[17.21] Power Poles, placed with blueprint, do not remember original blueprint connections

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[17.21] Power Poles, placed with blueprint, do not remember original blueprint connections

Post by micah.weihert »

Latest Experimentals, this has happened since 17.x launched though, nothing new from .21.

The setup: I have outposts on a Railworld map (All Default Settings)(No mods, complete vanilla), I use Steam to power these outposts rather than repair the power links along the track that invariably get destroyed by biters. The blue print that I have saved for the outpost power train station has specific medium poles that only have copper wires going through switches, manipulating where the power is going, such as to the pumps to unload more steam, and to disconnect the rest of the outpost to ensure the pumps will still have power. See Blueprint .

The problem:
When I place this blueprint, the newly placed power poles automatically connect to every power pole in range, thus bypassing the switches and throwing control of the power in the outposts into disarray. Worked like a champ in .16.

Thanks for any help on this. You guys rock.
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Re: [17.21] Power Poles, placed with blueprint, do not remember original blueprint connections

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however this is not a bug. Blueprints don't remember power line connections on purpose because otherwise every single blueprint you make would never be powered.
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