TLDR: A recipe "family tree" so you can tell at a glance what you'll need in your assembly line
As a new player I find myself struggling to design assembly lines for some later-game products because it involves so many levels of things to build and I can't hold it all in my head at once.
I believe having quick access to a UI like mocked-up above would help immensely.
Pressing a key, say, F1, while holding or hovering over an item would open its recipe tree. Clicking on an item above/below the current item would show the tree for that item, allowing players to quickly navigate up and down the whole recipe tree.
This is very similar to the research tree.
Unlike the research tree I've aligned items horizontally depending on how many steps away they are from the item we want to make. I think it is important in this case since products have to be physically moved from one assembing machine (chemical plant, etc) to the next, it's not just a matter of unlocking everything that's above what we want.
I've also limited to 3 levels of parent components and scaled them down as they go to prevent the tree from getting too wide to see all of it on one screen.
In my use case I don't care much about the products so I'm not sure how many levels of products would be useful, I'd be happy with
A similar mod is What is it really used for? which essentially does this but without the tree-like UI, and only showing the immediate components and products of an item.
https://mods.factorio.com/mod/what-is-i ... y-used-for
Does this make sense? What do y'all think?