got a gui bug
attached a screenshot

Also having this problem. Doesn't do anything bad except be there and be annoying. Please fix!Diohi wrote:hey there
got a gui bug
attached a screenshot
This appears to be broken. I've disabled both the "Canon Ready" and the "Klaxon" sounds but still get them in game, even after restarting factorio.Supercheese wrote:You can disable the klaxon sound in the mod options menu under the Per Player tab rather than the Startup tab shown here:babbos wrote:I have disabled auto-targeting and it won't take effect on my game.
My problem is the constant alerts of the ion auto-targeting which ruins the game for me as the sound is very disruptive.
Please let me know how to disable auto-targeting or set the alarm sound to something more discreet.
I don't want to disable the mod altogether, awesome work!
Unchecking the "Play Klaxon" option in the Per Player tab will mute the klaxon.
You mean when covered the Ion-cannon will not autotarget them ?Supercheese wrote: Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:53 pm Hmm, it's definitely not a situation I have considered specifically; However, an immediate method I can see is to have those regions covered by Radar(s) closeby such that they are always revealed on the map. This should ensure that they are not auto-targeted during Radar scanning cycles.
Yes, I have a couple small features I want to add in addition to 0.17 compatibility.
I'll add that for the 1.7.1 update.Darkov wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 12:28 am can you get rid of ion cannons that you spawned by accident via the cheat/admin panel?