[0.10.6][cube]Laser turrets not firing at biters

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[0.10.6][cube]Laser turrets not firing at biters

Post by Rseding91 »

I'm expanding my defense walls on my main save and I ran across a strange bug.

The laser turrets on a portion of my outer walls just ignore biters at random until a biter eats one of the turrets and then the others wake up and attack the ones near them. After a while they go back to ignoring biters.

At first I thought it was the method I was using to power my base (modded accumulators with primary-output as the power source) but it doesn't seem to happen with any other laser turrets near my base and even after adding 3k accumulators as a battery (which are fully charged) the turrets still glitch out.

Save game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7e3oclxby567i ... 6.zip?dl=0
Mods used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k84o65i577wnfpt/mods.zip?dl=0

Just load the game and observe the turrets ignoring the biters until one of the biters destroys a turret directly above the player and the same thing happening to the left slightly. The issue can be repeated by kiting more biters close to the wall and the wall will randomly ignore the biters.
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Re: [0.10.6][cube]Laser turrets not firing at biters

Post by Rseding91 »

If it helps, I can upload a save file where there are biters near the lasers (that aren't attacking the lasers) where the lasers aren't attacking either.

That, and if there's anything I can do to help just let me know.
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Re: [0.10.6][cube]Laser turrets not firing at biters

Post by Rseding91 »

I ran game.killallenemies() to see if it would make a difference and it didn't.

This save may be of more use: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i61chyf2kglut ... 7.zip?dl=0

There are 10~ biters following me in the save. Simply load it and walk up to the wall and slowly walk left as the biters follow. The turrets will ignore the biters until you get far enough away that they turn to attack the wall. As soon as one turret is destroyed the other turrets around it will start attacking biters again.


Here's another save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nq45ngexws2rv ... 8.zip?dl=0

I put down radars thinking maybe they would make a difference - nope.

There is one biter attacking me (the shields recharge fast enough that you can stand there for a minute or two while he hits without taking damage) standing there and the turrets ignore him. Placing a wooden box next to the turrets causes all of them *IN THAT CHUNK* to wake up and attack the biter.
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Re: [0.10.6][cube]Laser turrets not firing at biters

Post by cube »

Fixed for 0.10.9
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