magazine size increase?
magazine size increase?
does anyone know of a way i can increase magazine from 10 because my god i can't do anything with rampant/NE with ammo magazines sooo small
Re: magazine size increase?
I"m not staring those without BigBags mod set to increase magazine sizes 
I even have tiny reduced copy of it that does only that and item stack changes since rest of stuff is in different mods.

I even have tiny reduced copy of it that does only that and item stack changes since rest of stuff is in different mods.
Re: magazine size increase?
The mod for change magazine size:
in data-final-fixes.lua
That's all. Works with all mods and modded ammo.
in data-final-fixes.lua
Code: Select all
local magazine_size = 100
for i, ammo in pairs (data.raw.ammo) do
if ammo.magazine_size then
ammo.magazine_size = math.max (ammo.magazine_size, magazine_size)