare because even bots have trouble to keep up with it.
Currently it alone accounts for 20-30% (depending on productivity modules etc) of the entire Iron Ore/Plate and Steel Plate requirement for the entire science production (including all packs, also building the Rocket/Space Science)... all other packs don't have such ridiculous requirements.
Then again I was against this stupid change in advance anyway, I already knew it would cause trouble. It almost makes me want to cheat using the Creative Mod and just filling the stupid Assembler from an infinite chest of rails because I don't like it.
TLDR; the Productivity Science Pack recipe is just a steaming pile of unbalanced shit. As simple as that.
Well, the ore consumption isn't the problem in my opinion because they are produced and transported around in bulk anyway (using trains etc). If the amount of Iron Ore/Plates would be better distributed over the science packs then why not.zOldBulldog wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:08 pmIt does seem strange and unbalanced. On the other hand... I might be wrong but ores feel more abundant (or at least less scattered) in 0.17. That makes up for a lot, unless you are counting pollution.
Totally agree, that is why I brought this topic up. I know there are mods out there to fix stack sizes etc., but this just felt unbalanced in the 0.17.x experimental release...MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:18 pm I played around with the Creative mod a few days ago, trying to test a 4000SPM base in a sandbox and needing to produce almost 30 000 rails/min is absolutely ridiculous. No other finished product even compares to it remotely (others being located in the 500-2000 Units/min range for a 4000SPM base). The pack consumes Rails as if it was an intermediate product, just that it isn't.
Also I am still in the process of figuring out a way to circumvent the logistics bottleneck involved with the rails. Trying different direct-insertion setups with the Iron Sticks, Rails, Science Pack etc... all to no avail, there is not even a good ratio for any of them to make sense either.
When the devs came up with this recipe I don't know how they didn't notice that this feels unbalanced. No matter how you are going to supply the Production science pack... the logistics are bloated, even more so if you are doing by belts, unreasonably bloated in comparison to the other packs.
MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:00 pm TLDR; the Productivity Science Pack recipe is just a steaming pile of unbalanced shit. As simple as that.
Doesn't matter at all if it is 30 rails per 3 packs. The recipe still sucks big time. They should use a resource item that condenses the amount of iron down way more instead of using a low-cost item like rails and blowing the amount required up to extreme proportions this late in the crafting cascade.leadraven wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:29 pmMeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 6:00 pm TLDR; the Productivity Science Pack recipe is just a steaming pile of unbalanced shit. As simple as that.
- 30 rails per !3! science packs.
- Here is detailed comparison of science packs prices : https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-275
- I also don't like this recipe very much, but completely for other reasons : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=65846
You don't need to put the rails on belts.MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm 10+ full express belts just of stupid rails to the center of the base where you produce the science packs.
10000 bots hauling high volume stuff isn't really a solution. Just thinking about all the roboports needed to charge that many bots makes me cringe. Especially since it sounds like you already have another 20000 bots also hauling stuff.MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm I habe more than 10000 bots dedicaded hauling just stupid rails. That is almost half of what ALL other science packs require combined.
So design a different solution. I find that direct insertion works well for production science. eg something like For me solving those sort of production/logistics issues is a large part of the core gameplay loop of Factorio. If your existing approaches aren't working, then sometimes you just need to find a different approach.MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm My entire base is bottlenecked like hell because of this stupid rails and I can't do anything about it...
Honestly... I don't mind the amount of roboports... I have a modular base layout where I place roboports evenly spaced in a "ring" at max-roboport distance and then fill out the area in between with 5 rows of each 12 machines, for a total of 60 machines and 6 rows of beacons to speed it up. The modules are 2x2 chunk-aligned, leaving also some space for streets to walk/drive around. Easy to copy&paste/blueprint the stuff around to create bigger bases. Never had an issue with the roboports at all, even less once the robot speed is up. Easily managed 50000 bots under the 4k SPM stress-test with no bot recharge queuing at all and still had less than 3ms update time for logistics, something a belt-setup would never be able to beat.Zavian wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:34 amYou don't need to put the rails on belts.MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm 10+ full express belts just of stupid rails to the center of the base where you produce the science packs.
10000 bots hauling high volume stuff isn't really a solution. Just thinking about all the roboports needed to charge that many bots makes me cringe. Especially since it sounds like you already have another 20000 bots also hauling stuff.MeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm I habe more than 10000 bots dedicaded hauling just stupid rails. That is almost half of what ALL other science packs require combined.
So design a different solution. I find that direct insertion works well for production science. eg something likeMeduSalem wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:52 pm My entire base is bottlenecked like hell because of this stupid rails and I can't do anything about it...
For me solving those sort of production/logistics issues is a large part of the core gameplay loop of Factorio. If your existing approaches aren't working, then sometimes you just need to find a different approach.
Just wanted to point out that although not all the assemblers in my design above have 8 speed beacons, they all have enough speed that the bottleneck is the purple science assemblers. Sure I could redo the design so that everything got 8 speed beacons, but since everything is keeping up, and I can't add more science assemblers without either some starving some of the time, or a radically different design, the only purpose would be changed aesthetics. The limit on the purple science assemblers in that design is the shared belt for stone + iron sticks. Adding another 2 science assemblers would push the demand for iron sticks and stone to 23.5 of each, more than the shared blue belt can supply. Theoretical production with 6 science assemblers is 6.6 flasks per second. If I was willing to settle for the science assemblers producing 6.3 flask per second, then that would consume a full lane of both iron sticks and stone, but actual throughput would probably be closer to 6.2, unless I tweaked the iron stick output inserters, since that output inserter design will stutter. Completely draining the stone + iron sticks belt might also be awkward from an inserter throughput standpoint. (I think it will be ok, but I would need to build and test it to be sure).MeduSalem wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 8:36 am even your design doesn't appeal to me because it messes up the alignment of the beacons due to the gap between the assemblers.