[0.17.5] "compi.lua:458: assertion failed" crash during campaign

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[0.17.5] "compi.lua:458: assertion failed" crash during campaign

Post by ZorMonkey »

I was ignoring Compilatron's pleas to evacuate to the east and trying to mine everything I could when I got the following crash:

Code: Select all

1313.357 Error MainLoop.cpp:1092: Exception at tick 4288564: The scenario level caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the scenario author.

Error while running event level::on_tick (ID 0)
__base__/lualib/compi.lua:458: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	__base__/lualib/compi.lua:458: in function '?'
	__base__/lualib/event_handler.lua:7: in function <__base__/lualib/event_handler.lua:4>
I've attached the closest autosave, but I havent been able to reproduce yet
_autosave1 - Copy.zip
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Re: [0.17.5] "compi.lua:458: assertion failed" crash during campaign

Post by ZorMonkey »

Happened a few more times, all at the same spot. I did this 3 times: load the attached autosave, start building up my ammo factory a bit, and start researching green science when research completes. After a bit compilatron will speed up to me freaking out about biters :roll: and the game will crash
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Re: [0.17.5] "compi.lua:458: assertion failed" crash during campaign

Post by vaendryl »

I had this happen too on 2nd base when the bot wanted me to meet him after researching turrets. the tech tree got really messed up by the 17.4 -> 17.5 conversion and I had way more tech than I seemingly was supposed to have. I'd already built a full base and the place where the bot wanted me to meet him was probably already occupied.

steps to consistently reproduce:
1) load the save file _autosave-fortifiy.zip
2) watch how the compilatron makes its way up the slope and tries to navigate around labs
3) when it reaches the top a few seconds after loading it will destroy a lab and the scenario will immediately crash.

additional notes:
you can prevent the crash from happening by running to the lab that gets destroyed and removing it before the bot destroys it. game takes over the camera properly and the scenario continues.
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Re: [0.17.5] "compi.lua:458: assertion failed" crash during campaign

Post by wheybags »

Fixed for the next release.
Thanks for the report!
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