BobTrains and BobBiters

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

Moderator: bobingabout

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BobTrains and BobBiters

Post by Termak »

Do higher tier trains run through biters easier, do armored trains go through biters easier?
Has anyone tested how big bobs trains need to be to not stop when hitting biters?
I have started to have stopping train problems since bobwagons take 4-8 times more cargo than vanilla ones so trains dont need to be that long.
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Re: BobTrains and BobBiters

Post by bobingabout »

It's probably something complex between speed and weight as to how much kinetic force the vehicle has. the main branch gets lighter but faster and more powerful, so from the one hand, the higher speed means they should plough through more, but the reduced weight could mean they get stopped easier too.

The armoured is heavier, so in theory, Armoured 2 is the best for ploughing through biters.
Testing? I've not really tried.

Also, I do have bigger more powerful biters, I don't think even my most powerful train would win over a leviathan.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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