Setting a train's time passed condition forces the train to leave the station

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Setting a train's time passed condition forces the train to leave the station

Post by six_sigma »

What did you do?
A train with a "Wait until: Empty Cargo Inventory OR 60 seconds passed" condition pulls into a train stop
I know it should take longer than 60 seconds but I want it to still leave more frequently than being empty so I change the "OR time passed conditon" to 100
(I simply move my cursor to the textbox containing the number 60, click and drag to select it all, type 100, then hit enter)

What happened?
this doesn't take more than 5 seconds so the 60 second condition hasn't been met yet but it forces the train to leave the station and go to the next stop

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I expected the train to now wait for 100 seconds before leaving instead of the original 60 seconds.

Write down the steps to reproduce the bug if you know them.
This has happened every time no matter what number I enter. I understand if the train has been sitting there for a few minutes and I add the "or 30 seconds passed" wait condition the 30 seconds has already passed. But when it already has the wait condition and I just increase the time I would expect it to not immediately leave the station.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
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Re: Setting a train's time passed condition forces the train to leave the station

Post by cbhj1 »

does it still leave if you simply add a 0 to the end of the number, if not, I suspect it updates the number while you are typing it, ie. it gets the 1 before you finish with the 0s.
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Re: Setting a train's time passed condition forces the train to leave the station

Post by quyxkh »

Most numeric input fields are live. Select-all-and-type-the-new-value replaced the existing "60" with "1", then "10", then "100". The train departed when its wait time exceeded the "1". Use the slider or append-before-erasing or something. Some entry fields aren't live like this, those have a "set" button you hit to replace the existing value. I know I've gone through multiple periods where the choices of which fields are live like this make sense to me, I'm just not in one of those periods now.
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