Soo... I like trees. They make me feel nice and generally look good. At least, when they are alive they do. I also like the production challenges having to fend off Biters provides. As such, I want pollution on since that is the current mechanism by which Biter attacks are triggered. However, pollution kills my trees. I don't like that. It is one thing if I kill a tree because it is in the way of my new smelting column, it is another thing if it dies simply because I'm putting out carbon monoxide.
Is it possible to mod the game so that trees take no damage at all from pollution? Then I can have my Biter attacks and have my trees (those that are not in my way) at the same time.
Pollution, Biters, and Biter AI
Re: Pollution, Biters, and Biter AI
You can turn the "minimum to damage trees" setting up to 9999 when making a new map. It's not a perfect solution but will probably do the trick unless you're putting out absolutely bucketloads of pollution.
Re: Pollution, Biters, and Biter AI
Ya I saw that when playing with the settings while toying around with ideas for future maps. I will definitely try that, but I suspect, in the long run, I will need some way to make trees immune to pollution. That or a biter AI overhaul and just turn pollution off.