That's pretty quick answered:
Because the underlying topic has not been solved satisfactory.
So you say a feature that can be abused for data mining has to be turned on by default?
Ask yourself the consequent question: Why are users doing this?The average player doesn't check the settings "just in case there's a way I could help the developers", so opt-in is a bad idea. A popup after starting the game will be dismissed without much considering. For popup dialogs on crashes, I think Twinsen has you covered:Twinsen wrote: βFri Feb 23, 2018 9:08 pm Apart from the extra implementation time, players will still often click "Don't send", either because that's what they have been doing for many years or because they just want to quickly get back in the game or because they feel that the crash was somehow their fault.
I'll give you a hint:
In the past -and now!- there's too much abuse with direct or indirect data mining. A big part of the internet is affected.
At least I can, otherwise I'd have quit playing or blacklisted Factorio's server in my router. But that's not the point. You can't relativize a bad choice with a switch option.And you can always disable this feature anyway.
I do care about my privacy, and I'm watching very precisely who and how is collecting data.Why do you even care if it's on or off by default?
If you talk about trust, then send me the source code of the game. Anything else is out of question.This thing is not supposed to create trust. It relies on trust. Your trust in the developers.
Slow down, Mister. EULA's do change. Anyway, as long as we can talk about such things to each other there's a relationship at eye level.It's in the EULA. Don't complain about things you blindly agreed to because that was your fault, not the developer's for not bringing this to everyone's attention.
And, please, I am never be told to accept anything without reason. Never. Please internalize this.
Well, then you'd have one customer less.In my opinion, there shouldn't even be an option to disable this. Not for this kind of data at least.
You have nothing to hide? Seriously? Not even your privacy? You don't mind that with those data is made much money without share? You don't mind that your data can be found in much data bases, and therefore be abused?If privacy is an illusion, it's probably best not to break it. I know that Windows 10 sends a lot of data. I also know that it sends much more than I think it does. But I don't care. I have nothing to hide from Microsoft. Or any other big company collecting feedback (that is only valuable to them and them only) AND statistics.
We have exchanged each other's points of view, and we can't get to a consent. That's pretty bad but not to change unless someone is prepared to overthink one's position.I'm not gonna continue further either because it's "unhealthy". Read the rest of the topic. I just felt like summarizing my points again.
You did not discuss to any of my arguements, did not quote just one of them, but stating over & over again that a data collection against user's will is a good thing. Well, I never will be part of such a system. I honestly regret.