[0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Moderator: bobingabout
- bobingabout
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 7352
- Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 1:01 pm
- Contact:
[0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
We've been talking about plans for 0.17 a fair bit in the 0.16 topic, which is kind of drowning out when people do talk about 0.16.
So even though 0.17 isn't out yet, here's a place to talk about 0.17, plans and progress.
As you might know, I have source access, and have contributed code to the game this release, I wrote the fluid energy source stuff, so we can make most entities powered by steam/oil.
I've also been slowly updating all my mods for use on 0.17, however progress isn't exactly fast, the fact that updates constantly break my mods means that when I do sit down to do something, I spend most of my time just getting everything working again.
Anyway, Discuss.
So even though 0.17 isn't out yet, here's a place to talk about 0.17, plans and progress.
As you might know, I have source access, and have contributed code to the game this release, I wrote the fluid energy source stuff, so we can make most entities powered by steam/oil.
I've also been slowly updating all my mods for use on 0.17, however progress isn't exactly fast, the fact that updates constantly break my mods means that when I do sit down to do something, I spend most of my time just getting everything working again.
Anyway, Discuss.
- bobingabout
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 7352
- Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 1:01 pm
- Contact:
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Patch notes and stuff:
0.17 launch:
ingredient_count removed from all entities.
Removed hardness from resources
fluid fuel powered boilers
Toolbelt technology in base game gives +10 inventory space, mod does the same and adds levels of character inventory space to the end.
adapted to all the changes to fuel values.
Laser turrets now shoot beams
Personal/Vehicle laser defence now shoot beams
Laser rifle now shoots beams
Change artifacts to enabled by default
my artillery projectiles are now true artillery projectiles.
Distillery added 5 levels
Oil boiler's introduced, split the steam power techs up as to not pair boilers with steam engines, or Heat exchangers with steam turbines.
Lots of other shit I didn't take note of.
upgrade planner: next_upgrade=
Belts (and UG and Splitter) done.
Assembling machines (and electronic)
Chemical, mixing and electric furnaces
water and air pumps
Chemical plants
Oil refinery
Power mod's entities, but not poles
Inserters (and stack)
storage tanks
Modules 0.17.1:
fixed game breaking crash with productivity filters
clock 0.17.1:
fixed game breaking error
inserters 0.17.1:
Fixed game breaking error when placing with a ghost inserter in hand.
logistics 0.17.1:
Fixed game breaking error when placing with a ghost inserter in hand.
clock 0.17.2:
Added more options
Change button style to match other top bar buttons
Tech 0.17.1:
Science pack cost balance.
Chemical changed to 14 seconds for 2 packs, same recipe.
Logistics now costs 2 brass chests instead of 1 steel chest.
Production science pack now costs assembling machine 2 instead of 3, and chemical plant instead of mining drill.
Utility now costs 6 processing units instead of 2.
All mods updated after this point gain a thumbnail icon
Plates 0.17.1:
Halved the power usage of my burner furnaces to bring them in line with new base game.
Furnace based resource (rubber and glass), metal plate and alloy recipes are now multiples of 3.2 instead of 3.5
change advanced electronics 3 to use production science instead of utility
Logistics 0.17.2:
added pipes for nitinol and copper-tungsten
Change fast replace group of underground pipes to pipe
Fixed belt non-HR graphics out of alignment.
Fixed wrong belts on basic underground belt.
Updated underground belt icons
Reworked inserter technology around fast inserters.
Fixed mining times of belts and pipes
Fixed train wagons and locomotive had no sprite in map view
clock 0.17.3:
Added a new font and option to change it, and colour.
assembly 0.17.1:
Chemical plant 2 speed changed to 1.75 and power consumption 260kW instead of 2 and 300kW to scale better against Chemical plant speed reduction from 1.25 to 1.
Added an option to turn ingredient limits back on
Updated recipes to use Copper tungsten pipe and Nitinol pipe if available.
Warfare 0.17.1:
All laser rifle batteries damage amount fixed.
Adjust exoskeleton equipment tiers
Power 0.17.1:
Locale entry for "enable new steam power" was mislabelled as oil refineries.
Updated recipes to use Copper tungsten pipe and Nitinol pipe if available.
Mining 0.17.1:
scaled up mining drill speeds a little. Regular doubles each level
Updated recipes to use Copper tungsten pipe and Nitinol pipe if available.
Tech 1.17.2:
fix Productivity science pack requirement
changed logistic trash slots technology to use Logistic science pack
Same to personal/vehicle roboport 2
Utility science pack gives 4 items per cycle over 28 seconds
Modules 0.17.2:
balanced technology prerequisites of effect transmission 1 and 3
fixed that Productivity/Speed/Efficiency 2 requires advanced electronics 2 and P/S/E 3 requires production science pack research
Electronics 0.17.1:
change advanced electronics 3 to use production science instead of utility
classes 0.17.1:
Fixed class select would show even when it shouldn't, such as if you were in spectator mode or map editor.
removed old classes to prevent a crash.
ores 0.17.1:
Attempted to use the new ore spawn functions. requires Factorio version 0.17.5 or later.
Assembly 0.17.2:
Converted assembling machines to new pollution.
Converted electronic assembling machines to new pollution
Converted Electronic furnaces to new pollution
Converted chemical plants to new pollution
Converted Electrolysers to new pollution
Converted Oil refineries to new pollution
Mining 0.17.2:
Changed mining drill fluid boxes to allow pass through fluid flow
Converted mining drills to new pollution
Converted pump jacks to new pollution
Converted water miners to new pollution
Plates 0.17.2:
Converted Furnaces to new pollution
converted pumps to new pollution
Converted Distillery to new pollution
Power 0.17.2:
Converted oil power generators to new pollution
Converted oil boilers to new pollution
Converted boilers to new pollution
Logistics 0.17.3:
Removed pump pollution
Classes 0.17.2:
Fixed that the character entity wasn't actually replaced.
Warfare 0.17.2:
Changed ammo stack sizes to 200 to match base game. (Gun, Shotgun, Rocket and Tank ammos)
Removed armor durability
Logistics 0.17.4:
Removed Lubricant from Logistics 3 research.
Updated pipe cost of underground pipes to match tiers.
Revamp 0.17.1:
Changed lubricant prerequisite to include "chemical plant" and removed the unlock from other technologies.
Removed the move of liquid fuel and resin from oil from oil processing to chemical processing 2.
Electronics 0.17.2:
Solder alloy (lead free) recipe always unlocks on Electronics now.
Inserters 0.17.2:
GUI opens on left when you left click an inserter, opening together with base game inserter GUI instead of point to it and press Shift + E
Classes 0.17.3:
Updated class values to reflect 0.17 changes
Inserters 0.17.3:
Added an option to choose if the Inserter configuration GUI opens with Shift + E as of 0.17.1 and older, or with the main GUI as of 0.17.2. Default will be old method.
Logistics 0.17.5:
Added options for fluid wagon and storage tank size base. this is the MK1 size and higher tiers will scale up accordingly.
Logistics 3 now has Logistics 2 as a prerequisite
Adjusted costs of Logistics 2, 3, 4 and 5, costs changing depending on Inserter overhaul being enabled.
Reduced cost of Fluid wagon technology.
Renamed bob-logistics technologies to logistics to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 non-contiguous technology name issue.
Warfare 0.17.3:
Renamed battery-equipment technologies to bob-battery-equipment to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 non-contiguous technology name issue.
Renamed energy-shield-equipment technologies to bob-energy-shield-equipment to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 non-contiguous technology name issue.
Power 0.17.3:
Fixed Factorio 0.17.23 Accumulator technology rename issue.
Logistics 0.17.6:
Renamed worker-robots-storage-4 technologiy to bob-infinite-worker-robots-storage to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 technology name issue when used with Big bags mod.
Added Space science pack technology prerequisite to infinite research.
Enemies 0.17.3:
Changed Bob's spawner enemy spawns to be more in line with new base game.
Bob's nests spawn further out from the starting area.
Spitters and Worms will now target their spit to a position ahead of you and not home like 0.17 base game spit projectiles.
Added option to choose Leviathan spawn frequency (at Evolution Factor 1.0)
Added option to allow harder enemies to spawn at a lower Evolution Factor level
Added option to increase the health of most bob enemies between huge and behemoth
Added option to add a higher tier spawner
Enemies 0.17.4
Fixed crash when health overhaul was enabled and super nest disabled.
Assembly 0.17.3:
Chemical plant power usage reduced from 210kW to 160kW
Assembling machine 3 power usage reduced from 375kW to 210kW
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Updated furnace and oil refinery graphics to HD
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Added colours update option
Electronics 0.17.3:
Added prerequisite of chemical processing and alloy processing to Electronics (for Carbon and Solder)
Inserters 0.17.4:
Removed the option, the GUI now just opens with Shift + E in the center and with the main GUI on the left.
Logistics 0.17.7:
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Renamed bob-infinite-worker-robots-storage technologiy to bob-infinite-worker-robots-storage-1 to make it display a number
Fixed iron underground pipe fast replace (And all other methods such as upgrade planner)
Changed default value of belt speed overhaul speed per level to 15. strange things happen unless you use specific numbers (multiples of 3.75)
Mining 0.17.3:
Added upgrade to steel-axe technology
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Modules 0.17.3:
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
MCI 0.17.3:
Changed cheaper steel energy_required to match 0.17 values
Added new steel alternative recipe in the options, on by default.
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Power 0.17.4:
Fixed oil generator smoke. It's a bit heavy, but there seems to be a bug where anything less than the current frequency causes it to not show at all.
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Removed upgrade from all technologies
Revamp 0.17.2:
Removed upgrade from chemical plant technology
Changes to satellite recipe now effect space science pack technology (Which unlocks the satellite in 0.17) instead of rocket silo.
Change rocket-fuel-updates.lua to check for what rocket-fuel.lua created instead of what it's looking for, to prevent it tripping up from other non-bob mods.
Vehicle equipment 0.17.1:
Vehicle Roboport no longer draws power. Like personal version.
Removed upgrade from all technologies
Warfare 0.17.4:
Fixed battery-equipment and energy-shield-equipment technologies locale entries
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Warfare 0.17.5:
updated bob-power-armor-3 prerequisites for 0.17.35 changes
Tech 0.17.3:
updated personal-roboport-equipment-2 for 0.17.35 changes
MCI 0.17.4:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
Assembly 0.17.4:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
electronics 0.17.4:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
Classes 0.17.5:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
Vehicle equipment 0.17.2
Added allow_robot_dispatch_in_automatic_mode to cargo wagons
Added 4 tiers of roboport and modular roboports for vehicles.
Date: 09. 05. 2019
Equipment 0.17.1:
Added missing beams.
Logistics 0.17.8:
Added higher tiers of repair packs.
Added "infinite" (max level 10) logistic trash slots research.
Warfare 0.17.6:
Increased my Artillery turret health by 1000.
Remove personal equipment. Moved to it's own mod.
Changed icons of Artillery ammo to make them more obvious, and added them to artillery technologies.
Added plasma turrets, similar to the equipment in Vehicle Equipment mod.
MCI 0.17.5:
Added Steam and Petroleum gas for gas venting (void) pump
Added sulfur-dioxide to productivity filter list
Fixed order of gears and bearings.
Added Thorium nuclear fuel processing chain.
Power 0.17.5:
Added heatpipe 2 and 3 to heat exchanger technologies to steam power option.
Added nuclear reactor 2 to new nuclear power 2 technology, on it's own option.
Added recipe tweak for the nuclear reactor.
removed MK from all tier numbers.
Modules 0.17.4:
Removed polluting circuits from module merging technologiy, as no merged modules actually use them.
Added allow_as_intermediate = false to all module combining recipes. This should cause hand crafting a no side effects high end module avoid trying to make the previous tier using the combine recipe.
Electronics 0.17.5:
Added allow_decomposition = false to a few items to avoid confusing entries.
fixed resin from heavy oil chemical plant colours
Revamp 0.17.3:
Added all rocket fuel production chain fluids to productivity filter.
Added Thorium reactor overides
Power 0.17.6:
Updated heatpipe colours on nuclear reactor 2.
Added nuclear-reactor as an ingredient to nuclear-reactor-2
MCI 0.17.6:
Added lead and random result component from nuclear fuel reprocessing recipes.
Added allow_decomposition = false to a lot of key resources. (to avoid confusing entries like it telling you electronics need lithia water)
Edited the centrifuge to use colours set on recipes (the green graphics will default to black if other modded recipes haven't set a colour.)
Side effect, the glow on the centrifuge is always white now, a game update to read colour from recipes on light sources could fix this
Updated steel plate recipe changes in such a way it shouldn't error if steel recipe has been previously removed.
Logistics 0.17.9:
New titanium chest graphics.
Added animated port to the top of the new logistic chests.
Recoloured Robochests and added HR Door animation.
Recoloured the lights on robot charge pads 2 and 3.
Adjusted Logistic zone expander to include an antenna on top instead of a chargepad. It was misleading as it hasn't had a charge pad for a long time.
Included HR Antenna graphics for LZE and LZI.
Added tier colours and HR graphics to the Roboports.
vehicle equipment 0.17.3:
fixed laser defence 2 buffer capacity.
Recoloured the lights on robot charge pads 2 and 3.
Fixed that Roboports weren't all supposed to cost steel plates
Fixed science pack replacements when Bobtech Logistic science pack exists.
equipment 0.17.2:
Recoloured the lights on robot charge pads 2 and 3.
Fixed that Roboports weren't all supposed to cost steel plates
Library 0.17.1:
Added many missing entries to bobmods.lib.recipe.difficulty_split
Added ingredient/result entry check for table on add and set functions.
Auto-bottle functions will now account for fluids with an icon size not set to 32.
Power 0.17.7:
Replaced the green glow graphics of the Reactor with Tintable versions.
The reactor tint is set by the fuel using the new tag use_fuel_glow_color = true
Added nuclear reactor 3 and nuclear power 3 technology.
Revamp 0.17.4:
removed the yellow glow graphics of the thorium reactor, to allow BobPower's tintable versions.
Increased the size of gas and fluid icons.
replaced prerequisite of nitrogen-processing from chemical-processing-2 to chemical-plant
Added Deuterium reactor overides
MCI 0.17.7:
Fixed Steel plate crafting category when Cheaper steel is on and new steel is off.
New battery icon, in both Classic and tier colour versions.
Increased the size of many icons, mostly related to Gasses.
Added Hydrogen Sulfide, Heavy water and Deuterium, and methods to get them.
Added Deuterium nuclear fuel cell and chain.
Added a script to fix fill/empty barrel icons for fluids of icon_size > 32
Enemies 0.17.5:
Recoloured nests.
Fixed odd looking worms.
Enemies: 0.17.6
Fixed odd looking biter and spitter corpses.
Warfare 0.17.8:
Replaced Glycerol icon.
Increased size of Nitroglycerin icon.
Tank dies into tank remnants, gun and sniper turrets die into gun turret remnants, laser and plasma turrets die into laser turret remnants.
Updated tank colours, purple for MK2, green for MK3.
Fixed the missing graphics on my Artillery Ammo.
Replaced robot pew pew lasers with beams.
Updated Tank fuel effectivity.
Added Robotic gun drone.
Added Robotic flamethrower drone.
Added Robotic plasma drone.
Library 0.17.2:
Added resource-generation, based on the 0.17 resource autoplace system.
Also added bobmods.lib.resource.generate_autoplace_control(control) function. it creates an autoplace-control with the given name, and adds it to the list of map-gen-presets.
ores: 0.17.2:
updated to work with library 0.17.2 resource generation system.
MCI: 0.17.8:
Updated to work with ores 0.17.2
Thorium is enabled with the ore overrides
Removed the large fluid icon barrelling fix as it is now in factorio 0.17.43
Added Alien fire liquid to flame thrower turret ammo list.
Logistics 0.17.10:
Added plasma resistances to trains.
Enemies 0.17.7:
fixed giant worm's hole size.
Added build_base_evolution_requirement to spawners.
Added damage type Plasma
Increased small poison cloud damage rate
Added poison sticker (DOT) to some poison damage weapons
Adjusted all biter/spitter resistances a little.
Reduced Liviathan health a fair bit if the health boost option is turned off. (A quater for biters, a fifth for spitters)
Giant Biters and above can deal fire/poison sticker too.
Warfare 0.17.9:
Increased the max length of laser drone's weapon to stop the beam flicker error at max range.
Fixed power armor MK3's prerequisite of power armor MK2
Added lead_target_for_projectile_speed to plasma turrets.
reduced plasma blast radius from 11 to 8
Changed plasma projectile's laser damage type to new damage type plasma, made it the highest damage type, and creates a plasma sticker.
increased small poison cloud damage rate
some fire weapons now deal fire sticker and base game's fire patch.
added poison sticker triggered by some poison damage weapons, including poison capsule/artillery shell.
Added Napalm capsule and Artillery shell.
Added plasma resistances to vehicles
Sniper turret 2 now costs cobalt-steel gear wheels and bearings.
vehicle equipment 0.17.4:
Added lead_target_for_projectile_speed to plasma turrets.
reduced plasma blast radius from 11 to 8
Changed plasma projectile's laser damage type to new damage type plasma, made it the highest damage type, and creates a plasma sticker.
Ores 0.17.3:
removed icon replacements to fix icon size error in 0.17.46.
Library 0.17.4:
Added compatabillity for fluids that have an icons table instead of icon tag.
Fix ore 5 HR glow effect.
Adjusted the resource automatic icon generation slightly.
Added an icon randomiser for resource generation.
Ores 0.17.4:
Makes use of the new icon variations.
Clock 0.17.6:
The game should no longer crash if you click the clock button in the scenario editor after never having run the game (it's hidden behind the movable editor GUI)
Added support for Robot enemy force Evolution factor display in the frame only.
MCI 0.17.9:
Added small storage tank.
Removed lead result randomness from nuclear reprocessing, instead of an average of 5 it always just gives 5.
Added bobingabout-enrichment-process as a method to get more plutonium from uranium 238.
added plutonium as a possible result of recycling uranium fuel cells, 10% chance to get 1.
Logistics 0.17.11:
Added overflow valve
Minor fix to Storage tanks.
Changed belt speed overhaul default to false, as the speeds aren't what I originally intended (0.17 only works correctly with multiples of 1.875)
Increased some train plasma resistances.
Fix possible issue with Miniloaders mod.
Changed all pipe (but not UG) stack sizes to 100
Added solder to robot brain recipes.
Warfare 0.17.10:
Fixed ammo alien fire fluid quantities.
Plasma turrets are now directional with a 120 degree firing arc (like flamethrower turrets)
increase plasma resistance on some armours.
increased plasma and acid resistances on tanks.
Increased plasma explosion scale to 400% to reflect damage area.
Added plasma weapons
Added solder to robot brain recipes.
Vehicle equipment 0.17.5:
Increased plasma explosion scale to 400% to reflect damage area.
greenhouse 0.17.1:
Added allow_decomposition = false to greenhouse cycle recipes to get rid of strange added ingredients to total raw.
updated greenhouse technology icon
Power 0.17.8:
Adjusted smoke quantities of the fluid generator.
Adjusted min_working_temperature on heat exchangers so they should require a minimum of the temperature to match the steam they produce
Higher tier reactors and heat pipes get hotter to allow the higher tier heat exchangers to more easilly reach their new required temperature.
Added burner generator entity.
Tech 0.17.4:
made adding the Logistic science pack "safe" (won't add it if it is already on the lab)
Added "Burner stage" option.
Updated lab graphics and include HR version.
Burner stage adds steam science pack and burner lab.
Burner stage locks boiler behind new Steam power technology
Burner stage locks Steam engine and all entities that require Electricity behind new Electricity technology.
Burner stage also adds new technology to unlock the Automation science pack and electric powered lab.
Burner stage also adds all appropriate prerequisites to base game and bob's mods technologies.
Mining 0.17.4:
Added steam powered mining drill 2x2 (burner clone) with 4x4 area and sideways passthrough steam pipe. The entity is tuned to work best with top tier steam, this means it will scale in power based on steam tier. speed 0.4 and 120kW per tier (2 at max speed and 600kW)
Assembling machines 0.17.5:
Added an set of oil powered steel furnaces (normal, metal mixing and chemical)
Added a burner assembling machine with speed 0.25, 60kW and size 2x2
Added a steam powered assembing machine with pass through steam pipe. The entity is tuned to work best with top tier steam, this means it will scale in power based on steam tier. speed 0.4 and 80kW per tier (2 at max speed and 400kW)
Updated graphics of Assembling machines to include HR versions (Except assembling machine 4 with updated colours turned off)
Library 0.17.5:
Added bobmods.lib.safe_insert function. Adds a string to the specified table only if it doesn't already exist.
Added bobmods.lib.recipe.enabled(recipe, bool) and bobmods.lib.recipe.difficulty_enabled(recipe, difficulty, bool) (Bool is actually a string of "true" or "false") to make adding enabled = "false" to recipes easier. (enabled needs to be on the difficulty)
Tech 0.17.5:
Fixed that a few recipes were still enabled when they shouldn't have been in burner stage (needs library update)
ores 0.17.5:
makes use of the new 0.17 ore generator if the 0.17 library version is unavailable
Power 0.17.9:
Added heat exchanger 1 tech to unlock the heat exchanger, and made it a prerequisite of nuclear power.
Added burner heat sources
Added oil burning heat sources
Revamp 0.17.5:
Nuclear update moves nuclear fuel reprocessing from a prerequisite of nuclear power to uranium processing.
Added default_fuel_glow_color to reactors.
Tech 0.17.6:
Changed internal name of burner lab from bob-burner-lab to burner-lab
Lab now costs a burner lab to build.
Assembly 0.17.6:
no longer uses the icon from bobplates, but it's own copy of it.
Steam assembling machine causes pollution. (the electric does, so I can't use "the pollution is generated by the boilers" as an excuse, as that effects electric too)
Slight balance to steam assembling machine. (uses a little less power, 300kW instead of 400kW, or 60kW per tier instead of 80kW)
MCI 0.17.10:
Renamed heavy water recipe only to bob-heavy-water internally, to fix a Py mods conflict.
Swapped the output of water and heavy water on the heavy water recipe so that it's consistant between using pure water or not.
Mining 0.17.5:
Steam mining drill now causes a small amount of pollution. (the electric does, so I can't use "the pollution is generated by the boilers" as an excuse, as that effects electric too)
Logistics 0.17.12:
Added Top up valve, lets fluid flow if the output pipe is less than 20% full.
Added an option to disable new trains.
Power 0.17.10:
Removed production science pack from Oil burning heat source 2.
Burner electric generator. Reduced power output to 400kW, increased Pollution to 15/m and added stone furnace and iron gear wheels to recipe.
Added heat pipe technology as a gateway to all technologies that use heatpipes (and T2 and T3) if steam power, burner heat sources, or nuclear power are enabled.
Logistics 0.17.13:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Fixed underground belt bounding boxes causing an error in 0.17.53.
Classes 0.17.5:
Fixed boot rubber ingredient.
Added rename button to the Avatar switcher GUI, to allow you to set a name for your characters,
Added God mode, Editor mode and switch class buttons to the Avatar switcher GUI if button is enabled and it's single player, or if the player is an admin if the game is multiplayer. Use with caution. each button is enabled with a setting.
Added close button to class select GUI, exits without choosing a class.
Removed position coordinates from the Avatar switcher GUI
Added a minimap button to each character on the Avatar switcher GUI
Inserters 0.17.7:
GUI style update (and HR too)
Fixed GUI close event. (should be able to once again close the inserter GUI by pressing E or ESC)
Classes 0.17.6:
Fixed inventory size differences.
Minor GUI update.
Inserters 0.17.8:
Fixed crash in certain GUI open/close situations.
Minor GUI update.
Logistics 0.17.14:
Moved pump next update to bob-pump-2 to the data-updates phase.
Reworked the inserter overhaul to not break (delete wires and filters etc) vanilla blueprints.
Classes 0.17.7:
Fixed crash when using /editor command.
Revamp 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Oil overhaul is now an option.
Added a new oil overhaul(on another option) that doesn't add the extra oil processing recipes, instead it replaces petroleum gas on other oil processing recipes with sour gas. This can be split into petroleum gas to make plastic and hydrogen sulfide to make sulfur and sulfuric acid. sour gas can also be vented, burned or made into fuel blocks generating more pollution than petroleum gas.
Clock 0.17.7:
Fixed crash when setting changed by script.
Electronics 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Moved "Crude oil processing" from advanced-oil-processing to oil-processing to help with the oil changes.
Inserter 0.17.10:
The Center screen GUI is now movable. Requires 0.17.59.
Logistics 0.17.15:
changed inserter graphic definitions to be friendlier to other mods.
Fixed possible inserter locale name overrides where there shouldn't have been.
updated all inserter stats.
Reverse some 0.17.60 changes
Fixed science packs for modular roboport technology.
MCI 0.17.11:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added sulfuric acid from Hydrogen Sulfide recipe
Moved "Crude oil processing" from advanced-oil-processing to oil-processing to help with the oil changes.
Reverse some 0.17.60 changes
revamp 0.17.7:
Adapted to Factorio 0.17.60.
reduced heavy oil input from coal liquifaction to help with balance.
Added chemical-science-pack to rocket fuel research.
Warfare 0.17.11:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added immune_to_rock_impacts = true to tanks.
Reverse some 0.17.60 changes
Assembly 0.17.7:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added a steam filter to the input of the steam powered assembling machine.
Fixed issue with new chemical plant graphics (Currently still uses old graphics, and colours update causes the base chem plant to use the old graphics too)
Logistics 0.17.16:
Added Storage tank with pipe connections in all 4 corners.
Fixed pump bounding box change causing error.
Electronics 0.17.7:
Changed crude oil processing recipe to have oil input on only one pipe, like new basic oil processing.
Logistics 0.17.17:
Fixed turbo inserter locale entries.
Fixed "Mod contents are different even though versions are the same" error.
Mining 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added a steam filter to the input of the steam powered mining drill.
Changed collision_box size of pumpjacks and water miners to match the base game pumpjack to fix fast replace and upgrade.
MCI 0.17.12:
Changed crude oil processing recipe to have oil input on only one pipe, like new basic oil processing.
Revamp 0.17.8:
Fixed the coal liquifaction changes.
Balanced enriched fuel from hydrazine recipe.
MCI 0.17.13:
Added a nuclear overhaul. It's optional, off by default. It makes plutonium harder to get, adds a plutonium fuel cell for the uranium reactor, and adds fusion catalyst needed to make the deuterium fuel cell, and changes most used-up fuel cell results and fuel cell's recipes and fuel values.
Halved the fuel value of Deuterium, the old value was based on pre-0.17 calculations.
0.17 launch:
ingredient_count removed from all entities.
Removed hardness from resources
fluid fuel powered boilers
Toolbelt technology in base game gives +10 inventory space, mod does the same and adds levels of character inventory space to the end.
adapted to all the changes to fuel values.
Laser turrets now shoot beams
Personal/Vehicle laser defence now shoot beams
Laser rifle now shoots beams
Change artifacts to enabled by default
my artillery projectiles are now true artillery projectiles.
Distillery added 5 levels
Oil boiler's introduced, split the steam power techs up as to not pair boilers with steam engines, or Heat exchangers with steam turbines.
Lots of other shit I didn't take note of.
upgrade planner: next_upgrade=
Belts (and UG and Splitter) done.
Assembling machines (and electronic)
Chemical, mixing and electric furnaces
water and air pumps
Chemical plants
Oil refinery
Power mod's entities, but not poles
Inserters (and stack)
storage tanks
Modules 0.17.1:
fixed game breaking crash with productivity filters
clock 0.17.1:
fixed game breaking error
inserters 0.17.1:
Fixed game breaking error when placing with a ghost inserter in hand.
logistics 0.17.1:
Fixed game breaking error when placing with a ghost inserter in hand.
clock 0.17.2:
Added more options
Change button style to match other top bar buttons
Tech 0.17.1:
Science pack cost balance.
Chemical changed to 14 seconds for 2 packs, same recipe.
Logistics now costs 2 brass chests instead of 1 steel chest.
Production science pack now costs assembling machine 2 instead of 3, and chemical plant instead of mining drill.
Utility now costs 6 processing units instead of 2.
All mods updated after this point gain a thumbnail icon
Plates 0.17.1:
Halved the power usage of my burner furnaces to bring them in line with new base game.
Furnace based resource (rubber and glass), metal plate and alloy recipes are now multiples of 3.2 instead of 3.5
change advanced electronics 3 to use production science instead of utility
Logistics 0.17.2:
added pipes for nitinol and copper-tungsten
Change fast replace group of underground pipes to pipe
Fixed belt non-HR graphics out of alignment.
Fixed wrong belts on basic underground belt.
Updated underground belt icons
Reworked inserter technology around fast inserters.
Fixed mining times of belts and pipes
Fixed train wagons and locomotive had no sprite in map view
clock 0.17.3:
Added a new font and option to change it, and colour.
assembly 0.17.1:
Chemical plant 2 speed changed to 1.75 and power consumption 260kW instead of 2 and 300kW to scale better against Chemical plant speed reduction from 1.25 to 1.
Added an option to turn ingredient limits back on
Updated recipes to use Copper tungsten pipe and Nitinol pipe if available.
Warfare 0.17.1:
All laser rifle batteries damage amount fixed.
Adjust exoskeleton equipment tiers
Power 0.17.1:
Locale entry for "enable new steam power" was mislabelled as oil refineries.
Updated recipes to use Copper tungsten pipe and Nitinol pipe if available.
Mining 0.17.1:
scaled up mining drill speeds a little. Regular doubles each level
Updated recipes to use Copper tungsten pipe and Nitinol pipe if available.
Tech 1.17.2:
fix Productivity science pack requirement
changed logistic trash slots technology to use Logistic science pack
Same to personal/vehicle roboport 2
Utility science pack gives 4 items per cycle over 28 seconds
Modules 0.17.2:
balanced technology prerequisites of effect transmission 1 and 3
fixed that Productivity/Speed/Efficiency 2 requires advanced electronics 2 and P/S/E 3 requires production science pack research
Electronics 0.17.1:
change advanced electronics 3 to use production science instead of utility
classes 0.17.1:
Fixed class select would show even when it shouldn't, such as if you were in spectator mode or map editor.
removed old classes to prevent a crash.
ores 0.17.1:
Attempted to use the new ore spawn functions. requires Factorio version 0.17.5 or later.
Assembly 0.17.2:
Converted assembling machines to new pollution.
Converted electronic assembling machines to new pollution
Converted Electronic furnaces to new pollution
Converted chemical plants to new pollution
Converted Electrolysers to new pollution
Converted Oil refineries to new pollution
Mining 0.17.2:
Changed mining drill fluid boxes to allow pass through fluid flow
Converted mining drills to new pollution
Converted pump jacks to new pollution
Converted water miners to new pollution
Plates 0.17.2:
Converted Furnaces to new pollution
converted pumps to new pollution
Converted Distillery to new pollution
Power 0.17.2:
Converted oil power generators to new pollution
Converted oil boilers to new pollution
Converted boilers to new pollution
Logistics 0.17.3:
Removed pump pollution
Classes 0.17.2:
Fixed that the character entity wasn't actually replaced.
Warfare 0.17.2:
Changed ammo stack sizes to 200 to match base game. (Gun, Shotgun, Rocket and Tank ammos)
Removed armor durability
Logistics 0.17.4:
Removed Lubricant from Logistics 3 research.
Updated pipe cost of underground pipes to match tiers.
Revamp 0.17.1:
Changed lubricant prerequisite to include "chemical plant" and removed the unlock from other technologies.
Removed the move of liquid fuel and resin from oil from oil processing to chemical processing 2.
Electronics 0.17.2:
Solder alloy (lead free) recipe always unlocks on Electronics now.
Inserters 0.17.2:
GUI opens on left when you left click an inserter, opening together with base game inserter GUI instead of point to it and press Shift + E
Classes 0.17.3:
Updated class values to reflect 0.17 changes
Inserters 0.17.3:
Added an option to choose if the Inserter configuration GUI opens with Shift + E as of 0.17.1 and older, or with the main GUI as of 0.17.2. Default will be old method.
Logistics 0.17.5:
Added options for fluid wagon and storage tank size base. this is the MK1 size and higher tiers will scale up accordingly.
Logistics 3 now has Logistics 2 as a prerequisite
Adjusted costs of Logistics 2, 3, 4 and 5, costs changing depending on Inserter overhaul being enabled.
Reduced cost of Fluid wagon technology.
Renamed bob-logistics technologies to logistics to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 non-contiguous technology name issue.
Warfare 0.17.3:
Renamed battery-equipment technologies to bob-battery-equipment to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 non-contiguous technology name issue.
Renamed energy-shield-equipment technologies to bob-energy-shield-equipment to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 non-contiguous technology name issue.
Power 0.17.3:
Fixed Factorio 0.17.23 Accumulator technology rename issue.
Logistics 0.17.6:
Renamed worker-robots-storage-4 technologiy to bob-infinite-worker-robots-storage to fix the Factorio 0.17.23 technology name issue when used with Big bags mod.
Added Space science pack technology prerequisite to infinite research.
Enemies 0.17.3:
Changed Bob's spawner enemy spawns to be more in line with new base game.
Bob's nests spawn further out from the starting area.
Spitters and Worms will now target their spit to a position ahead of you and not home like 0.17 base game spit projectiles.
Added option to choose Leviathan spawn frequency (at Evolution Factor 1.0)
Added option to allow harder enemies to spawn at a lower Evolution Factor level
Added option to increase the health of most bob enemies between huge and behemoth
Added option to add a higher tier spawner
Enemies 0.17.4
Fixed crash when health overhaul was enabled and super nest disabled.
Assembly 0.17.3:
Chemical plant power usage reduced from 210kW to 160kW
Assembling machine 3 power usage reduced from 375kW to 210kW
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Updated furnace and oil refinery graphics to HD
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Added colours update option
Electronics 0.17.3:
Added prerequisite of chemical processing and alloy processing to Electronics (for Carbon and Solder)
Inserters 0.17.4:
Removed the option, the GUI now just opens with Shift + E in the center and with the main GUI on the left.
Logistics 0.17.7:
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Renamed bob-infinite-worker-robots-storage technologiy to bob-infinite-worker-robots-storage-1 to make it display a number
Fixed iron underground pipe fast replace (And all other methods such as upgrade planner)
Changed default value of belt speed overhaul speed per level to 15. strange things happen unless you use specific numbers (multiples of 3.75)
Mining 0.17.3:
Added upgrade to steel-axe technology
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Modules 0.17.3:
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
MCI 0.17.3:
Changed cheaper steel energy_required to match 0.17 values
Added new steel alternative recipe in the options, on by default.
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Power 0.17.4:
Fixed oil generator smoke. It's a bit heavy, but there seems to be a bug where anything less than the current frequency causes it to not show at all.
Updated for 0.17.29 pollution method
Removed upgrade from all technologies
Revamp 0.17.2:
Removed upgrade from chemical plant technology
Changes to satellite recipe now effect space science pack technology (Which unlocks the satellite in 0.17) instead of rocket silo.
Change rocket-fuel-updates.lua to check for what rocket-fuel.lua created instead of what it's looking for, to prevent it tripping up from other non-bob mods.
Vehicle equipment 0.17.1:
Vehicle Roboport no longer draws power. Like personal version.
Removed upgrade from all technologies
Warfare 0.17.4:
Fixed battery-equipment and energy-shield-equipment technologies locale entries
Removed upgrade from non-effect technologies
Warfare 0.17.5:
updated bob-power-armor-3 prerequisites for 0.17.35 changes
Tech 0.17.3:
updated personal-roboport-equipment-2 for 0.17.35 changes
MCI 0.17.4:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
Assembly 0.17.4:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
electronics 0.17.4:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
Classes 0.17.5:
Updated for 0.17.35 player -> character changes
Vehicle equipment 0.17.2
Added allow_robot_dispatch_in_automatic_mode to cargo wagons
Added 4 tiers of roboport and modular roboports for vehicles.
Date: 09. 05. 2019
Equipment 0.17.1:
Added missing beams.
Logistics 0.17.8:
Added higher tiers of repair packs.
Added "infinite" (max level 10) logistic trash slots research.
Warfare 0.17.6:
Increased my Artillery turret health by 1000.
Remove personal equipment. Moved to it's own mod.
Changed icons of Artillery ammo to make them more obvious, and added them to artillery technologies.
Added plasma turrets, similar to the equipment in Vehicle Equipment mod.
MCI 0.17.5:
Added Steam and Petroleum gas for gas venting (void) pump
Added sulfur-dioxide to productivity filter list
Fixed order of gears and bearings.
Added Thorium nuclear fuel processing chain.
Power 0.17.5:
Added heatpipe 2 and 3 to heat exchanger technologies to steam power option.
Added nuclear reactor 2 to new nuclear power 2 technology, on it's own option.
Added recipe tweak for the nuclear reactor.
removed MK from all tier numbers.
Modules 0.17.4:
Removed polluting circuits from module merging technologiy, as no merged modules actually use them.
Added allow_as_intermediate = false to all module combining recipes. This should cause hand crafting a no side effects high end module avoid trying to make the previous tier using the combine recipe.
Electronics 0.17.5:
Added allow_decomposition = false to a few items to avoid confusing entries.
fixed resin from heavy oil chemical plant colours
Revamp 0.17.3:
Added all rocket fuel production chain fluids to productivity filter.
Added Thorium reactor overides
Power 0.17.6:
Updated heatpipe colours on nuclear reactor 2.
Added nuclear-reactor as an ingredient to nuclear-reactor-2
MCI 0.17.6:
Added lead and random result component from nuclear fuel reprocessing recipes.
Added allow_decomposition = false to a lot of key resources. (to avoid confusing entries like it telling you electronics need lithia water)
Edited the centrifuge to use colours set on recipes (the green graphics will default to black if other modded recipes haven't set a colour.)
Side effect, the glow on the centrifuge is always white now, a game update to read colour from recipes on light sources could fix this
Updated steel plate recipe changes in such a way it shouldn't error if steel recipe has been previously removed.
Logistics 0.17.9:
New titanium chest graphics.
Added animated port to the top of the new logistic chests.
Recoloured Robochests and added HR Door animation.
Recoloured the lights on robot charge pads 2 and 3.
Adjusted Logistic zone expander to include an antenna on top instead of a chargepad. It was misleading as it hasn't had a charge pad for a long time.
Included HR Antenna graphics for LZE and LZI.
Added tier colours and HR graphics to the Roboports.
vehicle equipment 0.17.3:
fixed laser defence 2 buffer capacity.
Recoloured the lights on robot charge pads 2 and 3.
Fixed that Roboports weren't all supposed to cost steel plates
Fixed science pack replacements when Bobtech Logistic science pack exists.
equipment 0.17.2:
Recoloured the lights on robot charge pads 2 and 3.
Fixed that Roboports weren't all supposed to cost steel plates
Library 0.17.1:
Added many missing entries to bobmods.lib.recipe.difficulty_split
Added ingredient/result entry check for table on add and set functions.
Auto-bottle functions will now account for fluids with an icon size not set to 32.
Power 0.17.7:
Replaced the green glow graphics of the Reactor with Tintable versions.
The reactor tint is set by the fuel using the new tag use_fuel_glow_color = true
Added nuclear reactor 3 and nuclear power 3 technology.
Revamp 0.17.4:
removed the yellow glow graphics of the thorium reactor, to allow BobPower's tintable versions.
Increased the size of gas and fluid icons.
replaced prerequisite of nitrogen-processing from chemical-processing-2 to chemical-plant
Added Deuterium reactor overides
MCI 0.17.7:
Fixed Steel plate crafting category when Cheaper steel is on and new steel is off.
New battery icon, in both Classic and tier colour versions.
Increased the size of many icons, mostly related to Gasses.
Added Hydrogen Sulfide, Heavy water and Deuterium, and methods to get them.
Added Deuterium nuclear fuel cell and chain.
Added a script to fix fill/empty barrel icons for fluids of icon_size > 32
Enemies 0.17.5:
Recoloured nests.
Fixed odd looking worms.
Enemies: 0.17.6
Fixed odd looking biter and spitter corpses.
Warfare 0.17.8:
Replaced Glycerol icon.
Increased size of Nitroglycerin icon.
Tank dies into tank remnants, gun and sniper turrets die into gun turret remnants, laser and plasma turrets die into laser turret remnants.
Updated tank colours, purple for MK2, green for MK3.
Fixed the missing graphics on my Artillery Ammo.
Replaced robot pew pew lasers with beams.
Updated Tank fuel effectivity.
Added Robotic gun drone.
Added Robotic flamethrower drone.
Added Robotic plasma drone.
Library 0.17.2:
Added resource-generation, based on the 0.17 resource autoplace system.
Also added bobmods.lib.resource.generate_autoplace_control(control) function. it creates an autoplace-control with the given name, and adds it to the list of map-gen-presets.
ores: 0.17.2:
updated to work with library 0.17.2 resource generation system.
MCI: 0.17.8:
Updated to work with ores 0.17.2
Thorium is enabled with the ore overrides
Removed the large fluid icon barrelling fix as it is now in factorio 0.17.43
Added Alien fire liquid to flame thrower turret ammo list.
Logistics 0.17.10:
Added plasma resistances to trains.
Enemies 0.17.7:
fixed giant worm's hole size.
Added build_base_evolution_requirement to spawners.
Added damage type Plasma
Increased small poison cloud damage rate
Added poison sticker (DOT) to some poison damage weapons
Adjusted all biter/spitter resistances a little.
Reduced Liviathan health a fair bit if the health boost option is turned off. (A quater for biters, a fifth for spitters)
Giant Biters and above can deal fire/poison sticker too.
Warfare 0.17.9:
Increased the max length of laser drone's weapon to stop the beam flicker error at max range.
Fixed power armor MK3's prerequisite of power armor MK2
Added lead_target_for_projectile_speed to plasma turrets.
reduced plasma blast radius from 11 to 8
Changed plasma projectile's laser damage type to new damage type plasma, made it the highest damage type, and creates a plasma sticker.
increased small poison cloud damage rate
some fire weapons now deal fire sticker and base game's fire patch.
added poison sticker triggered by some poison damage weapons, including poison capsule/artillery shell.
Added Napalm capsule and Artillery shell.
Added plasma resistances to vehicles
Sniper turret 2 now costs cobalt-steel gear wheels and bearings.
vehicle equipment 0.17.4:
Added lead_target_for_projectile_speed to plasma turrets.
reduced plasma blast radius from 11 to 8
Changed plasma projectile's laser damage type to new damage type plasma, made it the highest damage type, and creates a plasma sticker.
Ores 0.17.3:
removed icon replacements to fix icon size error in 0.17.46.
Library 0.17.4:
Added compatabillity for fluids that have an icons table instead of icon tag.
Fix ore 5 HR glow effect.
Adjusted the resource automatic icon generation slightly.
Added an icon randomiser for resource generation.
Ores 0.17.4:
Makes use of the new icon variations.
Clock 0.17.6:
The game should no longer crash if you click the clock button in the scenario editor after never having run the game (it's hidden behind the movable editor GUI)
Added support for Robot enemy force Evolution factor display in the frame only.
MCI 0.17.9:
Added small storage tank.
Removed lead result randomness from nuclear reprocessing, instead of an average of 5 it always just gives 5.
Added bobingabout-enrichment-process as a method to get more plutonium from uranium 238.
added plutonium as a possible result of recycling uranium fuel cells, 10% chance to get 1.
Logistics 0.17.11:
Added overflow valve
Minor fix to Storage tanks.
Changed belt speed overhaul default to false, as the speeds aren't what I originally intended (0.17 only works correctly with multiples of 1.875)
Increased some train plasma resistances.
Fix possible issue with Miniloaders mod.
Changed all pipe (but not UG) stack sizes to 100
Added solder to robot brain recipes.
Warfare 0.17.10:
Fixed ammo alien fire fluid quantities.
Plasma turrets are now directional with a 120 degree firing arc (like flamethrower turrets)
increase plasma resistance on some armours.
increased plasma and acid resistances on tanks.
Increased plasma explosion scale to 400% to reflect damage area.
Added plasma weapons
Added solder to robot brain recipes.
Vehicle equipment 0.17.5:
Increased plasma explosion scale to 400% to reflect damage area.
greenhouse 0.17.1:
Added allow_decomposition = false to greenhouse cycle recipes to get rid of strange added ingredients to total raw.
updated greenhouse technology icon
Power 0.17.8:
Adjusted smoke quantities of the fluid generator.
Adjusted min_working_temperature on heat exchangers so they should require a minimum of the temperature to match the steam they produce
Higher tier reactors and heat pipes get hotter to allow the higher tier heat exchangers to more easilly reach their new required temperature.
Added burner generator entity.
Tech 0.17.4:
made adding the Logistic science pack "safe" (won't add it if it is already on the lab)
Added "Burner stage" option.
Updated lab graphics and include HR version.
Burner stage adds steam science pack and burner lab.
Burner stage locks boiler behind new Steam power technology
Burner stage locks Steam engine and all entities that require Electricity behind new Electricity technology.
Burner stage also adds new technology to unlock the Automation science pack and electric powered lab.
Burner stage also adds all appropriate prerequisites to base game and bob's mods technologies.
Mining 0.17.4:
Added steam powered mining drill 2x2 (burner clone) with 4x4 area and sideways passthrough steam pipe. The entity is tuned to work best with top tier steam, this means it will scale in power based on steam tier. speed 0.4 and 120kW per tier (2 at max speed and 600kW)
Assembling machines 0.17.5:
Added an set of oil powered steel furnaces (normal, metal mixing and chemical)
Added a burner assembling machine with speed 0.25, 60kW and size 2x2
Added a steam powered assembing machine with pass through steam pipe. The entity is tuned to work best with top tier steam, this means it will scale in power based on steam tier. speed 0.4 and 80kW per tier (2 at max speed and 400kW)
Updated graphics of Assembling machines to include HR versions (Except assembling machine 4 with updated colours turned off)
Library 0.17.5:
Added bobmods.lib.safe_insert function. Adds a string to the specified table only if it doesn't already exist.
Added bobmods.lib.recipe.enabled(recipe, bool) and bobmods.lib.recipe.difficulty_enabled(recipe, difficulty, bool) (Bool is actually a string of "true" or "false") to make adding enabled = "false" to recipes easier. (enabled needs to be on the difficulty)
Tech 0.17.5:
Fixed that a few recipes were still enabled when they shouldn't have been in burner stage (needs library update)
ores 0.17.5:
makes use of the new 0.17 ore generator if the 0.17 library version is unavailable
Power 0.17.9:
Added heat exchanger 1 tech to unlock the heat exchanger, and made it a prerequisite of nuclear power.
Added burner heat sources
Added oil burning heat sources
Revamp 0.17.5:
Nuclear update moves nuclear fuel reprocessing from a prerequisite of nuclear power to uranium processing.
Added default_fuel_glow_color to reactors.
Tech 0.17.6:
Changed internal name of burner lab from bob-burner-lab to burner-lab
Lab now costs a burner lab to build.
Assembly 0.17.6:
no longer uses the icon from bobplates, but it's own copy of it.
Steam assembling machine causes pollution. (the electric does, so I can't use "the pollution is generated by the boilers" as an excuse, as that effects electric too)
Slight balance to steam assembling machine. (uses a little less power, 300kW instead of 400kW, or 60kW per tier instead of 80kW)
MCI 0.17.10:
Renamed heavy water recipe only to bob-heavy-water internally, to fix a Py mods conflict.
Swapped the output of water and heavy water on the heavy water recipe so that it's consistant between using pure water or not.
Mining 0.17.5:
Steam mining drill now causes a small amount of pollution. (the electric does, so I can't use "the pollution is generated by the boilers" as an excuse, as that effects electric too)
Logistics 0.17.12:
Added Top up valve, lets fluid flow if the output pipe is less than 20% full.
Added an option to disable new trains.
Power 0.17.10:
Removed production science pack from Oil burning heat source 2.
Burner electric generator. Reduced power output to 400kW, increased Pollution to 15/m and added stone furnace and iron gear wheels to recipe.
Added heat pipe technology as a gateway to all technologies that use heatpipes (and T2 and T3) if steam power, burner heat sources, or nuclear power are enabled.
Logistics 0.17.13:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Fixed underground belt bounding boxes causing an error in 0.17.53.
Classes 0.17.5:
Fixed boot rubber ingredient.
Added rename button to the Avatar switcher GUI, to allow you to set a name for your characters,
Added God mode, Editor mode and switch class buttons to the Avatar switcher GUI if button is enabled and it's single player, or if the player is an admin if the game is multiplayer. Use with caution. each button is enabled with a setting.
Added close button to class select GUI, exits without choosing a class.
Removed position coordinates from the Avatar switcher GUI
Added a minimap button to each character on the Avatar switcher GUI
Inserters 0.17.7:
GUI style update (and HR too)
Fixed GUI close event. (should be able to once again close the inserter GUI by pressing E or ESC)
Classes 0.17.6:
Fixed inventory size differences.
Minor GUI update.
Inserters 0.17.8:
Fixed crash in certain GUI open/close situations.
Minor GUI update.
Logistics 0.17.14:
Moved pump next update to bob-pump-2 to the data-updates phase.
Reworked the inserter overhaul to not break (delete wires and filters etc) vanilla blueprints.
Classes 0.17.7:
Fixed crash when using /editor command.
Revamp 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Oil overhaul is now an option.
Added a new oil overhaul(on another option) that doesn't add the extra oil processing recipes, instead it replaces petroleum gas on other oil processing recipes with sour gas. This can be split into petroleum gas to make plastic and hydrogen sulfide to make sulfur and sulfuric acid. sour gas can also be vented, burned or made into fuel blocks generating more pollution than petroleum gas.
Clock 0.17.7:
Fixed crash when setting changed by script.
Electronics 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Moved "Crude oil processing" from advanced-oil-processing to oil-processing to help with the oil changes.
Inserter 0.17.10:
The Center screen GUI is now movable. Requires 0.17.59.
Logistics 0.17.15:
changed inserter graphic definitions to be friendlier to other mods.
Fixed possible inserter locale name overrides where there shouldn't have been.
updated all inserter stats.
Reverse some 0.17.60 changes
Fixed science packs for modular roboport technology.
MCI 0.17.11:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added sulfuric acid from Hydrogen Sulfide recipe
Moved "Crude oil processing" from advanced-oil-processing to oil-processing to help with the oil changes.
Reverse some 0.17.60 changes
revamp 0.17.7:
Adapted to Factorio 0.17.60.
reduced heavy oil input from coal liquifaction to help with balance.
Added chemical-science-pack to rocket fuel research.
Warfare 0.17.11:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added immune_to_rock_impacts = true to tanks.
Reverse some 0.17.60 changes
Assembly 0.17.7:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added a steam filter to the input of the steam powered assembling machine.
Fixed issue with new chemical plant graphics (Currently still uses old graphics, and colours update causes the base chem plant to use the old graphics too)
Logistics 0.17.16:
Added Storage tank with pipe connections in all 4 corners.
Fixed pump bounding box change causing error.
Electronics 0.17.7:
Changed crude oil processing recipe to have oil input on only one pipe, like new basic oil processing.
Logistics 0.17.17:
Fixed turbo inserter locale entries.
Fixed "Mod contents are different even though versions are the same" error.
Mining 0.17.6:
Change all recipe enabled = "false" lines to enabled = false
Added a steam filter to the input of the steam powered mining drill.
Changed collision_box size of pumpjacks and water miners to match the base game pumpjack to fix fast replace and upgrade.
MCI 0.17.12:
Changed crude oil processing recipe to have oil input on only one pipe, like new basic oil processing.
Revamp 0.17.8:
Fixed the coal liquifaction changes.
Balanced enriched fuel from hydrazine recipe.
MCI 0.17.13:
Added a nuclear overhaul. It's optional, off by default. It makes plutonium harder to get, adds a plutonium fuel cell for the uranium reactor, and adds fusion catalyst needed to make the deuterium fuel cell, and changes most used-up fuel cell results and fuel cell's recipes and fuel values.
Halved the fuel value of Deuterium, the old value was based on pre-0.17 calculations.
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 1463
- Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:39 am
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Besides the changes to Bob's mods related to base game changes like pick axe is there any other changes to be expected.
- bobingabout
- Smart Inserter
- Posts: 7352
- Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 1:01 pm
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Yes. Plenty.
Lets start with the new feature. With the introduction of fluid energy source, Bobpower has added oil boilers. Remembering that a Heat Exchanger is worth 2 of it's tier of Boiler (2x B3 = HE1, 2X B4 = HE2 etc), the Oil (powered) Boiler is worth 1.5 of it's tier of Boiler. it's also set right between Boiler and Heat Exchanger on the tree, so... 1.5x B2 = OB1, 1.5x B3 = OB2 etc. Likewise a steam turbine is worth 2 of it's tier of steam engine, so 2x SE3 = ST1.
Another way of looking at it is that a Boiler MK3 can power 2 Steam Engine MK3, an Oil Boiler MK2 can power 3 Steam Engine MK3 and a Heat Exchanger (MK1) can power 4 Steam Engine MK3.
The tech tree is also going to be split so that you research boilers and steam engines separately, and heat exchangers and steam turbines separately, this allows you to pick whichever branch of the tree you want instead of being forced to research steam engines just because you want boilers, if you intend to instead use steam turbines beyond tier 3.
on that note, nuclear power will only unlock the heat exchanger, not the steam turbine, and will require a boiler MK3 to craft, as such boiler 3 will be a prerequisite.
Steam Turbine will be it's own technology branched off steam engine 3.
There are ideas for Thorium processing and a thorium burning nuclear reactor MK2, but this isn't written yet.
Crude oil has an energy value only because it was requested, however, I will be setting a pollution multiplier (keep forgetting) that is pretty high, maybe 50x, so although you can burn it directly it would be discouraged, you could process it for Heavy oil, Light oil and Petroleum gas that would likely result in more power output and far less pollution. There are some other burnable fluids/gasses in the mods such as Hydrogen, Hydrazine and Liquid fuel.
All fuel values on fluids and solids will need to be rebalanced due to the fuel value nerf in base game, due to boilers no longer having an efficiency of 50%. on top of this all burner fuel efficiency values and power consumptions will also need to be rebalanced.
Another feature of 0.17 is the upgrade planner, which marks specific entities for upgrade. what upgrades into what is defined in game data, so modders control this. I've added a fair few upgrade tags around the place. I'm fairly sure all entities in the power mod were programmed to be upgradable EXCEPT the power poles, however they can still be fast replaced.
And that's it for the power mod, for now.
The Assembly mod had the same upgrade planner treatment, as well as belts and inserters. Some other entities that could be upgradable via the upgrade planner haven't been written yet, but I have made a note that certain things like pumps need looking at.
Transport belts have also seen a buff from 13.33 Items per second per tier to 15 in the base game, so my belt speed overhaul to set things to 10 per tier with an extra tier doesn't make much sense, so I set the "IPS per tier" to be configurable, default value will be 12.5, but you can set it to what you like. 10 or 15 are both good numbers, depending if you want the old nostalgia of the current versions overhaul, or follow the current base game steps.
Seems that's the bulk of my progress so far, everything else has been bugfixing, or working around changes in the base game just to make things work. I've been working on redoing science packs too.
Pickaxes have been removed and replaced with some research to increase player mining speed.
I mentioned the Thorium thing... here is what my notes say for the plan.
I haven't decided what the Deuterium or heavy water should be for yet, but I've wanted to do the cycle for a long time.
Thorium plan also seems incomplete.
Lets start with the new feature. With the introduction of fluid energy source, Bobpower has added oil boilers. Remembering that a Heat Exchanger is worth 2 of it's tier of Boiler (2x B3 = HE1, 2X B4 = HE2 etc), the Oil (powered) Boiler is worth 1.5 of it's tier of Boiler. it's also set right between Boiler and Heat Exchanger on the tree, so... 1.5x B2 = OB1, 1.5x B3 = OB2 etc. Likewise a steam turbine is worth 2 of it's tier of steam engine, so 2x SE3 = ST1.
Another way of looking at it is that a Boiler MK3 can power 2 Steam Engine MK3, an Oil Boiler MK2 can power 3 Steam Engine MK3 and a Heat Exchanger (MK1) can power 4 Steam Engine MK3.
The tech tree is also going to be split so that you research boilers and steam engines separately, and heat exchangers and steam turbines separately, this allows you to pick whichever branch of the tree you want instead of being forced to research steam engines just because you want boilers, if you intend to instead use steam turbines beyond tier 3.
on that note, nuclear power will only unlock the heat exchanger, not the steam turbine, and will require a boiler MK3 to craft, as such boiler 3 will be a prerequisite.
Steam Turbine will be it's own technology branched off steam engine 3.
There are ideas for Thorium processing and a thorium burning nuclear reactor MK2, but this isn't written yet.
Crude oil has an energy value only because it was requested, however, I will be setting a pollution multiplier (keep forgetting) that is pretty high, maybe 50x, so although you can burn it directly it would be discouraged, you could process it for Heavy oil, Light oil and Petroleum gas that would likely result in more power output and far less pollution. There are some other burnable fluids/gasses in the mods such as Hydrogen, Hydrazine and Liquid fuel.
All fuel values on fluids and solids will need to be rebalanced due to the fuel value nerf in base game, due to boilers no longer having an efficiency of 50%. on top of this all burner fuel efficiency values and power consumptions will also need to be rebalanced.
Another feature of 0.17 is the upgrade planner, which marks specific entities for upgrade. what upgrades into what is defined in game data, so modders control this. I've added a fair few upgrade tags around the place. I'm fairly sure all entities in the power mod were programmed to be upgradable EXCEPT the power poles, however they can still be fast replaced.
And that's it for the power mod, for now.
The Assembly mod had the same upgrade planner treatment, as well as belts and inserters. Some other entities that could be upgradable via the upgrade planner haven't been written yet, but I have made a note that certain things like pumps need looking at.
Transport belts have also seen a buff from 13.33 Items per second per tier to 15 in the base game, so my belt speed overhaul to set things to 10 per tier with an extra tier doesn't make much sense, so I set the "IPS per tier" to be configurable, default value will be 12.5, but you can set it to what you like. 10 or 15 are both good numbers, depending if you want the old nostalgia of the current versions overhaul, or follow the current base game steps.
Seems that's the bulk of my progress so far, everything else has been bugfixing, or working around changes in the base game just to make things work. I've been working on redoing science packs too.
Pickaxes have been removed and replaced with some research to increase player mining speed.
I mentioned the Thorium thing... here is what my notes say for the plan.
Code: Select all
Thorium processing same as Uranium processing... 10 ore for 10 seconds -> 1 T232
19 T232 + 1 U235 + 10 iron plates for 10 seconds -> 10x thorium-fuel-cell (maybe instead of iron make it lead. same for base game fuel)
used-up-thorium-fuel-cell for 10 seconds -> 1x U233
U233 can then be used, possibly with U238 to make more fuel cells.
100 water -> Chemical plant(Or I could add pipes to the centrifuge and use that) -> 99.5 Pure water + 0.5 Semi-heavy water. (which is a generous ratio towards the heavy water, but that's still an excessively small value. You'll be pressed for what to do with all that pure water)
You already know what to do with pure water.
Semi-heavy water -> Electrolysis -> Oxygen + hydrogen-deuteride (in theory it will actually be a mix of Hydrogen, hydrogen-deuteride and Deuterium, values same as pure water electrolysis values)
hydrogen-deuteride (+ Possibly some other intermediate, like sulfuric acid) -> Chemical plant -> Hydrogen + Deuterium.
Deuterium + Oxygen -> Chemical furnace? (Only 1 fluid input, Maybe Chemical plant) -> Heavy water
Heavy water -> Electrolysis -> Oxygen + Deuterium (Reverse process of the above)
Thorium plan also seems incomplete.
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Wait. I thought the modded belts would go:bobingabout wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:20 am Transport belts have also seen a buff from 13.33 Items per second per tier to 15 in the base game, so my belt speed overhaul to set things to 10 per tier with an extra tier doesn't make much sense, so I set the "IPS per tier" to be configurable, default value will be 12.5, but you can set it to what you like. 10 or 15 are both good numbers, depending if you want the old nostalgia of the current versions overhaul, or follow the current base game steps.
Gray: 15
Yellow: 30
Red: 45
Blue: 60
Green: 75
Violet: 90
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I thought efficiency was still available to modders. Just hidden at 100% in the base game
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Soon have to start labeling violet as mach 1. I can't imagine it being safe having items fly that fast on a belt.Tomik wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:30 amWait. I thought the modded belts would go:bobingabout wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:20 am Transport belts have also seen a buff from 13.33 Items per second per tier to 15 in the base game, so my belt speed overhaul to set things to 10 per tier with an extra tier doesn't make much sense, so I set the "IPS per tier" to be configurable, default value will be 12.5, but you can set it to what you like. 10 or 15 are both good numbers, depending if you want the old nostalgia of the current versions overhaul, or follow the current base game steps.
Gray: 15
Yellow: 30
Red: 45
Blue: 60
Green: 75
Violet: 90
Those numbers are also what I expected as well. Although, I couldn't imagine many people using green/violet belts unless you love to go heavy with modules and beacons. Those that do would absolutely love it.
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Fastest tiers are for main bus - inserters start to have problems grabbing from those. You build a bus from violet ones and then split out to red/blue.Light wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:28 amSoon have to start labeling violet as mach 1. I can't imagine it being safe having items fly that fast on a belt.Tomik wrote: Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:30 amWait. I thought the modded belts would go:bobingabout wrote: Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:20 am Transport belts have also seen a buff from 13.33 Items per second per tier to 15 in the base game, so my belt speed overhaul to set things to 10 per tier with an extra tier doesn't make much sense, so I set the "IPS per tier" to be configurable, default value will be 12.5, but you can set it to what you like. 10 or 15 are both good numbers, depending if you want the old nostalgia of the current versions overhaul, or follow the current base game steps.
Gray: 15
Yellow: 30
Red: 45
Blue: 60
Green: 75
Violet: 90
Those numbers are also what I expected as well. Although, I couldn't imagine many people using green/violet belts unless you love to go heavy with modules and beacons. Those that do would absolutely love it.
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
What kind of plans do you have for Science and its recipes, considering that this has gotten a pretty significant overhaul in vanilla.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I'm not going to reply to anyone specific here, just a general response.
by default belt speeds will go from grey, yellow, red, blue, purple, green... 7.5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75.
if you enable the speed overhaul they will go 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75, but you also have a "Belt speed per tier" option set to 12.5.
if you change that to 15, then the belt speeds will go 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90.
Keep in mind that a speed of 75 in 0.17 still physically moves on the belt at the same speed as a 66.66 speed belt in 0.16, which is what green belts move at if you don't turn on the speed overhaul, and only 60 if you do. This is because items are 1 pixel closer together in 0.17, and why I chose the numbers that I did.
To note, setting insane speeds doesn't crash the game, I accentually did a multiply by 32 instead of divide by 32 and ended up with an express belt speed 40960ips, which when you step on it instantly teleports you 160 tiles away.
As for inserters, even with these faster values, an ultimate inserter should be able to grab items off an ultimate belt. How do I know this? back during the overhauls, I did experiments to see just what inserters could grab items from what belts, my findings was that basically, an inserter can grab from a belt of the next tier up, so a fast inserter could grab items of an express belt with no issues.
Science overhaul, there is one, but it's not exactly balanced in it's current state, and after removing the flying robot frame from utility science, I'm a bit stuck as to what to replace it with that's high-tech enough to make sense.
by default belt speeds will go from grey, yellow, red, blue, purple, green... 7.5, 15, 30, 45, 60, 75.
if you enable the speed overhaul they will go 12.5, 25, 37.5, 50, 62.5, 75, but you also have a "Belt speed per tier" option set to 12.5.
if you change that to 15, then the belt speeds will go 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90.
Keep in mind that a speed of 75 in 0.17 still physically moves on the belt at the same speed as a 66.66 speed belt in 0.16, which is what green belts move at if you don't turn on the speed overhaul, and only 60 if you do. This is because items are 1 pixel closer together in 0.17, and why I chose the numbers that I did.
To note, setting insane speeds doesn't crash the game, I accentually did a multiply by 32 instead of divide by 32 and ended up with an express belt speed 40960ips, which when you step on it instantly teleports you 160 tiles away.
As for inserters, even with these faster values, an ultimate inserter should be able to grab items off an ultimate belt. How do I know this? back during the overhauls, I did experiments to see just what inserters could grab items from what belts, my findings was that basically, an inserter can grab from a belt of the next tier up, so a fast inserter could grab items of an express belt with no issues.
Science overhaul, there is one, but it's not exactly balanced in it's current state, and after removing the flying robot frame from utility science, I'm a bit stuck as to what to replace it with that's high-tech enough to make sense.
- Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Hey Bob!
I like the idea of the oil boilers, we always make dirty energy
What's up with compressor and Pump? Their box is 2x2 but the model looks like a 2x1
What is the rate for the different MK boilers-steam engines? 1:20:40 (offshore-boiler-steam engine) is looks like working for MK1 and 2.
What's your plan with pickaxe removal? Will we get the upgraded mining speeds (like cobalt) after researching the tech?
Do you plan to add some kind of Trash can? (a container which deletes the items placed in)
Do you plan to add some kind of loaders? (Like Deadlock's compact ones)
Do you plan to add new ores? (0.17 and beyond)
I like the idea of the oil boilers, we always make dirty energy

What's up with compressor and Pump? Their box is 2x2 but the model looks like a 2x1
What is the rate for the different MK boilers-steam engines? 1:20:40 (offshore-boiler-steam engine) is looks like working for MK1 and 2.
What's your plan with pickaxe removal? Will we get the upgraded mining speeds (like cobalt) after researching the tech?
Do you plan to add some kind of Trash can? (a container which deletes the items placed in)
Do you plan to add some kind of loaders? (Like Deadlock's compact ones)
Do you plan to add new ores? (0.17 and beyond)
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Don't worry, I'm working on new graphics.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am What's up with compressor and Pump? Their box is 2x2 but the model looks like a 2x1
Basically the same, the difference is the temperature of the steam.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am What is the rate for the different MK boilers-steam engines? 1:20:40 (offshore-boiler-steam engine) is looks like working for MK1 and 2.
Replacing it with a technology that increases mining speed.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am What's your plan with pickaxe removal? Will we get the upgraded mining speeds (like cobalt) after researching the tech?
No, but there are existing mods out there that add things like this.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am Do you plan to add some kind of Trash can? (a container which deletes the items placed in)
no, most loader mods add in bob's mods additional tiers, so with all this 3rd party support, I didn't feel it necessary to do it myself.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am Do you plan to add some kind of loaders? (Like Deadlock's compact ones)
Nothing currently planned.
- Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Thanks for your answers, and for your awesome mods.bobingabout wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 12:02 pmDon't worry, I'm working on new graphics.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am What's up with compressor and Pump? Their box is 2x2 but the model looks like a 2x1
Basically the same, the difference is the temperature of the steam.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am What is the rate for the different MK boilers-steam engines? 1:20:40 (offshore-boiler-steam engine) is looks like working for MK1 and 2.
Replacing it with a technology that increases mining speed.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am What's your plan with pickaxe removal? Will we get the upgraded mining speeds (like cobalt) after researching the tech?
No, but there are existing mods out there that add things like this.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am Do you plan to add some kind of Trash can? (a container which deletes the items placed in)
no, most loader mods add in bob's mods additional tiers, so with all this 3rd party support, I didn't feel it necessary to do it myself.DawnbringerHUN wrote: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:23 am Do you plan to add some kind of loaders? (Like Deadlock's compact ones)
Nothing currently planned.

- bobingabout
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
With the recent changes to science packs, as shown in FFF 275, I've been thinking back to a suggestion that someone once made that I rejected many years ago.
This suggestion was given to me back when the only science packs were 1, 2, 3 and Alien.
The suggestion was basically to pick different trees, Logistic, Automation, Production, Military etc, and make a science pack 1, 2 3 and 4 for each of them.
Given that currently in 0.16 we have what is effectively science packs 1, 2, 3 and high tech being 5, with military, production and with bob's mods, Logistics, plus space for infinite, and also alien based science packs, I'm reconsidering this suggestion.
what I'm considering, and this is mostly just thinking at the moment, is a system something like...
Science pack 1 would just be a materials pack, Stone, Iron plate and Copper plate. Assuming you have bob's plates installed, maybe also Tin.
Science pack 2 would be Lead, Steel, Bronze, maybe Glass too. Obviously we can't really have a 2nd tier without bob's mods here.
Science pack 3 would start to include resources where you have to venture out of your starting area. Aluminium, Brass (or straight up Zinc), Nickel, Cobalt. could also include non-ores like Plastic.
Science pack 4 could include Titanium, Tungsten, and Ceramic.
I've mostly listed raw materials, but it could also include intermediates, like electronic circuits, engine units and stuff.
Science pack 3 in new 0.17 is chemical, featuring solid fuel, engine unit and a circuit. Throw in some new material like Aluminium (my existing SP3 includes bronze) and this is quite fitting.
Starting at science pack 2. probably not much different than existing science pack 2, a belt, an inserter.
Science pack 3 would keep the inserter and belt tradition, depending what's available with logistics mod or not. Probably red belt and a red inserter, steel chest, perhaps a flying robot frame.
Science pack 4, basically existing bob's mods logistic science pack level. Blue inserter and belt, higher tier flying robot frame, logistic chest of some kind.
other items to think about could be rails, Pipes, storage tanks. Vehicles would be pushing it a but far to be honest.
Not much thought here yet either, but again starting at science pack 2.
Could include things like guns, ammo, robots, Walls, Turrets...
Could also be more dependant on alien artifacts.
Production science:
Again I've not put much thought into what exactly would be in each pack yet, but like everything except Materials, start at level 2 and go to level 4.
Would likely include things like buildings, assembling machines, furnaces etc. Could also include some modules.
High Tech / Utility science pack:
Could keep a unified SP5, or split it into each group.
Space science will remain for infinite research, possibly alternate versions for Logistics, Production and Military.
That's a lot of science packs to try and squeeze into one lab, so if you look at my alien lab, it doesn't even try. currently gold science is science packs 1+2+3 fused together.
Lets ditch the whole "this is tech 4, so you need production science and all the packs that came before it" method. It's tier 4, it should cost science packs in the 3 and 4 range, not below.
As such, "Lab" would only include science packs 1 and 2 from all branches. additionally there'd be higher tier labs for 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5, you will need to upgrade your labs in order to research higher tier things, but also not replace them entirely in case you need to come back to that one research you missed.
Of course you could keep the "Lab" around for legacy and external mod support.
These are my thoughts so far. what do you think?
This suggestion was given to me back when the only science packs were 1, 2, 3 and Alien.
The suggestion was basically to pick different trees, Logistic, Automation, Production, Military etc, and make a science pack 1, 2 3 and 4 for each of them.
Given that currently in 0.16 we have what is effectively science packs 1, 2, 3 and high tech being 5, with military, production and with bob's mods, Logistics, plus space for infinite, and also alien based science packs, I'm reconsidering this suggestion.
what I'm considering, and this is mostly just thinking at the moment, is a system something like...
Science pack 1 would just be a materials pack, Stone, Iron plate and Copper plate. Assuming you have bob's plates installed, maybe also Tin.
Science pack 2 would be Lead, Steel, Bronze, maybe Glass too. Obviously we can't really have a 2nd tier without bob's mods here.
Science pack 3 would start to include resources where you have to venture out of your starting area. Aluminium, Brass (or straight up Zinc), Nickel, Cobalt. could also include non-ores like Plastic.
Science pack 4 could include Titanium, Tungsten, and Ceramic.
I've mostly listed raw materials, but it could also include intermediates, like electronic circuits, engine units and stuff.
Science pack 3 in new 0.17 is chemical, featuring solid fuel, engine unit and a circuit. Throw in some new material like Aluminium (my existing SP3 includes bronze) and this is quite fitting.
Starting at science pack 2. probably not much different than existing science pack 2, a belt, an inserter.
Science pack 3 would keep the inserter and belt tradition, depending what's available with logistics mod or not. Probably red belt and a red inserter, steel chest, perhaps a flying robot frame.
Science pack 4, basically existing bob's mods logistic science pack level. Blue inserter and belt, higher tier flying robot frame, logistic chest of some kind.
other items to think about could be rails, Pipes, storage tanks. Vehicles would be pushing it a but far to be honest.
Not much thought here yet either, but again starting at science pack 2.
Could include things like guns, ammo, robots, Walls, Turrets...
Could also be more dependant on alien artifacts.
Production science:
Again I've not put much thought into what exactly would be in each pack yet, but like everything except Materials, start at level 2 and go to level 4.
Would likely include things like buildings, assembling machines, furnaces etc. Could also include some modules.
High Tech / Utility science pack:
Could keep a unified SP5, or split it into each group.
Space science will remain for infinite research, possibly alternate versions for Logistics, Production and Military.
That's a lot of science packs to try and squeeze into one lab, so if you look at my alien lab, it doesn't even try. currently gold science is science packs 1+2+3 fused together.
Lets ditch the whole "this is tech 4, so you need production science and all the packs that came before it" method. It's tier 4, it should cost science packs in the 3 and 4 range, not below.
As such, "Lab" would only include science packs 1 and 2 from all branches. additionally there'd be higher tier labs for 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5, you will need to upgrade your labs in order to research higher tier things, but also not replace them entirely in case you need to come back to that one research you missed.
Of course you could keep the "Lab" around for legacy and external mod support.
These are my thoughts so far. what do you think?
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
Sounds really interesting.
I see where it could get tricky to play around with what would end up as lots of science packs.
Would end up at what... like 12 of them total?
I think space science with potentially diffrent variants depending what you send in the rocket would be nice.
I see where it could get tricky to play around with what would end up as lots of science packs.
Would end up at what... like 12 of them total?
I think space science with potentially diffrent variants depending what you send in the rocket would be nice.
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
My plan there lists 15.orzelek wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 7:57 pm Sounds really interesting.
I see where it could get tricky to play around with what would end up as lots of science packs.
Would end up at what... like 12 of them total?
I think space science with potentially diffrent variants depending what you send in the rocket would be nice.
4 for material, 3 each for logistic, production and military, High tech/Utility and Space. Potentially more if you include high tech and space being split up too.
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
This sounds like a remarkable pain in the ass, while also conflicting with pretty much every mod that uses many packs per lab.
Having multiple lab areas to handle a few select techs sounds like a chore and not worth building towards, especially with the base labs comprising the majority of all base game and non-Bob mod techs. Assuming there are good techs to be obtained, you'd create a temporary lab setup for the research then instantly tear it down once it's done, only to never be used again. That's rather counterproductive and time wasting compared to a proper lab setup that's useful and can be upgraded over the entire course of the game.
Multiple pack tiers also seem redundant and can even soft-lock you by preventing you from researching ahead for better recipes. Even though you may lack the materials to create the structures, the recipes from a tech could help you better prepare for advanced materials in the near future. Tier packs undermine that by forcing you to halt advancement until you get that material first, when a recipe further down the tree could have been very useful but now has come too late.
I could be off the mark on how you're viewing the process, but I simply dread the idea of having to constantly fuss around with such a core gameplay element just to get something simple done.
Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
there is not much to add to this.Light wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 8:35 pmThis sounds like a remarkable pain in the ass, while also conflicting with pretty much every mod that uses many packs per lab.
Having multiple lab areas to handle a few select techs sounds like a chore and not worth building towards, especially with the base labs comprising the majority of all base game and non-Bob mod techs. Assuming there are good techs to be obtained, you'd create a temporary lab setup for the research then instantly tear it down once it's done, only to never be used again. That's rather counterproductive and time wasting compared to a proper lab setup that's useful and can be upgraded over the entire course of the game.
Multiple pack tiers also seem redundant and can even soft-lock you by preventing you from researching ahead for better recipes. Even though you may lack the materials to create the structures, the recipes from a tech could help you better prepare for advanced materials in the near future. Tier packs undermine that by forcing you to halt advancement until you get that material first, when a recipe further down the tree could have been very useful but now has come too late.
I could be off the mark on how you're viewing the process, but I simply dread the idea of having to constantly fuss around with such a core gameplay element just to get something simple done.
except i hate increasing science pack count in general, unless it adds some unique technology branch (like alien packs for ammo). and tiering science packs in each respective category, particulary because you might want to progress at different pace in different branches.
- Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I don't see any discussion here yet of the assembler complexity limit being dropped. I know I saw some discussion on that in the other thread. Are there any plans solidified yet as far as whether you'll be keeping the item limits?
- bobingabout
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Re: [0.17.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion
I have already stated somewhere in the 0.16 general discussion thread that I have already removed all ingredient count limits from all machines in my mod. I currently have no plans to add any back in, but it has been suggested that I make it an option in the settings.anorganicbear wrote: Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:28 am I don't see any discussion here yet of the assembler complexity limit being dropped. I know I saw some discussion on that in the other thread. Are there any plans solidified yet as far as whether you'll be keeping the item limits?