[MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

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[MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

Type: Mod
Name: Actual Craft time
Description: Display actual craft times for assemblers, furnaces and rocket silo in a small GUI
License: MIT License
Version: 0.5.5
compatible: most mods should be compatible
Incompatible: none known
Release: 08/13/2020
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.18.x
Category: helper
Tags: craft time, items per second
Factorio Mod portal: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Actual_Craft_Time
Download-Url: https://github.com/osldgoth/Actual-Craft-Time/releases

Version History
Last edited by osldgoth on Thu Aug 13, 2020 5:52 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by Wildejackson »

This is really useful! I do have a suggestion however: perhaps some information telling me how many inserters I need? As a conversion of items/s
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

Wildejackson wrote:This is really useful! I do have a suggestion however: perhaps some information telling me how many inserters I need? As a conversion of items/s
Can you give me some examples of recipes where number of inserters is needed? Glad you find the mod useful.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by nuhll »

I dont see any change after enabling the mod.

DO i understand it correct that it should tell me how many items per seconds its producing after selecting a receip in a assembler?

Edit: lol its that big thing top left, didnt see. (i have big screen) :lol:

Why display in items per second I guess its not usefull for the most items? What about per 10 sec? (or make it editable) (its just graphical i would say) But very nice idea, i also had this in my mind for some months now.

Could you add it to the normal tooltip?

Anyway will use it now in every playthru.. does it work with bobs and angels?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

nuhll wrote: Why display in items per second I guess its not usefull for the most items? What about per 10 sec? (or make it editable) (its just graphical i would say) But very nice idea, i also had this in my mind for some months now.
Wildejackson wrote:perhaps some information telling me how many inserters I need?
I have considered allowing the user to edit the items per sec value via a machine multiplier. So a text box that accepts a number 1 - 10+ (default 1). This would assume all machines have the same speed/prod effects. 3 machines = 3 * #ofProducts/time. I have also considered showing inserter information (thanks wildejackson) for ingredients(maybe products) and belt information (wildejackson's suggestion expanded). Such that a machine that shows 8.95i/s for an ingredient would also show a % of a whateverbelt. IE: 8.95/13.33=67% of a yellow belt. which tells me (in this case) I know I don't need a red belt but can't sideload on a yellow belt all at a glance. I can do this already to a point, just takes a little thought.
nuhll wrote: Could you add it to the normal tooltip?
Are you talking about the main GUI for the assembler? no. I can't change or add information to it. Which is why everything is in my own GUI at the top left. Are you talking about a tooltip such as seen on mouse over on a product or ingredient? Possibly.
nuhll wrote: does it work with bobs and angels?
I am assuming it works for all mods till someone tells me it doesn't, I have not tested bob's/angels myself.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

If anyone is interested, I have a new version ready for testing/feedback. v0.2.4 https://github.com/osldgoth/Actual-Craf ... tag/v0.2.4
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

Went ahead and updated to v0.2.5
Added labels for inserter sprites
Modified tooltip strings for clarity
Fixed bug in rare case where there is no recipe when slider is used
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by zerberuz »

first of all great mod! made my life so much easier.

On Topic:

After updating my mods today I'm running into this error message:

while-loop force stopped. This should not be - something may have gone wrong! Notify ACT Mod Author
this might have something to do with Bob's Electronics, but I'm not a 100% sure yet.
So far I'm getting this error only with electronics related factories- vanilla and bob's assembly ones
I hope you can identify the cause.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

zerberuz wrote: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:22 am Hey,
first of all great mod! made my life so much easier.

On Topic:

After updating my mods today I'm running into this error message:

while-loop force stopped. This should not be - something may have gone wrong! Notify ACT Mod Author
this might have something to do with Bob's Electronics, but I'm not a 100% sure yet.
So far I'm getting this error only with electronics related factories- vanilla and bob's assembly ones
I hope you can identify the cause.
As far as I can tell, in your case, there is no actual error. It happens when an ingredient or product is greater than 12.2 * 25 = 305i/s in one machine. At this point I think I'll just cap it at 12 and leave the loop quietly. Unless you use the corners with bob inserters you can't use more than 12 stack inserters to input items into a machine. Perhaps one day I'll figure out how to calculate the throughput of any inserter with just ingame figures and I'll be able to show how many bob's super ultra extreme teleport inserters are needed instead of stopping at vanilla stack :)
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by Greysion »

Hey there!

I'm getting the same error message. I've got a simple inserter putting stone bricks into an assembler and I'm getting an error every time I open the assembler interface.


The only other mods that are affecting the Assembler are Big Bags and Angel's Refining.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by qqday »

Since the text is written in LUA code, I tried language localization, but it is very unfriendly to language localization. Can you fix this part?
please forgive me for speaking from Google Translate
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by qqday »

like this
1.png (127.02 KiB) Viewed 11581 times
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

qqday wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 3:34 pm like this

Right, I'll work on it
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by qqday »

You can directly use localised_name,I tried to fix this bug, but I can't figure out how to use localised_name. :shock: :shock:
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by Sander_Bouwhuis »

I am currently trying this mod out.

I see there are inserters in the gui. Does that mean that when I see a blue inserter it means I need at least the speed of a blue inserter to get the ingredients in and end product out onto a belt or chest? And if it is a yellow/brown inserter, that would be fast enough?

If so, does that take into account when you have stack inserters?
Also, does this take into account any modules in the machine?
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

Sander_Bouwhuis wrote: Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:25 am I am currently trying this mod out.

I see there are inserters in the gui. Does that mean that when I see a blue inserter it means I need at least the speed of a blue inserter to get the ingredients in and end product out onto a belt or chest? And if it is a yellow/brown inserter, that would be fast enough?

If so, does that take into account when you have stack inserters?
Also, does this take into account any modules in the machine?
Yes to all. Though keep in mind it is only an estimate, I won't guarantee the numbers are correct.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by Sander_Bouwhuis »

Ok, that is better than I can do.
All the calculations with speed, ore hardness, and module efficiencies are way too obtuse.

Thanks for this mod!
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by Greysion »

Hey again,

Sorry to be a bother, but in a multiplayer server with AAI Industries, we're occasionally getting a crash with this error message.


Is there anything that can be done to work around this issue? If you need more advanced logs, please let me know and I'll do my best to provide. The issue is replicated purely by moving the slider up and down 1 through 5 and occasionally (not always) it will give this message and crash the server.
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by osldgoth »

Greysion wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 2:49 am Hey again,

Sorry to be a bother, but in a multiplayer server with AAI Industries, we're occasionally getting a crash with this error message.

Is there anything that can be done to work around this issue? If you need more advanced logs, please let me know and I'll do my best to provide. The issue is replicated purely by moving the slider up and down 1 through 5 and occasionally (not always) it will give this message and crash the server.
what version of ACT are you using? I'm not reproducing the error. try updating to v0.2.8 https://github.com/osldgoth/Actual-Craf ... tag/v0.2.8
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Re: [MOD 0.16.x] Actual Craft Time

Post by Greysion »

osldgoth wrote: Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:10 pm what version of ACT are you using? I'm not reproducing the error. try updating to v0.2.8 https://github.com/osldgoth/Actual-Craf ... tag/v0.2.8
Hi there,

Apologies, the reproduction steps I posted weren't quite accurate. It turns out that there's a little bit more to the issue, which is seemingly why it only happened while I was playing with my friend.

The issue is 100% reproducible when two players are altering two different machine recipe sliders at the same time.

The issue does not reproduce when two players modify the same machine recipe slider, or when one player modifies the slider under any other condition.

Apologies again for the confusion before. I actually tried to reproduce myself after you said that you couldn't reproduce it yourself and I couldn't reproduce it either for a while. We only just found out why the error was occurring a few moments ago. We're now going to try upgrading to the github version and see if that fixes it. We had been using the workshop version up until now (0.2.6).

Edit: It actually seems to only need one person to be fiddling with the slider for the bug to occur. If two players both have the GUI up, it only needs one player moving the slider to crash the game.
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