[0.17.21] Copy and Paste does not seem to work logically

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[0.17.21] Copy and Paste does not seem to work logically

Post by reduke »

I have just discovered that copy and pasting trains orders works in map view (yay!), so I have been using it a lot.

I have also found what I consider to either be a bug or a design flaw in the copy and paste process.

If I have 2 trains: A and B, which have different orders, and I shift right click A, then I would expect the game to inspect the orders it has and take a copy of them. Then when I shift left click B, I would expect it to paste those same orders.

What actually happens is completely counter intuitive: I shift right click A, the game makes a note of which train I have clicked on. I then shift left click B and it then looks at train A, notes it's orders, and copies them onto train B.

This also happens with logistics chests.

The important difference between these 2 outcomes is what happens in between clicking on the 2 trains/chests:

If I am setting up a new mining outpost that requires 10 trains, then I will create the first train, copy it's orders, and send it on it's merry way. I then create trains 2-10 in turn, pasting their new orders onto them in turn.
However, when train 1 reaches the outpost, fills it's cars and leaves again, then next train I paste the orders onto will not go to the outpost first, it will go to the drop off point, whichever order is second in the list, or whichever order train 1 is currently heading towards. This also happens if I (or presumably someone else in multiplayer) manually changes those orders, either intentionally or accidentally.

Every other program I have ever come across does this in a completely different way - using a clipboard.

When I type a document, if I copy a paragraph, then change that paragraph, and paste it again somewhere else, I do not get the changed paragraph, I get the text that I actually copied onto the clipboard.

Hope this all makes sense and I'm not duplicating a previous thread - couldn't find this reported anywhere.

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Re: [0.17.21] Copy and Paste does not seem to work logically

Post by Klonan »

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Re: [0.17.21] Copy and Paste does not seem to work logically

Post by robot256 »

Here's my vote for a shift-click settings clipboard. It would also be super helpful for times when you deconstruct the source entity before pasting, like if you were rearranging combinators and deconstructed one before placing it back (or did so by accident). Copy/paste/undo certainly help, but shift-click is great in its simplicity.
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