This wiki says that mouse wheel doesn't work for custom inputs:
If I assign key sequence "mouse-wheel-up" or "MOUSE_WHEEL_UP" - the game doesn't recognise it. However, if user assigns this control themselves, everything works as expected.
Is there a way for a mod to assign it?
Is this wiki outdated?
Is it a bug?
How to assign mouse wheel custom input?
Re: How to assign mouse wheel custom input?
Not a bug, see 42473. It works as described on the wiki, the input does not work if the mod sets it to mouse wheel in the prototype.
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
Re: How to assign mouse wheel custom input?
I came across the issue you linked and it seems that this problem does not exist any more.
- If I manually assign mouse wheel to the mod custom input - it works.
- If another action has mouse wheel assigned to it - both actions get triggered.
I don't understand why mod is not allowed to assign the mouse wheel, but if the user does it themselves it's ok?
- If I manually assign mouse wheel to the mod custom input - it works.
- If another action has mouse wheel assigned to it - both actions get triggered.
I don't understand why mod is not allowed to assign the mouse wheel, but if the user does it themselves it's ok?