Automated guided vehicles (AGV)

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Re: Automated guided vehicles (AGV)

Post by nosports »

for such a case i would have one or more carts circling all needy station, especially the electric cart has no need for a fuel, albeit its somewhat expensiver to build, but in the long term - meeh 8-) and filling up all chest.

limiting the chest-amount to desired volume, so that if low volume the oncoming cart will fill it up and then to the next station.
I don't see a real need for such a complicated steering, especially with so low a volume that a belt is not an option.

you can limit the chest easily to connect the inserter to the chest and set up a threshold when the insert is working.

beside with a ever circling cart there is a given chance to have a shorter response time because eventually a cart is already on the way.
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Re: Automated guided vehicles (AGV)

Post by Tairon96 »

I have tried logistic carts a bit more. And I am sorry, but there are too many limits for them to work properly for a AGV system with some kind of smart logistic control.
  • There is no circuit signal, if a logistic cart is removed or destroyed while trying to fulfill a request. This signal is needed to limit the number of carts on a single route. The other option would be to return to the push logic again *)
  • Although you can get a signal from a bypassing cart (standing on a short term stop), it is awfull to get a cart through a gate: A bundle of circuits (RS-latch + clock) is needed to open the gate and keep it open for a short time. In the case of a small detached outpost, you would need to include all these circuits within the walls... and your small outpost would need more and more space.
  • The logi carts do not stop if there is an obstacle in front of them. They try to ram the obstacle. A wrong parking tank will win the fight. In the case of a car I don't know. Nonetheless the cart might be destroyed if there are no repair droids at hand. And there is no signal to inform the player about the parking tickets attached to his tank... or later about the destroyed cart.
As I have said in another thread, using a push logic is kind of building a factory like an assembly plant for Ford Model T. It is not wrong to use this logic. But it is a little bit old school. It's not very suitable for a futuristic factory, is it?
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2018 6:38 am

Re: Automated guided vehicles (AGV)

Post by Tairon96 »

I have tried logistic carts a bit more. And I am sorry, but there are too many limits for them to work properly for a AGV system with some kind of smart logistic control.
  • There is no circuit signal, if a logistic cart is removed or destroyed while trying to fulfill a request. This signal is needed to limit the number of carts on a single route. The other option would be to return to the push logic again *)
  • Although you can get a signal from a bypassing cart (standing on a short term stop), it is awfull to get a cart through a gate: A bundle of circuits (RS-latch + clock) is needed to open the gate and keep it open for a short time. In the case of a small detached outpost, you would need to include all these circuits within the walls... and your small outpost would need more and more space.
  • The logi carts do not stop if there is an obstacle in front of them. They try to ram the obstacle. A wrong parking tank will win the fight. In the case of a car I don't know. Nonetheless the cart might be destroyed if there are no repair droids at hand. And there is no signal to inform the player about the parking tickets attached to his tank... or later about the destroyed cart.
*) As I have said in another thread, using a push logic is kind of building a factory like an assembly plant for Ford Model T. It is not wrong to use this logic. But it is a little bit old school. It's not very suitable for a futuristic factory, is it?
Radar : Damnit, we are surrounded! :o
Artillery : Great, now I can attack in every direction! :D
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