Adds a vehicle equipment item that turns a locomotive into a Passenger Shuttle Train allowing you to travel quickly and easily to any station (pre-existing or temporary) using either the quick selection GUI or the full train schedule UI.
Mod Portal Link:
The Shuttle Train module fits in a standard vehicle equipment grid and should be fully compatible with any mod that adds custom train entities such as Bob's Logistics and Electric Trains
Version History:
0.17.0 - Initial 0.17 Compatibility Release
0.17.1 - Added GUI selection setting, Shuttle Trains now go dormant when you exit them (no more being stranded)
0.17.2 - Fixed the non-recoverable error when exiting trains
0.17.3 - Added Depot functionality, new OnExit setting to choose action performed on shuttle exit and a new hotkey to send the last used shuttle to a depot
0.17.4 - Call function now respects the GUI filter, Depot name is now configurable in settings, New "Manual" OnExit mode
0.17.5 - Fixed a non-recoverable error that occured if you decoupled a shuttle train then tried to exit it
0.17.6 - Shuttle Train now remembers which train you last used between sessions, you can now configure the number of station buttons on the GUI (min:1 ,max:25)
0.18.1 - 0.18 Compatibility Release
1.1.0 - 1.1 Compatibility Release
Q: What are the available hotkeys for this mod ?
A: "Ctrl-J" Calls an available shuttle to the nearest (filtered if you have one set) or currently selected station, "Ctrl-Shift-J" sends the last used shuttle to a depot.
Q: Why does the mod report no available depots ?
A: The depot must be named exactly the same as configured in settings (case-sensitive) and belong to your force or it wont be recognised.
Q: Can you add "X" feature/functionality to the mod ?
A: Drop me a message in this thread or on the mod portal explaining your proposed feature and why you think its useful and I'll see what i can do
Q: What do the OnExit modes do ?
A: None - Does nothing, unsuprisingly

Hibernate - Clears the train schedule, Sets Manual Mode
Manual - Sets Manual Mode only
Depot - Returns the train to the stations specified in the mod settings
Thanks to Simwir for the original concept and Folk for maintaining the mod to 0.16
If anyone has questions/suggestions about the mod please feel free to post here or in the discussions thread on the portal.