Allow Drop command (Z) to insert into buildings

Suggestions that have been added to the game.

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Allow Drop command (Z) to insert into buildings

Post by ManaUser »

When holding an item and hovering over a building, pressing Z could insert one item (if it fits).
What ?
Currently we have shortcuts for inserting half a stack (Ctrl+RMB) or a full stack (Ctrl+LMB), but inserting individual or few items requires opening the regular interface. Since there's already a command meaning "drop one", why not extend this to work with buildings?

Alternatively, a new command (Ctrl+Shift+LMB or whatever) could be added to accomplish this.
Why ?
One of the most common use cases would be modules. Say you want to equip a machine with half-and-half speed and productivity modules. Or you're short on modules and want to put just one in each building. Currently either of these requires opening the interface for each machine individually. With this change tasks like these would be a cinch.
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Re: Allow Drop command (Z) to insert into buildings

Post by Darinth »

The only problem that this runs into is if there's a gap between buildings. This would result in modules all over the ground if you just hold down z and run down the set of buildings. Since the only practical use I ever ran into for wanting this kind of feature was with modules, and the insert-half-stack has no real value for modules I've previously made the suggestion to just alter the functionality of ctrl-RMB with modules so that specifically with modules it inserts a single module rather than a half-stack.
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Re: Allow Drop command (Z) to insert into buildings

Post by ManaUser »

Well, I guess this can be moved to Implemented Suggestions. :D

No idea if my post is what made it happen, but needless to say I'm pleased.
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