[0.16.51]Deconstructing larges areas of filled belts make UPS go way down

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Burner Inserter
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[0.16.51]Deconstructing larges areas of filled belts make UPS go way down

Post by drelnar »


I am in the middle of refactoring my base to be ready for 0.17 and large areas need to be cleaned so i can rebuild them.

AS soon as i deconstructed alot the UPS goes way down, from 60 to 21, deconstructing more doesnt seem to make it worse

cancelling the deconstruction immediately restores UPS

No mods are being used

https://we.tl/t-3XmxNe5m0H for the savegame
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Re: [0.16.51]Deconstructing larges areas of filled belts make UPS go way down

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I managed to improve the logic that's running slow for 0.17 - it's still not amazing so I might try some other ideas.

In the meantime the main issue is running out of robots. If you had more robots to do the work you've asked of them it would actually take less CPU time trying to send robots to work on stuff :P
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [0.16.51]Deconstructing larges areas of filled belts make UPS go way down

Post by weaknespase »

Well, only temporarily, until that said robots queue for the charging. Then it becomes even worse, and increasing number of roboports in attempt to make more charger ports also makes it worse, only lowering amount of bots actually helps (obviously). Was that the slow part?
Burner Inserter
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Re: [0.16.51]Deconstructing larges areas of filled belts make UPS go way down

Post by drelnar »

kinda yes, deconstruction starts, robots go to work until 0 remain, robots start charching might be part of the issue, UPS goes down tahts for sure

When constructing things its works perfectly fine with not enough drones, only when there arent enough drones for deconstructing its slows down, is it actually the recharging that triggers it ? il try to find some time tonight to play with it abit more
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Re: [0.16.51]Deconstructing larges areas of filled belts make UPS go way down

Post by Rseding91 »

It's not the recharging. It's that you don't have any robots that can go work on deconstructing but the game keeps trying to find robots to send to deconstruct.

Once something is in-progress of being deconstructed the game keeps sending more robots if it has items in it that they need to remove first. That logic isn't rate-limited so you have 2000+ things being worked on that it checks each tick to try to send more robots - but you have none to send.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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