Well, I always have a train in my inventory for the case that I'm somewhere far from base and need a train home, but it needs too many clicks to set down the train, board it, fill some fuel into it and set a destination. 10 clicks minimum for an operation I do 10 times or more an evening.cid0rz wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:41 pm Hahahaha, well maybe... I understand you have to limit the features and options or this becomes a bit wild. It may be practical to redirect any train but this may lead to miss-clicks and diverting trains into places there is no return or there is some problem. Calling any train to a point... i can see the problems so that is a bit more complex in my opinion. But when you are already on a train... if you ctrl-click the map in a rail 99.9% you want to go there in that train, no possible mistakes^^.
I use the feature to send other trains (that i'm not into) to locations of course, but in that case i don't mind finding the train I want to send (normally in that cases you send a train with something to some place, so you need to confirm that the train has the required cargo, etc). Is there a use case I'm missing here?
Thank you for the feedback and nice ideas.
I also sometimes use any train I find and send it to my position. Finding a train that isn't just on the other side of the map and isn't on a different train network takes a little time, finding my spot again as well. Also I need to do the "enter train menue, find location and ctrl-click on it" twice for that to work. Again more micro-mangement clicks than strictly necessary.
Do you make train networks where you can send a train into a sub-network where no way goes back? What's the use case there to connect them at all? Sure, if I stand near an incomplete track the train might have to be driven out backwards, but I should know 99,9% of the time if a track is incomplete.
IF ctrl-click is already used for other features in the normal view (can't check atm) then yes, that would be a possible source of errors. But changing the keys to access this feature could be changed as well.