[0.10.5] Crashes on OSX

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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[0.10.5] Crashes on OSX

Post by willglynn »

Big fat warning: I just noticed that my Factorio.app says it's 0.10.5, and that there are no updates available despite Experimental Updates being enabled, even though I swear I downloaded the experimentals after seeing a note saying that 0.10.6 was out and reasonably stable. Sigh. I just re-downloaded and confirmed that I actually have 0.10.6 now, and I'll make a new thread with any other crash reports. Feel free to shuffle this off to Resolved Problems and Bugs if these were fixed in 0.10.6, and by all means taunt me for running an old build. That said, here's my report.

I got about six crashes in about four hours of play last night – all segfaults, all dereferencing a null pointer. Looking through the diagnostic reports, four of them were in InputState::inGui():

Code: Select all

Thread 2 Crashed:
0   com.factorio                  	0x00000001002ee87a InputState::inGui() const + 74
1   com.factorio                  	0x00000001002ee6d3 Player::updateEntitySelector() + 131
2   com.factorio                  	0x000000010030fde0 processAllegroEvent(ALLEGRO_EVENT&, bool) + 256
3   com.factorio                  	0x0000000100311924 tickStep(bool) + 180
4   com.factorio                  	0x00000001003124db run(char*, bool) + 491
5   com.factorio                  	0x0000000100314084 _al_mangled_main + 4580
6   com.factorio                  	0x00000001007216f7 +[AllegroAppDelegate app_main:] + 23
7   com.apple.Foundation          	0x00007fff8bf3776b __NSThread__main__ + 1318
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c4899 _pthread_body + 138
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c472a _pthread_start + 137
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c8fc9 thread_start + 13
Two of them were in different places inside my graphics driver, but both were called from RoboportInfoRenderer::render(), suggesting it's somehow mangling the OpenGL state:

Code: Select all

Thread 2:
0   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x0000123440310b01 0x123440000000 + 3214081
1   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234401d9b26 0x123440000000 + 1940262
2   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234401dfbf8 0x123440000000 + 1965048
3   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234405b1d88 0x123440000000 + 5971336
4   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234405b2016 0x123440000000 + 5971990
5   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234405b2118 0x123440000000 + 5972248
6   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234401e2d52 0x123440000000 + 1977682
7   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234402e06c0 0x123440000000 + 3016384
8   libGPUSupportMercury.dylib    	0x00007fff87588f8e gldUpdateDrawFramebuffer + 168
9   GLEngine                      	0x00007fff8d609407 gleUpdateDrawFramebufferState + 525
10  GLEngine                      	0x00007fff8d529a5b glClear_Exec + 208
11  com.factorio                  	0x00000001006e66a7 ogl_clear + 167
12  com.factorio                  	0x00000001006c18c2 al_clear_to_color + 66
13  com.factorio                  	0x000000010022c20c RoboportInfoRenderer::render(RenderData const&) const + 44
14  com.factorio                  	0x00000001001f03ba GameRenderer::render(RenderData const&) + 378
15  com.factorio                  	0x00000001003117c2 render() + 226
16  com.factorio                  	0x0000000100311c9f tickStep(bool) + 1071
17  com.factorio                  	0x00000001003124db run(char*, bool) + 491
18  com.factorio                  	0x0000000100314084 _al_mangled_main + 4580
19  com.factorio                  	0x00000001007216f7 +[AllegroAppDelegate app_main:] + 23
20  com.apple.Foundation          	0x00007fff8bf3776b __NSThread__main__ + 1318
21  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c4899 _pthread_body + 138
22  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c472a _pthread_start + 137
23  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c8fc9 thread_start + 13
Thread 2:
0   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x0000123440317904 0x123440000000 + 3242244
1   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234402c9936 0x123440000000 + 2922806
2   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234402c8cb7 0x123440000000 + 2919607
3   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234402e1ca6 0x123440000000 + 3021990
4   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234402c8813 0x123440000000 + 2918419
5   com.apple.GeForceGLDriver     	0x00001234402e069e 0x123440000000 + 3016350
6   libGPUSupportMercury.dylib    	0x00007fff87588f8e gldUpdateDrawFramebuffer + 168
7   GLEngine                      	0x00007fff8d609407 gleUpdateDrawFramebufferState + 525
8   GLEngine                      	0x00007fff8d60a112 gleDoDrawDispatchCore + 104
9   GLEngine                      	0x00007fff8d5c2919 glDrawArrays_IMM_Exec + 225
10  com.factorio                  	0x00000001006e6be9 ogl_flush_vertex_cache + 457
11  com.factorio                  	0x00000001006e5c08 ogl_draw_bitmap_region + 1256
12  com.factorio                  	0x00000001006a9354 _draw_tinted_rotated_scaled_bitmap_region + 804
13  com.factorio                  	0x00000001006a96c7 al_draw_tinted_bitmap + 119
14  com.factorio                  	0x000000010022c271 RoboportInfoRenderer::render(RenderData const&) const + 145
15  com.factorio                  	0x00000001001f03ba GameRenderer::render(RenderData const&) + 378
16  com.factorio                  	0x00000001003117c2 render() + 226
17  com.factorio                  	0x0000000100311c9f tickStep(bool) + 1071
18  com.factorio                  	0x00000001003124db run(char*, bool) + 491
19  com.factorio                  	0x0000000100314084 _al_mangled_main + 4580
20  com.factorio                  	0x00000001007216f7 +[AllegroAppDelegate app_main:] + 23
21  com.apple.Foundation          	0x00007fff8bf3776b __NSThread__main__ + 1318
22  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c4899 _pthread_body + 138
23  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c472a _pthread_start + 137
24  libsystem_pthread.dylib       	0x00007fff876c8fc9 thread_start + 13
There's lots of other info in the stock OSX crash reports (consider collecting them with PLCrashReporter) but the most directly relevant bits of information are:

Code: Select all

Process:         factorio [4653]
Path:            /Games/factorio.app/Contents/MacOS/factorio
Identifier:      com.factorio
Version:         0.10.5 (0.10.5)
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
System Profile:
Model: MacBookPro10,1, BootROM MBP101.00EE.B03, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2.4 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 2.3f35
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Intel HD Graphics 4000, Built-In
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, PCIe, 1024 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531533642465238432D50422020
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 4 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54333531533642465238432D50422020
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Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:23 am

Re: [0.10.5] Crashes on OSX

Post by Rseding91 »

The updater portion for OSX wasn't available for 0.10.6 that's why it didn't auto-update. If you read the news announcement for 0.10.6 you can see what he said about it.

Both the issues you're referring to where fixed in 0.10.6 - I think you can manually download it off the downloads, experimental page (if you haven't already).
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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