I cheat a little bit. I have a general "No Logistic Bots" rule in my bases, as I just think its lazy way for people who cant be bothered doing real design, and solving real problems. My exception is I allow LogiBots to supply my personal inventory, and to supply train fuel.Amarula wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:01 pm A couple of questions: first, how do you fuel your trains? I tried a dedicated sector for fueling, but so much wasted time with trains going for fuel when not really needed (no way to say repeat pick up green, drop off at red, until low on fuel), and the fuel sector became first a bottleneck and then a deadlocked traffic jam. So now I have a fuel train that delivers fuel to every sector. There are what seem to be a crazy number of fuel stops, and I have to manually add new sectors to the fuel train schedule. Is there a better way?
So I have 2 requester chests at each source station (or output, doesnt matter). one chest supplies the front locomotive, and another one supplies the back locomotive. (I use <CCCC< trains). The Logi Bots keep 3 nuclear fuel in each chest.
Yes, it is a problem. I can think of a few options, but none of them great.Amarula wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 4:01 pm Second, I find that trains are lined up to pick up resources at one sector even though there are lots of resources available at another sector (the shortest path algorithm for trains I guess). Yes I am disabling the station if there aren't enough resources for a full load, but if station A has 10K (two and a half loads) and station B has 125K, the trains still go to station A. So my factories at station A are working full bore, and the factories (or furnaces) at station B are at a standstill. I am wracking my brains over how to do a general better load balancing that will still work when I add station C and D and... without being crazy complicated. Any ideas much appreciated!
eg, disable when train is there,
OR, have an escape road so waiting trains cant give up and go somewhere else, as soon as the stop is disabled (by buffer chests dropping below threshold, and stop getting disabled).
Or, I guess some complex circuitry could be done to ensure only one stop is enabled at a time - but i think you probably also want an escape round for this scenario.
I didnt do anything to resolve this. Trains would queue up like you mentioned, and then fly on past (once track is free) if the stop gets disabled while its waiting. Its obviously not ideal. I did only enable the stop of the chests were 50% full though, so dunno if that helped?