[1.0][1.1] Building Platform v1.2

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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

Nice way of doing it, but could tend to having more train on the rail network as you will need to move intermediate around. As long as you keep your train network big or organized enough you won't have major problem ;)

Last time I played angels was long time ago so recipe must have changed but I intent to include angels in my next building platform game and when thinking about how the base gonna be, I though to use the recipe that use multiple angels ore but that output one processable ore. If they still exist, is it not better to have platform that output 2-3 ore using those recipes instead of the other you use when one angels ore output multiple processable ore. You will need multiple platform to cover all processable ore but avoid having 30 output station next to one platform.
Only downside to my method is shortage of one angel ore can stop production of multiple processable ore.

I'm glad people enjoy playing with it ;)
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by evildogbot100 »

Hello, just some modder who needs a help here, how do I make a floor tile that blocks off player creations. I tried to reverse engineer this mod but became really confused.
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

Sorry for the delay in answering, I was away ;)

You want a tile (like concrete or other made tile) to block a specified building ?

You need to use collision_mask, when two thing have the same collision mask, they can't be build on top of each other.

So if you do :

Code: Select all

//add collision layer to concrete
data.tiles['concrete'].collision_mask = {"layer-14"}
//add collision layer to storage-tank
data.storage-tank['storage-tank'].collision_mask = {"layer-14"}
it will block the placement of storage tank on concrete, adjust as needed.

Take a look at the function addLayerToCollision in data-final-fixes.lua, it add a specified layer to collision mask of anything. It will check if a collision mask already exist and add to it, or create a new mask with water and player layer by default.

If you create a new mask you will need at least 2 layer in mask or it will not work (reported but dev said it's not a bug)

It is not said on wiki (I will add it someday) but there is some undocumented layer to be used by any mod (not used by game building), it's "layer-15","layer-14","layer-13","layer-12","layer-11". If other mod use the same layer as you choose, it migth create some problem.
For example my mod use layer-15 for building-platform. If you use layer-15 in your mod and someone use your mod with mine, the restricted building you use will get blocked by the ground ;) There is no easy way to make mods work correctly with each other when they edit collision mask, when I find a way to detect mod building on the fly, I will add some kind of verification to detect other mod that use same layer as mine ;)

Oh and while I'm at it, if you intend to block building on a specified tile, you will need to block the player to build other tile on your tile, because, if you don't the game don't block building placement on tile that are hidden by other tile (that the reason I have a custom check function in controls.lua.

I may have said a lot in this answer and you migth have problem, feel free to ask more question if something you don't understand. I'm back so I will answer you more quickly next time.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

As I intend to add a gallery to this mod website. I ask anyone willing to post here, by private message or on the mod portal one or more screenshot from ingame save that use building-platform. Will it be a single platform with a smart setup of multiple one that exchange goods. As long as it showcase the mod it should be fine.

All screenshot will be hosted on my own server and added to the gallery. The screenshot should be accompanied by a description of what it show (including other mod name if it contain non vanilla building). Then you choose if you want credit showed with your screenshot with or without a link to a specific page.

Please avoid any UI in the screenshot by using the take screenshot command.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Ratzap »

Furnace platform (warehouse mod)


Oil processing


These are just two I had made previously, UI visible so snip if you like.
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

A bug appearing mostly on map made in the map editor has been fixed. It prevent building to be place on platform that have ground under it. It can be downloaded from my Git repository. Take the branch according to your factorio version (master = 0.14, experimental-0.15 = 0.15) . No release has been done, download a zip file of the repo. There will be a new release of the mod in a two week, maybe more. This release will be the last for 0.14 version of the mod.

@Ratzap thanks, if I choose to integrate those screen in the website, do you want to be credited for them ? If yes, With what name do you want to be credited ? Do you want your name to be a link to a particular page ?
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Ratzap »

No need Neemys, just use them how you want. If you're still looking for more or specifics stuff just say something.
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Liquid5n0w »

When using Teleportation with building platform, I can only place it on platforms. How can I allow it anywhere?

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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

Liquid5n0w wrote:When using Teleportation with building platform, I can only place it on platforms. How can I allow it anywhere?


If you are on 0.14, unpack the mod in your mod folder, edit the file config.lua, around line 154 there is something beginning with

Code: Select all

buildingplatform.config.unrestrictMod = {factorissimo=false,flowControl=true......
at the end of this line, there should be

Code: Select all

change false to true to have

Code: Select all

If you are on 0.15, in main menu, go to options > mods. Startup tab, search for Building Platform config entries. There should be an 'Unrestrict "Teleportation" mod' entry. Check it then restart.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Liquid5n0w »

Thanks that worked great!
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Eylrid »

I'm having a compatibility problem between Building Platform (1.1.9) and AAI Programmable Structures (0.3.8)/Vehicles (0.3.25). I'm running Factorio 0.15.33

What should happen: The vehicle deployer structure has two things you can click on: the building, to put a vehicle in; and a control panel on the front. Clicking on the building brings up the UI with a slot to put a vehicle in. The control panel sets how the vehicle will be programmed. This is what happens with the AAI mods on their own.

What happens with Building Platform mod: The building is not clickable. Neither left clicking nor right clicking do anything. The building is useless and can't be picked up. (I don't know if it can be picked up by a bot. I haven't tried that.) The control panel on the front is clickable, and works as normal, but is useless without the building.
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

Eylrid wrote:I'm having a compatibility problem between Building Platform (1.1.9) and AAI Programmable Structures (0.3.8)/Vehicles (0.3.25). I'm running Factorio 0.15.33

What should happen: The vehicle deployer structure has two things you can click on: the building, to put a vehicle in; and a control panel on the front. Clicking on the building brings up the UI with a slot to put a vehicle in. The control panel sets how the vehicle will be programmed. This is what happens with the AAI mods on their own.

What happens with Building Platform mod: The building is not clickable. Neither left clicking nor right clicking do anything. The building is useless and can't be picked up. (I don't know if it can be picked up by a bot. I haven't tried that.) The control panel on the front is clickable, and works as normal, but is useless without the building.
Thanks for the report, I will take a look tomorow.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Neemys »

Eylrid wrote:I'm having a compatibility problem between Building Platform (1.1.9) and AAI Programmable Structures (0.3.8)/Vehicles (0.3.25). I'm running Factorio 0.15.33

What should happen: The vehicle deployer structure has two things you can click on: the building, to put a vehicle in; and a control panel on the front. Clicking on the building brings up the UI with a slot to put a vehicle in. The control panel sets how the vehicle will be programmed. This is what happens with the AAI mods on their own.

What happens with Building Platform mod: The building is not clickable. Neither left clicking nor right clicking do anything. The building is useless and can't be picked up. (I don't know if it can be picked up by a bot. I haven't tried that.) The control panel on the front is clickable, and works as normal, but is useless without the building.
As I thougth, draw order was changed because some entity was blocked. As AAI structure is multiple entity in one, one of them for the deployer being a radar, if all radar were blocked, a rule to block it edited the AAI entity and the game seem to draw overlapping entity in order of addition/edition. So this radar was on the building instead of being under. I added an exception for this particular entity on next release, fixing the problem.

In the meanwhile, you can either unrestrict radars or download this version of my mod with the fix added to it :
Mod with fix for AAI deployer.
(1.91 MiB) Downloaded 180 times

For information, yes bot remove the building because the deconstruction planner select all entity even when they are stacked on each other.

In next release I will also include a complete set of rule to allow/block all AAI mods building with the possibility to block all but not some big building like the depot container. In my game I saw that some of them are not blocked like unit controller.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.0.9 (experimental v1.1.9)

Post by Eylrid »

Neemys wrote:
Eylrid wrote:I'm having a compatibility problem between Building Platform (1.1.9) and AAI Programmable Structures (0.3.8)/Vehicles (0.3.25). I'm running Factorio 0.15.33

What should happen: The vehicle deployer structure has two things you can click on: the building, to put a vehicle in; and a control panel on the front. Clicking on the building brings up the UI with a slot to put a vehicle in. The control panel sets how the vehicle will be programmed. This is what happens with the AAI mods on their own.

What happens with Building Platform mod: The building is not clickable. Neither left clicking nor right clicking do anything. The building is useless and can't be picked up. (I don't know if it can be picked up by a bot. I haven't tried that.) The control panel on the front is clickable, and works as normal, but is useless without the building.
As I thougth, draw order was changed because some entity was blocked. As AAI structure is multiple entity in one, one of them for the deployer being a radar, if all radar were blocked, a rule to block it edited the AAI entity and the game seem to draw overlapping entity in order of addition/edition. So this radar was on the building instead of being under. I added an exception for this particular entity on next release, fixing the problem.

In the meanwhile, you can either unrestrict radars or download this version of my mod with the fix added to it :

For information, yes bot remove the building because the deconstruction planner select all entity even when they are stacked on each other.

In next release I will also include a complete set of rule to allow/block all AAI mods building with the possibility to block all but not some big building like the depot container. In my game I saw that some of them are not blocked like unit controller.
I downloaded that version and it works great. Thank you! :D
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.1.10

Post by Neemys »

New release ! Nothing great in the changelog as I'm still working on the website which is nearly done.

24-09-2017 - 1.1.10 (for 0.15) (commit a447432260) :
  • All 1.0.10 changes ported to 0.15.
  • Added expensive recipe awareness. This mod don't add expensive recipe, but they shouldn't create bug anymore.
  • Added AAI Industry compatibility. Restricted by default.
  • Added AAI Programmable Structures compatibility. Restricted by default.
  • Added AAI Programmable Vehicles compatibility. Restricted by default. Vehicle depot has its own separate config to choose if it is restricted or not.
  • Added Quarry compatibility mod. Restricted by default.
  • Added the whole changelog in markdown format.
  • Edited Building Platform tile recipe to only take the category from the concrete recipe if it exists and fall back to crafting-with-fluid if no concrete recipe was found.
  • Edited public functions' comments to use the new comment format for auto-generating API documentation.
  • Fixed AAI Programmable Vehicles's Vehicle Deployer can become uninteractable when radars were restricted.
  • Fixed Long Range Radar missing locale entries.
  • Fixed long range radar and building platform tile not appearing in craft list if their template recipes were using the new recipe declaration.
  • Fixed long range radar not appearing in craft list if vanilla radar was behind a technology. (#7)
24-09-2017 - 1.0.10 (for 0.14) (commit 30aa04308e) :
  • Fixed blocking tile under a platform was blocking building placement. (#5)

This is the last 0.14 release as 0.15 is stable for weeks now. The changelog included in the mod now use the changelog I kept here on the forum before but reformated and grammar/spell correct. If you spot any mistake tell me. I haven't edited the changelog in the first post of this thread as it will be removed when the website open. This thread will become a simple discussion/bug report thread.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.1.10

Post by Bilka »

Hey, it would be nice if you concentric-circle and grid generation could work on other surfaces than nauvis. Maybe make this check check if the surface name is in a global table instead of whether is just nauvis. Then allow mods to add/remove surface names from that table via a remote function. I'm asking for this because of my New Game+ mod which makes a new surfaces and destroys nauvis to act like you generated a new world. I made this work with your default generation, but due to that check I linked, it does not work for the other two generation options. Here is my mod thread.
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: [0.14][0.15] Building Platform v1.1.10

Post by Neemys »

Bilka wrote:Hey, it would be nice if you concentric-circle and grid generation could work on other surfaces than nauvis. Maybe make this check check if the surface name is in a global table instead of whether is just nauvis. Then allow mods to add/remove surface names from that table via a remote function. I'm asking for this because of my New Game+ mod which makes a new surfaces and destroys nauvis to act like you generated a new world. I made this work with your default generation, but due to that check I linked, it does not work for the other two generation options. Here is my mod thread.
Sure, I added it on my todo list and will make the necessary change for the next release.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15][0.16] Building Platform v1.1.11

Post by Neemys »

Update for Factorio 0.16 (there is some bug, see below)

13-12-2017 - 1.1.11 (for 0.16) (commit 3f03371c74) :
  • Make necessary change for Factorio 0.16
  • Any platform made using API call isn't based after actual concrete anymore. Instead use a copy of the concrete declaration from Factorio 0.15.35. (Until the API is updated to reflect 0.16 change to how tile are defined.)
  • Any tile made using API with an autoplace setting is set to the terrain category.
  • Platforms can now be placed next to water.
  • Add support for other surface than nauvis to custom platform generation. The default surface nauvis is allowed custom placement of platforms by default. (#9)
  • Add three API functions accessible in controls.lua to building-platform's interface :
    • addSurfacesToCustomPlacementList : Add one or multiple surface to the list of allowed surface for custom platform generation.
    • removeSurfacesToCustomPlacementList : Remove one or multiple surface to the list of allowed surface for custom platform generation.
    • getCustomPlacementAllowedSurfacesList : Get the list of surfaces allowed for custom platforms generation. The list is a table in the form [surface]=>true.
It's a fast fix for those who want to play with my mod rigth away (also include changes made in 0.15 that hasn't been release, don't have time to release a 0.15 version with the support for other surfaces. I have plan to make the new API also compatible in 0.15 so when I do release the new API for 0.15 this compatibility for multiple surface will be released as well. Apart from platform tile that hasn't been updated, everything else should be working fine. Platform generation seem still fine, Migth do some tweaks in a later release if I think it is needed. I will try to ask on the forum if someone can do a proper tile graphics for platforms. If I do get one, it will be included when I redo the API after the website (nearly finished) is made public.

Known bugs :

- Platform tile graphics can look weird under certain circumstances.
- Grid and concentric circle platforms custom generation do not appear in the map generation preview.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15][0.16] Building Platform v1.1.11

Post by Neemys »

Just a post to let you know that I intend to make the mod compatible with 0.17. Depending on when Factorio release, it will be either early this week or only this weekend.

Sorry for the lack of update but reallife take all my time away and I haven't been able to do any coding or moding since a long time.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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Re: [0.14][0.15][0.16][0.17] Building Platform v1.1.12

Post by Neemys »

0.17 version is up !

27-02-2019 - 1.1.12 (for 0.17) (no commit) :
  • Make necessary change for Factorio 0.17, map generation is weird, the autoplace will need major rewrite. Using this version with existing old save will make new chunk have next to none platform or way too many.

Regarding the generation, I will try to work on it in the upcoming weeks.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
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