[0.10.x] entities with mineable result of "" crash the game

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[0.10.x] entities with mineable result of "" crash the game

Post by Rseding91 »

Factorio allows an entity to have a mineable result of "" which crashes the game when you go to mine it.

Steps to reproduce:
  • Create a simple entity (container for example)
  • Set the mineable result to ""
  • Place the entity in-game and mine it
Note the game allows "" for the result but removing result completely throws an error. I would expect it to detect a blank or invalid mineable result and throw an error on load.
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Re: [0.10.x] entities with mineable result of "" crash the g

Post by kovarex »

Thank you for the report, this is the way I fixed it:
Changelog 0.10.5 wrote: Fixed setting of minable. Empty result (result="") triggers error message. No result specification makes the entity to have no mining result, but let it be minable.
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