Post pictures and videos of your factories. If possible, please post also the blueprints/maps of your creations!
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Hi everyone,
I have recently become obsessed with Factorio, so I decided I wanted to start doing some Factorio videos.
Here is my first Factorio tutorial A Basic guide to trains
Hope you like it
I need to add some points to make some things more clear:
- tracks need alway 2 tiles and are fixed to even tile-numbers.
- A wagon/train can be connected with G- and unconnected with V-key
- Using block signals in both directions work only fine, if you - like in the video - have situations, where you want to separate two blocks and one train can be only either in the first or second block. If you have more blocks/longer tracks, there is with block signals no other way than having one-way tracks or single tracks with passing points.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers. Have you used the Advanced Search today? Need help, question? FAQ -Wiki -Forum help I still like small signatures...
Thanks every one for the support and all the advice, there is always some new thing to learn about Factorio (that's why I love it so much). I will keep making videos and maybe do some more tutorials after I have learned some more