[0.17.21] Copper wire will sometimes stop being drawn

We are aware of them, but they have low priority. We have more important things to do. They go here in order not to take space in the main bug thread list.
Burner Inserter
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[0.17.21] Copper wire will sometimes stop being drawn

Post by NetherGranite »

Annotation 2019-03-26 234658.jpg
Annotation 2019-03-26 234658.jpg (558.96 KiB) Viewed 847 times
You can see here that there is a copper wire being drawn on top of my character. However, if I walk south a tile,
Annotation 2019-03-26 234823.jpg
Annotation 2019-03-26 234823.jpg (445.91 KiB) Viewed 847 times
it's suddenly gone. Attached is the save; my coordinates are (-61, -12).
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Re: [0.17.21] Copper wire will sometimes stop being drawn

Post by Twinsen »

This is something that has always been there.
A fix will require complex changes to the way we render entities, so it's still considered a minor issue.
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