SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

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SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

updated Sjt Dirty Ores to v.16.

as ores are depleted they are replaced with dirty ore and then trace ore that need more processing to be able to used like normal resources

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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by ZombieMooose »

Yes! Thank you. Loved this mod but it wasn't compatible with a lot. I'll be able to check tomorrow and see if there's any problem.

Merry Christmas! (On the west coast)
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

ZombieMooose wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:31 am Yes! Thank you. Loved this mod but it wasn't compatible with a lot. I'll be able to check tomorrow and see if there's any problem.

Merry Christmas! (On the west coast)
Merry Christmas.

Ya, let me know if you find any issues. i threw this together in a few hours to fix all the issues porting it.

and for anybody reading this. i haven't tested it with any other mods though so idk if its good to go with bobs, angel, py, and any other mods. work pc igpu doesn't like loading a lot of extra graphics.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by ZombieMooose »

Looking at the code it looks like Bob's should be fine, but they were using the old config format instead of settings, and had to input ores by hand.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

ZombieMooose wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 6:56 am Looking at the code it looks like Bob's should be fine, but they were using the old config format instead of settings, and had to input ores by hand.
ya I noticed that. im going to convert that over to a settings file and test mods over the next few days. pretty sure at minimum angels will require some tweaks to be made for it to work. i know i need to check and do that right away as i know somebody will ask for it sooner rather than later.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by ZombieMooose »

Well I'd like to formally ask for a setting where trace and dirty ores are the norm and standard ores are rare. If at all possible.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

ZombieMooose wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 8:12 am Well I'd like to formally ask for a setting where trace and dirty ores are the norm and standard ores are rare. If at all possible.
you want both trace and dirty ores to spawn on the map in place of normal ore?

scratch that question. ill make the spawning of both of them toggle-able. then you can choose weather you want dirty ore and/or trace ores to spawn. i haven't really ever edited the spawn rate of an ore so ill have to play with it a bit to see what it needs
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by ZombieMooose »

I'm actually wondering how that will work with RSO now, might mess it up.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

idk. ill get with orzelek and between the two of us we should be able to figure it out
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by Arch666Angel »

Idea: merge this with the Infinite ores mod :)
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

Arch666Angel wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:53 am Idea: merge this with the Infinite ores mod :)
Hadn't occurred to me but might as well. Can just make settings for that 2
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by aklesey1 »

kingarthur wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:22 am
Arch666Angel wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:53 am Idea: merge this with the Infinite ores mod :)
Hadn't occurred to me but might as well. Can just make settings for that 2
Hey it'll be interesting addition to PYCP if u can add compatility to it i hope it'll be not so over-complicated :)
Interesting how py ground borer will have some by-products like soil or stone or clay or lime stone?
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by ZombieMooose »

I think "trace" ores are infinite at the cost of requiring more resources to process.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by featherwinglove »

All I wanted for Christmas! This isn't exactly me, but I had a similar look on my face...
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...when I refreshed the mod page in the middle of looking for Dp77 FactorioPlus updates (the versions I have don't seem to be compatible with each other.) SJT Dirty Ores was basically the mod keeping me playing 0.14 instead of 0.16. Thank you very much :mrgreen:

Arch666Angel wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 10:53 am Idea: merge this with the Infinite ores mod :)
ZombieMooose wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 2:19 pm I think "trace" ores are infinite at the cost of requiring more resources to process.
I don't think a merger is actually necessary because SJTDO makes all ores infinite, you just need sulfuric acid (so that needs to be a lot easier to make than in vanilla) and a rather massive processing backend for not a whole lot of throughput. (Disclaimer: I haven't played this version yet.)

I do have a recommendation: a capsule that erases trace ores so I can get rid of old trace ore patches that I'm expanding over. Ore patches in the starting area usually don't make it to trace before I want to build over them, and they become eyesores.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

featherwinglove wrote: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:47 pm I don't think a merger is actually necessary because SJTDO makes all ores infinite, you just need sulfuric acid (so that needs to be a lot easier to make than in vanilla) and a rather massive processing backend for not a whole lot of throughput. (Disclaimer: I haven't played this version yet.)

I do have a recommendation: a capsule that erases trace ores so I can get rid of old trace ore patches that I'm expanding over. Ore patches in the starting area usually don't make it to trace before I want to build over them, and they become eyesores.
This version is still the same as the old one still. At this time all I've done is get it updated. So it should be exactly like the old Version.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

just posted an update.

ive added some settings and made a few tweaks. i changed that trace ores by default was infinite and added settings to allow toggling of infinite ores for dirty and/or trace ores. i added setting that allow the dirty and traces ore to spawn on map without needing deplete regular ore or even have any on the map.

i also tested with bob, angels, ab, and pymods. i fixed the errors that kept them from loading. does not work with rso as of yet. just kind of ignores that rso is active and the map gen vomits ores everywhere.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by featherwinglove »

The bummer is that something in the first version crashed hard in my latest mod pack, so I switched over to YAIOM. It's unlikely to be worth diagnosing in an environment where I'm probably the only person with these particular 135 mods (combining Cross Mod mountains-enabled and Stone Age makes for a brutal first hour, and before I dropped Eat Or Die, it genuinely felt like Klei's Don't Starve and I was wondering why the oboe wasn't tooting. The number and popularity of quick start mods seems to indicate that most people who want an industrial game with space travel later on with that nasty of an early game are probably still in Age of Engineering Minecraft.)
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

featherwinglove wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:10 pm The bummer is that something in the first version crashed hard in my latest mod pack, so I switched over to YAIOM. It's unlikely to be worth diagnosing in an environment where I'm probably the only person with these particular 135 mods (combining Cross Mod mountains-enabled and Stone Age makes for a brutal first hour, and before I dropped Eat Or Die, it genuinely felt like Klei's Don't Starve and I was wondering why the oboe wasn't tooting. The number and popularity of quick start mods seems to indicate that most people who want an industrial game with space travel later on with that nasty of an early game are probably still in Age of Engineering Minecraft.)
Any chance I could get a copy of that save to test. I've been retooling dirty ores as the old version was not at all coded to play nice with mods. Whatever edgecase broke it in your mod pack is likely to show up in other places 2.
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by featherwinglove »

kingarthur wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:21 pm Any chance I could get a copy of that save to test.
Nope, it was a loading screen crash. My instinct, FWIW, says it's probably Stone Age. It has some resource changes coming from the control.lua side of things, and is still very new and crufty. The original 0.14 version I had playing with Hard Crafting very nicely, although some of the stuff coming out of the ore patches were abominations like trace gravel and dirty dirt. They sound more like Pokemon moves than anything that belongs in Factorio :lol:
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Re: SJT Dirty Ores Remastered

Post by kingarthur »

featherwinglove wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:46 pm
kingarthur wrote: Sat Dec 29, 2018 10:21 pm Any chance I could get a copy of that save to test.
Nope, it was a loading screen crash. My instinct, FWIW, says it's probably Stone Age. It has some resource changes coming from the control.lua side of things, and is still very new and crufty. The original 0.14 version I had playing with Hard Crafting very nicely, although some of the stuff coming out of the ore patches were abominations like trace gravel and dirty dirt. They sound more like Pokemon moves than anything that belongs in Factorio :lol:
I mean the one you started with using yaiom
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