Glass Pipes

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Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:59 am

Glass Pipes

Post by Tomplus »

We have accessories with hardened glass, simply glass.

But there are no glass pipes. So that you can see how the fluid flows along the entire length and not in a small window.

I don't have artistic skills, but maybe someone else has fine glass pipes.

What should the parameters have?
- standard capacity 10.

And underground pipes can be from a different material, e.g. plastic or metal or ceramic.
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Re: Glass Pipes

Post by CJ5Boss »

Parameters should definitely go based on the material if you're looking for realistic effects. As for the recipes, that should also be based heavily on the material, and balanced to seem realistic to the amount of flow allowed. But that's just my opinion, of course make the parameters whatever you wish!
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Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2016 10:59 am

Re: Glass Pipes

Post by Tomplus »

Glass can be used to transport heavy liquids, but it is glass with additional chemical properties.
Just like furniture glass will be different from window glass cars or barriers.

I know that.

However, I do not know how to move it to Factorio game :D
The flow should be visible along the entire length of the pipe.

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