I'm designing small mod to add Fluorine into game, with a healthy share of realism.
I found info about SF6 gas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfur_hexafluoride) that is used as an insulator in high-voltage industry. I like this chemical interaction, but I don't know a damn thing about this theme, and even Wiki can't help me.
I'm sure here, in Factorio community, are a lot of people well educated in this area, and I hope they will help me by answering some questions.
First of all, does it all make any sense in Factorio? If yes, how to design usages of SF6? I see it as an ingredient for some "High voltage switch" ( Iron + Advanced circuit + SF6 ). Where this switch might be used? I think of :
- Substation, Power switch, Turbine
- Modules 3, Beacon
- Assembler 3
- Some top-tier personal equipment
Maybe mod with this gas already exists?