When plenty of designs with pipe appear the problems, because of that that they "cohere". This has bored. It Happens to to build all on greater territory, but afterwards problem with guard, or torture to place all aheap, but afterwards think where that is connected. The Second, sometimes happens to to take away the pipe, instead of that to her(its) overlay.
On photo, I show you stock. From the very beginning plays and on move of the development beside us remain the belongings which we already do not use or that from which nothing already be not done. The Blue colour is shown belongings which remain and lies "schlock" they are not used that with them to do? White are shown belongings "for instance" which in the future can become unnecessary. Offer to lead the hydraulic press, at conversion we shall get the half of the material. Besides, where you saw the plant without press.
We can build the wall, but us have no winch, as so?
Possible for instance do the sliding gates:
The Bulldozer. When build the railway of no power to hack the wood. Or clean the place for fort.
Offer the new variant a construction, possibility of the mining resource:
Offer the new variant a construction, possibility of the mining resource:
The Geysers. The place meet On card where plenty of whole, but no thereabouts water. The Solar batteries, motor on vapour(pair) and geyser. The Endless source "free" possibilities. But for geyser need other pumps, strong pipes, composition of water after all not idle time. To him possible to connect the steam engine.
6 and 7.
Factorio can become very qualitative product if in him will much trivialities and possibilities. want Speak to you about transport. Here is photo:
Say, as I can take the machine or train and place him(it) in pocket, when they more me in reek.. Yes, say you if so think that in play much whole what will not place. As that all much simply, you come on one place, develop there, but when resource no, collect all in one bag and go itself further. Such simplicity, does the play suitable, but having played much time interest disappears. I offer the following variants on the first stage - simply as idea:
1. The Train possible to collect in concrete box only, to which approach the railway, in that place and coaches.
2. The Line possible to put only mechanized by transport.
3. The Raw material is loaded only by technology and on different types coaches.
Such small complication will do the process of the play interesting. However to whom as, possible whomever like to go and place the road ahead of itself. Much sting if idea of the play is built on financial advantage. The Dear developers, wanted hear your opinion.