But in general, I feel PLD is over-buffed in 0.17.
Let me show the settings first:
Code: Select all
Laser turret:
- Cooldown: 20 ticks
- Range: 24
- Damage modifier: 2
- Energy per shot: 800 kJ
Personal laser defense:
- Cooldown: 20 ticks
- Range: 15
- Damage modifier: 4
- Energy per shot: 50 kJ (0.16: 200 kJ)
However, together with energy per shot of PLD just make it TOO GOOD. A portable fusion reactor (750 kW) can power up 15 PLDs! It makes them so cheap that only one fusion reactor is needed in Power armor MK2. In comparison, 0.16.51 needs two or even three fusion reactors so such sustained PLD firing.
Looking at the stats, it also looks like the laser turrets are using from very inefficient and wasteful ancient laser technology, just doesn't sound right...
But I do NOT mean buffing laser turrets, they are too good already. In most multiplayer game, I see people using laser turrets, but never gun turrets. (May have flamethrower turrets for crazy spawn scenarios, but few.) Laser turrets already have longer range and much simpler logistics than gun turrets.
To summarize, I would suggest increasing energy per shot back to 200 kJ (or at least 150 kJ). If not, then reducing the damage modifier of PLD to 2.
Thanks for your attention.