However the whole "burner" stuff makes little sense as obviously you can't create motion from burning coal itself. The actual motion is generated by steam produced by vaporizing water.
And guess what - we DO have a machine for the conversion - the Boiler - which converts coal and water into steam able to provide mechanical power in a form of steam to entities.
We do already have a pipe connection capabilities on entities so it makes a lot of sense to introduce a set of entities to extend the start of the game and make it a lot more interesting and not something that is intended to rush through and forget.
We can introduce:
- Steam Mining Drill (replacing burner mining drill). Such mining drill will have the same size and pipe connections as Uranium Mining Drill allowing to streamline the liquid supply to a mining line and teach a new player what has to come later. Alternatively the mining drill can have a single pipe on its back to connect steam but I would go for the first (more general) scenario
- Steam Assembler (replacing MK1 assembler). This one can use the general assembler pipe connection.
- Steam Workshop (steam analog of Research Lab)
- Steam inserters (replacing burner inserters). Steam inserters get pipe connections at their sides (both sides) allowing to chain connect them through the pipe line along the assembler line.
This can really extend the beginning period and make it really interesting to play through. Also steam age fits so well into Factorio style.
Also steam does not require any wood being available to the player (for power poles) making the factory pretty unique and stylish.
And you know... PIPES all around is awesome.
At some point a player can research electricity and repurpose those boilers to produce electric power using Steam Generators.