New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

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New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by LocknRol »

Hi bought the game today and I'm addicted. It's bloody brilliant. I have, however an issue. I am disabled and cannot easily use keyboard and mouse at the same time:. Having to use ASWD to move wee guy if difficulty for me. I wonder, is there a mod or some other way to get the guy to automatically follow my pointer, or click to move him. This could be a big barrier to me playing game to full effect.

Any help will be much appreciated. I know this game has potential to become a classic of epic proportions. I'd hate for my impairment (the use of one hand) to prevent my enjoyment of it.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by Mr. Tact »

A quick Google found this:

I make no claims to how well, or if it even works.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by 5thHorseman » ... 719255183/

I found this Reddit thread. If you have AutoHotKey installed (and if you're disabled I recommend it in general) then it will hit WASD when you put your mouse cursor at the appropriate edge of the board. You could probably rewrite it to do the same when you have the mouse in the appropriate quadrant and right click. Watch out though, make a dead zone or you'll walk around while mining :)

Also, you need to hit "e" a lot in this game. I'd suggest binding that to a mouse button, and if you don't already have one find a mouse with a lot of buttons on it so you can map a lot of keys to those buttons.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by LocknRol »

I'm not having much luck with this. I have managed to get edge detection version to kind of work, but not the one that uses right mouse button. Do any of you have advice?
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by ratchetfreak »

Is a joystick an option? I believe there is native support for controllers in factorio.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by Jap2.0 »

If you don't have anything by this weekend, I'll see if I can throw something together in auto hotkey. (You are using Windows, correct? Unfortunately Auto Hotkey doesn't work on Linux.)
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by LocknRol »

Thank you so much. Yes, I am using windows.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by Koub »

Have you ever considered to use such type of devices ? ... QBA#imgrc=_

Note : it's the only one I know the name of, but I'm sure there are many brands that make such peripherals. If your disability is that you can use only one of your hands, maybe this could help ?
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by darkfrei »

How about just teleport to the target place by the click with special in-game tool?

A little bit too cheatty, but no pathfinding is needed.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by LocknRol »

The gamepad looked interesting, but a quick google search reveals all keypads to be left handed. It is my left hand that is unusable. You have all been very kind trying to help me, but I am fed up buying games to discover that I am unable to play them. Recent examples include:

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mutant - year zero

I really want to be able to play this game. I have assigned 'e' and 'r' to mouse and I am currently try to figure out keys to quickly grab and place things in furnaces, like i have seen in tutorial videos, but still i cannot quickly and easily move the wee guy. Tasks I see people accomplishing in minutes online take me upwards of an hour (first steps lvl 2 took me 3 hours to complete). I think that if the wee guy could closely follow my mouse pointer then part of my problem would be fixed. It would not however solve the problem that i cannot move and shot. I have to stop in order to fire my gun.

What is 'the special in-game tool'?
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by LocknRol »

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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by evopwr »

Really glad you found it!

I'm going to post the script here, so it can't be lost, in case other people find it useful in the future,


Made by Bazul for comments or questions

Home - Marks the centre of the screen in order to calculate your direction later.
Use this when hovering over your character.
End - Toggles autowalk on and off, for when you need to middle click in inventories
MButton - Hold down the scroll wheel (middle mouse button) somewhere on the screen
for your character to walk in that direction.
All it does is push WASD depending on which direction you click
Ctrl+ESC - Exits the script, just incase it breaks something and you need to stop it




*MButton Up::
send {w up}{d up}{s up}{a up}



SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ifWinActive, Factorio
send {w up}{d up}{s up}{a up}
MouseGetPos, xCentre, yCentre
Toggled = true
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
Tooltip, MouseWalk Enabled - Centre: %xCentre%:%yCentre%, 100, 10
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000



SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ifWinActive, Factorio
if(%Toggled% == false){
Toggled = true
Tooltip, MouseWalk Enabled, 100, 10
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000
}else if(%Toggled% == true){
Toggled = false
Tooltip, MouseWalk Disabled, 100, 10
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 3000




SetTitleMatchMode, 2
ifWinActive, Factorio
while (%Toggled% == true)
while GetKeyState("MButton")
MouseGetPos, xPos, yPos
xMod := (xPos-xCentre)
yMod := (yPos-yCentre)

xAbs := Abs(xMod)
yAbs := Abs(yMod)

radrad := atan(yMod/xMod)
degdeg := (radrad*57.29578)-67.5

if (xMod < 0) {
degdeg := degdeg + 180

sector := floor(degdeg/45)+4

if ((xAbs + yAbs) < 100){
sector = 9

if (sector == 0){
send {w down}{d up}{s up}{a up}
} else if (sector == 1){
send {w down}{d down}{s up}{a up}
} else if (sector == 2){
send {w up}{d down}{s up}{a up}
} else if (sector == 3){
send {w up}{d down}{s down}{a up}
} else if (sector == 4){
send {w up}{d up}{s down}{a up}
} else if (sector == 5){
send {w up}{d up}{s down}{a down}
} else if (sector == 6){
send {w up}{d up}{s up}{a down}
} else if (sector == 7){
send {w down}{d up}{s up}{a down}
} else if (sector == 8){
send {w down}{d up}{s up}{a up}
} else {
send {w up}{d up}{s up}{a up}
; MButton
; Toggled
; WinActive


SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off

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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by Mr. Tact »

LocknRol wrote: Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:36 pm Got it! I ****ing got it: ... ey_script/
Cool. Auto Hot Key has fixed a lot of things.
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by LocknRol »

Any idea how I create batch file that will run script followed by factorio exe? I have never made one
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by 5thHorseman »

LocknRol wrote: Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:52 am Any idea how I create batch file that will run script followed by factorio exe? I have never made one
Do you know how to run this batch file from a dos prompt? Do you also know how to run Factorio from a dos prompt?

If so, make a text file with 2 lines:

Code: Select all

call <what you type to run the batch file>
<what you type to run factorio.exe>
It will likely look something like:

Code: Select all

call c:\util\factorio_autohotkey.bat
Note you "call" batch files, but just type exe's like you would at the dos prompt. Because Windows.
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Disabled player, accessibility advice

Post by LocknRol »


Every time i see a youtube video of this game i'm dying to play it, but due to my physical impairment i find it almost impossible. I can only use one hand, meaning i can only use mouse. Now, i've tried autohotkey to move the wee guy, but spend most of my time trying to move the guy, rather than building and learning game. There is absolutely no way i could shot an alien and move.

I'm thinking the only way i can get anything out of game is the sandbox, but aswd is still used to move around the map. Is there a mod or anything out there that would at least give me edge scrolling. It's really frustrating, because the concept of this excites me. I've played satisfactory, but this seems to have way more complexity and interesting.

Any advice is appreciated.
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Re: Disabled player, accessibility advice

Post by DaveMcW »

Unfortunately accessibility is not a design priority in Factorio.
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Re: Disabled player, accessibility advice

Post by Jap2.0 »

I think I remember seeing something about edge scrolling (maybe in AHK), let me see if I can find it.

Edit: several different scripts and solutions at 64432
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Re: New disabled player - difficulty using keys to move

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merging topics. Fun fact, same OP for both threads.
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Re: Disabled player, accessibility advice

Post by Mr. Tact »

LocknRol wrote: Sat Jan 04, 2020 3:19 am There is absolutely no way i could shot an alien and move.
Turn the enemies off -- you can do this in the initial settings when you start a game. I do this in about half my games. Some people think the enemies are a key principal of the game, others feel there is no reason for them to be in the game. Whatever. The reality is, as the game is written, they are an early annoyance -- in the mid and late game, they pose little to no threat. In your case however, yeah -- probably more than you can handle. But personally, I think the game is much more about the planning and logistics than battling aliens.
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