again i have a question how to do something …….
I want to make a or the centrifuge and the pumpjack to have fluid inputs….
I looked at some mods and the data, but could not make it work.
I tried it with copying the data and paste the fluid-things of the miner but I always get errors then
Could one guide me (or better) show me a centrifuge and a pumpjack which will have the intakes just like a assembler or the miner.
Purpose is for me to have a pumpjack which intakes a ‘boring-fluid’ to work, the centrifuge I want to have a acid intake for the nuclear-waste-reprocessing
And hopefully a better understanding for the fluidboxes, as momentarily the are mysteries to me (tune in Roy Orbison )
How to attach fliud boxes to pumpjacks and centrifgues ?
Re: How to attach fliud boxes to pumpjacks and centrifgues ?
Code: Select all
data.raw["assembling-machine"]["centrifuge"].fluid_box = table.deepcopy(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-2"].fluid_box)
data.raw["mining-drill"]["pumpjack"].input_fluid_box = table.deepcopy(data.raw["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].input_fluid_box)