Electric energy

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Re: Electric energy

Post by aRatNamedSammy »

bigger boiler, pressure pipes , steel pipes, and anything as second step with boilers

nuclear power plant a good idea ( but what about meltdown :?: ).. a bitter attack the nuclear power plant, then after too much damage , there is a big BOOOM
if a bitter cut the water pipe of the nuclear power plant, you have x seconds to put back water before it explode

first step as nuclear reactor, then later in technology, a fusion reactor, way less/no risk of explosion
we already have a fusion reactor for the armor, why not a real big fusion reactor with very high power output

talking of nuke, why not a mini-nuke for the rocket launcher very high need of resources to build 1, but using it will push that "nest" (if he survive) to attack non-stop until you kill alll spawners
extra damage to small and medium bitters, big damage to big bitters, high damage to spawners, and radiations as well (poison/pollution)
Teeth for Two (so sorry my bad english)
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Re: Electric energy

Post by belleveinvis »

Providing nuclear energy in the scientific way will be great: There are isotopes, centrifugers, waste fuels, RTGs, and, well, weapon-grade nuclear fuel.

Nuclear fuel processing workflow might look like this

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Re: Electric energy

Post by Dark »

After playing RimWorld for a bit I can definitely say that randomly blowing-up accumulators are fun! :D
I would vote for wind turbines as new alternative clean energy source.
Electrical engine and ability to transfer power over rails would be nice too.
Also, "portable" diesel generators wanted.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by Coolthulhu »

After playing RimWorld for a bit I can definitely say that randomly blowing-up accumulators wouldn't work in Factorio at all.
Pre-construction bots they would mean you have to babysit acc farms like frontline walls and do the boring, tedious, menial job of replacing/repairing damaged stuff. Post-construction bots they would mean you just have to keep your acc farms near bot port.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by Rekhyt »

After thinking about it, I would prefer that Factorio stays how it is, and a new game mod would be added.
It won't be us who land on a planet, but a sort of "Starcraft II's mule", a robot (or multiple robots), and then we control them, command them (Like villagers on AoE, SCVs on Starcraft).
But for this, the ennemy must be more powerful, and more diversified (more units, more skills, ...)
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Re: Electric energy

Post by joe234345 »

Finite water would make things harder and maybe also include rain
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Re: Electric energy

Post by generalmek »

no need more power sourses...no need any water mills. we have sollar - coal energy uran is ok but at finish game this no matter. at finish we have alot of resourses for large sollar plant. but if planing make sellecting planets with self setting in will be interesting. on one planet a lot of coal second uran therd sollar efictive and low enemy rate.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by -root »

belleveinvis wrote:Image
I think nuclear energy would be really cool in the game. And I like this kind of idea. I think for the game, you'd want to simplify it a little and do something like: raw uranium, enriched uranium and depleted uranium.

Firstly, the idea of creating nuclear or depleted uranium weapons/ammunition/rockets is a great idea. Another "level" of rounds (normal ammo, piercing ammo, depleted ammo) would be cool. Especially considering how hard big biters are kill. Furthermore, instead of requiring however many it is explosive rockets, require "nuclear warheads" that are more resource intensive (explosive rockets + more stuff = nukes).

The thing I instantly thought about was having completely modular power plants (just like we do with steam/boilers) where instead of a boiler, you would have a reactor that you throw the refined uranium into and it gives you more power. The depleted uranium comes out the other side (that you then have to store or do something with). For example, a full blown steam/boiler setup is good for what, 5MW? If a nuclear power plant threw out say 25MW or something, it would allow for much bigger layouts and much more power intensive factories. Currently, there isn't much need to use the 3rd assembler. But if power generation was higher, it would something i'd definitely do.

Depleted uranium that is stored in boxes or not used could also throw out a huge pollution cloud to simulate the radioactivity, further annoying the biters.

Something i'd like to see in all power plants in some sort of cooling tower or outflow for the water. Currently, it goes into a steam engine and then disappears.

/my 2c
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Re: Electric energy

Post by Align »

Uranium isn't all that radioactive on the timescale Factorio is concerned with - in fact, depleted uranium is used for radiation shielding thanks to it's density and high halflife (4b years).
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Re: Electric energy

Post by The Colonist »

I really like the idea of Nuclear Power, it would be a nice thing to add more depth into the game.

(I put all my yes into the Nuclear weapons just please make that happen please)
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Re: Electric energy

Post by roothorick »

MatLaPatate wrote:however they can be quite dangerous: by exploding
I just wanted to say that a real-life nuclear power reactor melting down does not involve explosions large enough to be noticeable, leave alone physically damage anything, outside the plant grounds. The absolute worst case scenario for a nuclear reactor is a thermal runaway creating a containment breach in the reactor itself, and the supercritical uranium burning a hole in the earth, irradiating the everloving shit out of the water table and turning that water rapidly into steam, which then floods the surrounding atmosphere with lethal radiation.

I don't think I need to point out that Factorio's existing pollution system could be used to model this in a reasonably realistic way that affects gameplay. Think about it: You screwed up your reactor design, there's about six tons of supercritical uranium making a steam geyser in the middle of your base rapidly making you ill. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that the man-made steam geyser isn't the only thing making the ground shake. The natives are coming. And they're way beyond restless.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by cpy »

I just wish i could turn off some graphs in Electric network info, i would like to have option where i click on icon and it toggle line on graph so i could turn off lasers to avoid seing graph being just one blue spike and others being unreadably low.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by bulldog98 »

cpy wrote:I just wish i could turn off some graphs in Electric network info, i would like to have option where i click on icon and it toggle line on graph so i could turn off lasers to avoid seing graph being just one blue spike and others being unreadably low.
I think this is better suited in an extra thread.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by VFaalcatnodriiro »

I like the
and do something like: raw uranium, enriched uranium and depleted uranium.
- Idea :)
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Re: Electric energy

Post by cpy »

Nuclear power is always destructive fun, well you can never have enough of tech. :D
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Re: Electric energy

Post by Gully »


...first, thank you for the awesome game! I guess you hear that a lot, but I have to say it as well :D

I have some ideas for the way electricity is working right now.

- I'd like to have some sort of power plant, that be built only on special places in the map. Geothermals maybe?
- I'd like to tell my wire network whether it's day or night. Yes I can do the "put something in a chest and a smart-inserter checks the chest"-thingy, but can't we just introduce a new small building, "Light Sensor", that can be wired?
- I'd like to put special priorities to buildings, so in case of energy shortage only the unimportant stuff goes black.
- Is it possible to have one-way-electricity connections? Right now accumulators can be used to "transform" between electric circuits, basically just limiting the transport capacity of some place in the powerlines. I'm thinking of something like a Diode.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by warmadmax »

on the nuke power plants, why not make them modular?

more like "mk2" versions of the boiler and steam engine

nuclear reactor = v high temp boiler.
Steam Turbine = high speed steam engine

A possible risk could be that you can't starve the reactor of water,
it'd suffer temperature damage until you fixed it, losing health until it hits 0 then "boom" :D

It may be better for the reactor to behave like a modified assembler or chem plant, generating a "superheated steam" liquid output from input water, 2 steam from 1 water ?
you run this through the steam turbine, that could either reduce the temp of the steam OR generate a low energy steam as an output,
You could add evaporative cooling towers to change the low energy steam back to water to feed back into the reactor, generating pollution clouds, those could need cold water to work.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by Acius »

I find that in the late game, I use tons of solar power, and usually shut down my steam generators. This means I'm spreading out far and wide to find enough oil (mass battery/plastic production!), while leaving vast fields of coal totally untapped because it's nearly useless.

Arguably, that's just a side effect of choosing to go all solar, but I find myself wishing for this real-life technology: coal liquefaction. This is a method of converting coal directly to oil. This would create some interesting decisions about what you do with your coal.

In real life, coal liquefaction requires a lot of heat and power, pollutes heavily, produces low quality oil, and uses oil and/or a solvent as feedstock. So one possible way to implement this in the game would be to pipe in heavy oil and/or sulfuric acid, and add coal into a chemical plant. The process would produce a large amount of heavy oil (more than the inputs), which you'd need to crack if you wanted to use it further. If you're careful, you can use the outputs to generate additional feedstock for the inputs (this is true in real life coal liquefaction as well), but you have to plan carefully so that you won't break your production line if you run out of coal. A great use for pumps!

For even more fun, you could require that some of the liquid inputs be heated up before being piped in. That'd give another use for the burners :).
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Re: Electric energy

Post by Ichigoshollow »

If they added nuclear ICBM's then what would be the point in having enemies. You would literally wipe out all the aliens in one shot which would make fighting them way to easy.
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Re: Electric energy

Post by kel »

warmadmax wrote:on the nuke power plants, why not make them modular?

more like "mk2" versions of the boiler and steam engine

nuclear reactor = v high temp boiler.
Steam Turbine = high speed steam engine

A possible risk could be that you can't starve the reactor of water,
it'd suffer temperature damage until you fixed it, losing health until it hits 0 then "boom" :D

It may be better for the reactor to behave like a modified assembler or chem plant, generating a "superheated steam" liquid output from input water, 2 steam from 1 water ?
you run this through the steam turbine, that could either reduce the temp of the steam OR generate a low energy steam as an output,
You could add evaporative cooling towers to change the low energy steam back to water to feed back into the reactor, generating pollution clouds, those could need cold water to work.
nukelar reactors do accutally just get extreamly hot and start (casing melts) leaking when melting down. expolsions are caused by high pressures (of water/steam or such).

in the game:
an overheated reactor would slowly get damged. when damage reaches 50% the reactor would constantly produce enormus amounts of pollution ,damage nearby entites (poison dmg) and make nearby objects do the same (but weaker, no infinite progenration please)

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