[not planned] change Mine Stone quest to Mine 5 Stone

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
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[not planned] change Mine Stone quest to Mine 5 Stone

Post by akmotu »

In the tutorial, the objective tree states to gather stone to make a stone furnace. However, the game provides the player a false positive when collecting stone. It says that the objective of gathering stone is complete, only after 1 stone is gathered. This creates ambiguity from the player's point of view, in that it doesn't tell you how much stone to gather. It's a tutorial, so instead of saying, "Mine Stone from the nearby deposit", it should say, "Mine 5 stone from the nearby deposit" and give a x/5 readout so the player knows their progress.

This is for players who have NEVER EVER played before, correct? Then, make that change.

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Re: 0.17.1 - Objective Tree in Tutorial Incomplete, displaying False Positive

Post by abregado »

The player should gather this information from the recipe tooltip. In fact i suspect it will work better if they become confused and say "why is one stone not enough?". If it becomes more of a problem then I will look into changing it.

Thanks for the feedback.


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