question is, what will be then motivation to upgrade machines, and i'm not talking about speed, since we have modules and beacons for that. and old machines will take less power.bobingabout wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:04 amI have already stated somewhere in the 0.16 general discussion thread that I have already removed all ingredient count limits from all machines in my mod. I currently have no plans to add any back in, but it has been suggested that I make it an option in the settings.anorganicbear wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:28 am I don't see any discussion here yet of the assembler complexity limit being dropped. I know I saw some discussion on that in the other thread. Are there any plans solidified yet as far as whether you'll be keeping the item limits?
main issue with ingredient count limit was not that it existed, but that it was not properly communicated to player, therefore people rarely understood, why machine can craft some recipes while others not. (that's basegame problem, not yours mod).
but increasing ingredient count limit also servers as motivation to replace machine. but now ... what will be actually meaningfull upgrade? replace speed 0.5 machine with 1.0? but next upgrade? considering cost of higher tier machines and their crafting process ....
removing crafting recipe limits (input count), essentially reduces need to upgrade assembler.
and before somone starts that "input count doesn't imply higher tier recipe, therefore higher tier machine requirement", we've been there, on FFF thread for FFF announcing this change ... and i never thought this way.
i can see only one solution for this (from modding point of view), each tier of assembling machine has own crafting category, and recipes need to have set these categories accordingly ... but IMO that's too much hassle, still it does make at least some sense. crafting T5 product in zero tier machine doesn't