[MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant

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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.32

Post by Veden »

Kitsune wrote: Thu Sep 20, 2018 1:14 pm Heya. :D

I have a new question, if i use the "disable vanilla ai", the biter dont expand, right? but what's about that other option below it that "enable migration"? Can i understand it that way, that the biters expand again? or do they only reinforce their base but dont make new ones? :? :?: That way i have to uncheck "disable vanilla ai" and turn on the "enable migration" that the biters even expand and dont sit still?
Disable vanilla AI turns off the original AI attack waves, base expansion, and new bases.

Rampant has its own versions for the above features, if you disable migration then biters wont expand or make new bases within the Rampant AI.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.32

Post by Kitsune »

Oki, as i understand that, i have to turn on in the main game migration feature, turn on the "disable vanilla ai" and the "enable migration" from the rampant menu? then biters will found new nests?
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.33

Post by POPISowyNumer »

I have problems with making bugsies attack me
there's lot of bugs near my walls that don't attack me, and lots of bugs who just are on some peninsula deep into my pollution cloud and far away from any actual wall, who just stand here and kill my ups

it might have something to do with it being old-ass map, but if you could tell me how to troubleshoot it, i'd be cool.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.33

Post by Veden »

I would need a save to help troubleshooting.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.33

Post by POPISowyNumer »

Veden wrote: Mon Oct 15, 2018 8:38 pm I would need a save to help troubleshooting.
Here's my save and my modlist
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Oy vey all hail nukes 49.zip
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.33

Post by VDOgamez »

Hello, I've been having difficulty getting this mod to work properly on the map that I'm using. Reading around, it sounds like due to pathfinding limitations Rampant might just be incompatible with water-heavy maps that tax the pathfinding? Whenever there isn't a straight-ish line to their target, the enemies will form groups at their nests that just sit there for a while and then dissolve into wandering biters. Even when they do find a path they'll often get stuck on cliffs and dissolve there. Additionally, when they make it to defended chokepoints (where biters have already been killed), they seem to just dance back and forth right outside the defenses rather than attacking, until they too dissolve.

Am I correct in assuming that this is just a limitation of the mod on far-from-default map settings like mine, or is this unusual enough that I should prepare a save file? Thank you for any help you can give.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.33

Post by Veden »

VDOgamez wrote: Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:54 pm Hello, I've been having difficulty getting this mod to work properly on the map that I'm using. Reading around, it sounds like due to pathfinding limitations Rampant might just be incompatible with water-heavy maps that tax the pathfinding? Whenever there isn't a straight-ish line to their target, the enemies will form groups at their nests that just sit there for a while and then dissolve into wandering biters. Even when they do find a path they'll often get stuck on cliffs and dissolve there. Additionally, when they make it to defended chokepoints (where biters have already been killed), they seem to just dance back and forth right outside the defenses rather than attacking, until they too dissolve.

Am I correct in assuming that this is just a limitation of the mod on far-from-default map settings like mine, or is this unusual enough that I should prepare a save file? Thank you for any help you can give.
Rampant does path resolution at the chunk level, so if your map has lots of water that cuts the chunks into weird shapes or removes most of the walk-able land, then yes Rampant will have issues. In 0.17, some of these issues should get better because I can turn off group disbanding.

The dancing is due to them trying to path around the location and not being able to maneuver. There may be things I can do to make this better, but would need a save.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by BlueTemplar »

With the new
Version: 0.16.34
Date: 10. 19. 2018
- Increased building pheromone generator by 10x
What is the point of

Code: Select all

if we aren't even able to place :
- offshore pump + boiler + generator (20+120+80)
- 2 assemblers (2x100)
- 2 furnaces (2x120)
- 22 transport belts +2 splitters (22x10+2x15)
- solar panel + accumulator (80+100)
- radar (200)
- lab + assembler (150+100)
- 1 gun turret + 30 walls (100+30x5)
anymore, on a single chunk, without them being considered as emitting pheromones as Raiding targets ?

Code: Select all

	if (natives.state == AI_STATE_RAIDING) then
	    if (basePheromone > RAIDING_MINIMUM_BASE_THRESHOLD) then
		total = total + basePheromone
BobDiggity (mod-scenario-pack)
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Veden »

You are looking at the AIAttackWave Valid Candidate function?

If you are, the function is used for determining when to spawn new groups around nests.

So if a nest is covered by the minimum threshold of base pheromone with raiding enabled than it will be allowed to spawn unit groups in the adjacent chunks.

If that doesn't answer your question, let me know and I will try to better explain it.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by BlueTemplar »

Ok, I had (wrongly it seems) assumed, that this function was to determine whether a chunk was a valid candidate for an attack, and so it was counting the pheromones emitted by buildings in that chunk, rather than the pheromones that had "drifted in"...
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Bloodymight »


I had an issue with RAM usage in factorio, game was suddenly eating 13 GB of RAM in main menu. Thought it was normal since I have like 90 mods installed which are active

Still after trying to figure out how my game suddenly eats so much RAM I tried removing mods to find the cause

turns out it was rampant, since after removing it RAM usage dropped from 13GB to 900 MB.

How can a single mod eat 12 GB of RAM?
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Veden »

If you max tiers and variations of the new enemies you will need alot of RAM.

To get around the factorio engine restrictions for variation in the enemy, I generate sprites sheets programmatically to fill in the roster to have variable enemy stats.

You should tailor the requirements for RAM by adjusting the number of variations and/or tiers.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by SunTroll »

Is it safe to enable building safety on map in progress? (I tested it in freeplay and it seems to work fine.)
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Veden »

SunTroll wrote: Mon Nov 12, 2018 8:40 pm Is it safe to enable building safety on map in progress? (I tested it in freeplay and it seems to work fine.)
Should be just fine.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by SunTroll »

Is the 60% wall resistance to acid working?
It says your mod modified it but it also doesn't display any resistance.
It says your mod modified it but it also doesn't display any resistance.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by burninghey »

Crashing Factorio!

Download save files here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AkTNbE8Yl30ZgT9jV4d9JvfphEH8

Factorio crashed the first time while autosaving. Loading this autosave - autosave3 - crashes the game instantly.
Older autosave - autosave 2 - loads fine.

Abused water fill to make invincible wall, loads of enemies around. I don't like to cheat but there was no way to keep up with enemy progression. Research cost x10 and expensive mode means I'm slow as hell. Even a heads up with custom scenario, a chest with 2000 red science packs and some defense didnt help me out. At some point, I decided to dig a canal instead of removing rampant. Will be interesting if i ever need to expand my base.

Anyway, using multiple mods, removing rampant it loads, with rampant crash.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Veden »

SunTroll wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 10:15 pm Is the 60% wall resistance to acid working?
Should be working, The resistance were hid in the base game.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Veden »

burninghey wrote: Fri Nov 30, 2018 2:44 am Crashing Factorio!

Download save files here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AkTNbE8Yl30ZgT9jV4d9JvfphEH8

Factorio crashed the first time while autosaving. Loading this autosave - autosave3 - crashes the game instantly.
Older autosave - autosave 2 - loads fine.

Abused water fill to make invincible wall, loads of enemies around. I don't like to cheat but there was no way to keep up with enemy progression. Research cost x10 and expensive mode means I'm slow as hell. Even a heads up with custom scenario, a chest with 2000 red science packs and some defense didnt help me out. At some point, I decided to dig a canal instead of removing rampant. Will be interesting if i ever need to expand my base.

Anyway, using multiple mods, removing rampant it loads, with rampant crash.
Sounds like the save was garbled when factorio crashed. Have you had any issues otherwise?
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Nerchio »

Does it make any sense to use Rampant with a mod changing the map into something like this? Or they will be just lost and I should focus on base building difficulty rather than enemies?

I am asking mostly because the biters sent a few waves at some point but since then they stopped attacking and I am around ~10hours in.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.17+] Rampant - 0.16.34

Post by Veden »

Nerchio wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:44 pm Does it make any sense to use Rampant with a mod changing the map into something like this? Or they will be just lost and I should focus on base building difficulty rather than enemies?

I am asking mostly because the biters sent a few waves at some point but since then they stopped attacking and I am around ~10hours in.
I haven't loaded a map with that mod, so I am not sure.

The mod does path resolution at the chunk level, so if the world map cuts up all the chunks into strips smaller than a single 32x32 chunk then you will most likely have problems with path resolution.
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